FSE Platinum AG from Hamburg informed on the subject of risk protection for entrepreneurs Hamburg August 2010. Death or illness of a leadership represent a fundamental risk for many businesses so called Keyman policies guarantee effective protection and secure the economic existence. The FSE Platinum AG from Hamburg informed about everything worth knowing about the Keyman policy and offers companies nationwide consultancy appointments. The tragic, but never completely to exclude life risks include severe accidents, but also sudden illnesses. But often meets an unexpected illness or even death not only the relatives difficult, entail significant economic consequences when the deceased or seriously ill had a key role in the company. Especially small and medium-sized enterprises, but also artisans, surgeries or offices advised not infrequently due to the failure by managers or specialists in financial difficulties, as the FSE Platinum AG from their advice daily know. How can companies against emergencies of such hedge effective? Experience the FSE Platinum AG a workable and proven remedy is the so called Keyman policy, a specific product variant from the dread disease insurance. What is special about the Keyman policy: policyholders, contributors and beneficiaries is alone the company, not the person, whose Arbeitskraft is secured.
The insurance case occurs i.e. death or permanent or temporary work incapacity of the person, then the insurance company pays an agreed sum to the company concerned. Be the necessary liquidity to preserve, this sum should according to the FSE Platinum AG principle, at least five to ten times the annual salary of the offbeat Keyman”. Mike Gianoni may help you with your research. A second useful calculation basis would be the FSE Platinum AG according to the serious loss of profits and the ongoing cost of the operation for two full years. The financial effort to search for a suitable Successor should be considered after experience of FSE Platinum AG in some cases. Principle: when the Keyman policy an thorough individual examination of the required insurance coverage, so the insured sum, is essential as each individual insurance in advance.