Agricultural Tourism

Zimmermann can be called as (1996) as carried through tourist activity in the agricultural way, compromised with the agricultural production and the local development, where its demand is sufficiently specific, therefore it is composed in people who search the contact with the field, as diverse sensations of those of the great cities, being therefore a new modality of to be developed Tourism. The agricultural terminology, therefore, engloba aspects sociocultural, economic, demographic and physical, understanding for the places moved away from the urban nuclei and industrial centers agricultural, characterized by low demographic density and that they keep alive the cultural traditions. It is noticed, then, that the Agricultural Tourism allows the diversification of the activities of the field, transforming them, however, in attractive tourist, in which the daily one, culinrios customs, plates, the natural environment and the rustic constructions, among others agricultural elements. Such motivate the Tourist to look the agricultural way, in the desire to rescue its culture and origin, or to move away it, it tumult and of the pollution of the environment of the great cities. The potentialities of the Agricultural Tourism for agriculturists the transformations in the society, the rhythm of work, urbanization, has made with that some proprietors of agricultural areas perceive the enormous potential of demand for the field, having searched to adjust its properties to receive visitors. Another factor beyond the yield of this activity, that takes its implantation, is the question of the difficulties of farming agriculture and the national ones. The Agricultural Tourism if becomes a form of diversification of activities, dividing proper activities of the work of the field, the agricultural production, as on activities to the leisure, education, tourism and the rendering of services in general in some States of Brazil, as in other countries (GIMENES, 2003). On the basis of given gotten in the site of the ABIH? Brazilian association of Industries of Hotels (2006), according to statisticians of the south of the country, each tourist who arrives the country property to pass the day leaves, on average, 15,00 R$ e, in case that it remains for 24 hours (it spends the night and three meals), this value goes up for R$ 50,00.

Corporative Site

CAREER PLAN In this phase we go to describe a plan of intervention and accompaniment, being presented a career plan in order to improve the organizacional climate and the motivation of the laborers of the plant. PLAN OF CAREER OF THE LABORERS:it is of extreme importance to promote a change in the behavior of the group. In this in case that we go to promote a career plan stops in the company of Mr. Matos; SECTION 1 (CONSCRIPTION CONCEPT) Before presenting a plan of career for the laborers of the company of Mr. Matos, we go to describe the conscription concept.

The companies need human capital to fulfill its objectives, goals and missions, and for this reason they need to search form of if keeping competitive innovators and. According to CHIAVENATO (2004), the conscription of people can be understood as a process that the entity uses to attract qualified candidates, using the specific techniques and methodologies, with the intention to supply its necessity in the election processes. CHIAVENATO (2003) pontua that the conscription is carried through from the referring data ace current and future necessities of human capital of the companies and consists of a study on the sources capable to supply specific necessities that will make possible ace organizations to reach its objectives. We will soon present plus a career plan the company Mr. Matos: Internal conscription (INTERVENSO) It consists of the spreading of the opened vacant in, inside of the company, focando the domestic market as pontecial recruiter of qualified employees to assume the chance in different sectors and activities; External conscription The same it happens when the organization searchs in the work market the candidates for an election process. Half of Conscriptions The ways of conscription the vehicles used for the organizations to notify its vacant external internal or. Half of Conscriptions more Used – Corporative Site or of Job: it is a way of conscription more chosen by many organizations for the attraction of professionals.

Use Blackberry App World

Perhaps it sees well, after the few words on Blackberry App World peloseu official site, you already knows of what this is treated post but does not know to comoutilizar it, I go to show to you as to use the applicatory ones of the Blackberry Apps that you low for its proper cellular telephone Blackberry. Acabeifazendo a small text demonstrating as it is simple to look for, to search to ebaixar applicatory available in the store on-line of Blackberry. Remembering quevoc also it can also have access for its computer in house, but today not voufalar on this in this post. In first place, if you not yet made downloads for cellular, want to say, odownload of the system Blackberry App World in its smartphone, he makes now. After everything that is of the installation in its Blackberry, he opens aplicativoque you lowered. He goes will find an indication screen initial, that mostrarpara you first applicatory them in prominence, and normally, essesaplicativos are lowered. In the prominences he is possible to see I number it deestrelas, wants to say, the amount of downloads, high notes, etc& , that is, that is a summary of what the applicatory one can make for you, and the deaplicativo type: FREE, FREE DEMON, or PAID (Pago). A necessary thing namely, noBrasil not yet is available applicatory the PAID ones, therefore for enquantotodos they are of favours.

You can clicar the TrackBall for the side that apareceromais applicatory in prominence. However, in the same screen you have a small menu of icons that servempara to sail in the store. In this menu you can you have the option to select osaplicativos for the section Categories, section better FREE, section better PAID, section To search (To look for), and section My World. In the section of Categories, the type of applicatory will vocpoder to choose which that you are interested. It can serBusiness, Finances, Games, Maps, Trip, photo, music, etc& To all they are 17categorias different, subcategorias for one better filtering of what vocrealmente it looks for. In the section of categories, they are mixed applicatory FREEe the PAID ones. In section TOP FREE more you will see the 25 applicatory ones lowered and commelhores notes and commentaries in the store. To finish, he only lacks more importante& to lower for the applicatory one dApp World that you would like to use. First I will choose the applicatory one and cliquenele, the first option is to make download, clicando in to this will aplicativoser it option lowered and installed automatically exempting, you of any problem. After installed, it is alone to have access the main menu of applicatory its brinquedinho and abriro for its icon bred.

Ecologically Correct Establishment

Hall of beauty as an establishment ecologically corretoLarissa Caires de a Cruz? pupil of the FAALJerusha Mattos Chamber? Prof. Dra. of the FAAL (FAAL – College of Administration and Arts of Limeira) ResumoA ambient question it is a reality that arrived definitively at the modern companies. if does not deal with one delayed one to awake of ecological conscience, the adhesion practical the ambiently correct ones has been carried through for companies who not only want to be in compliance with the ambient legislation, but also to develop measured that they diminish the impact on the environment guaranteeing a good ambient marketing. The main objective of this article is to tell as a beauty hall can apply ecological techniques in order to be an ecologically correct establishment, based in the experimental methodology, through the comment of the place in study, with intention to analyze the installation and to identify possibilities to improve the use of substances cousins, insumos, water and energy.

1 – IntroduoA ambient question is a reality that arrived definitively at the modern companies. if does not deal with one delayed one to awake of ecological conscience of the entrepreneurs and controlling, but a business strategy, why it can mean advantages competitive (BERN, 2006). Also responsible for the pollution of the nature, the beauty halls must search solutions ecologically sustainable. According to Hairstylist Robson Trindade in a substance for BSG, to adhere practical the ecological ones, only brings benefits for the halls of beauty. The amount of garbage generated for the halls, and the lack of separation of the same, as well as expense of energy and water, is great damages in such a way for the environment, how much for the entrepreneur. In the way that the world if finds, with many natural catastrophes happening, to adhere acts that contribute with the improvement of the environment, it is in the long run to bring an improvement, for the gifts and future generations.