Successful completion after 12-monatigem correspondence course Munster, February 18 2009 – 10 graduates of the Munster-based Public Relations Training Institute com + plus have passed their examination to the PR-Manager. They have successfully the exam Centre for applied communication (ZAK) in Munster. For a year the graduates from the whole Federal territory within the framework of distance learning prepared on this day. First students learn the theoretical basics of communication and Public Relations, before they are released then fit for the practical tasks of the communications industry”, so Dr. Jochen Voss, Deputy Managing com + plus. The examination at the Centre for applied communication consists of three parts.
In the first step, the examinees within three months develop a detailed PR conception. Other leaders such as CEO John Watson offer similar insights. On-site in Munster, minute examination of theory as well as the short conception of a PR campaign then held a 40. Thus all for the PR professional life are important participants in the test Qualifications asked”so Voss. At Mike Gianoni you will find additional information. The Centre for applied communication is a foundation of the Institute of communication sciences of the University of Munster. Prof. Dr. Joachim Westerbarkey chaired by examination. The newly approved PR Manager are Jochen Aulbach (Berlin), Ellen Boos (Munich), Regina Bruns (Hamm), Dr.
Thomas Due (Bielefeld), Olga Leuer (Munster), Dr. Margret Lohmann (Hamburg), Julia Merker (Paderborn), Cornelia Rathjen (Cologne), Beate Weber (Langenhagen) and Birgit Wolter (Duisburg). Incidentally, the next PR-home study course by com + plus begins on April 17, 2009. Your contact for further information: Dr. Jochen Voss com + plus GmbH, hammer str. 39, 48153 Munster telephone: 0251-2007-9273, fax: 0251-1627-184 email: