Ecommerce Business

Dropshipping. Survive the economic downturn starting an e-commerce project? It is not new to anyone listening to anywhere the word crisis and the considerable ravages economic is leaving after passing to any economy both family and business are often unpredictable. Is Internet a viable exit? You’ve heard about dropshipping, and electronic commerce.Dropshipping is becoming a viable alternative to mitigate their effects. Even many experts commented that there was no better time to start a business through e-commerce. These analysts come to assert that an e-commerce business will be more profitable than a physical or traditional business. Dropshipping again placed at the head between the alternatives for those who have lost their jobs and want to prevent that crisis adds to a precipitous bankruptcy. Your initial expenses are minimal with this business model. Above all because thou shalt not disbursing capital to maintain an inventory, since the client is who pays the price of the product until you order to the dropshipper.

Temporary alternative, or option for the future. Everyone depends on up to where you want to go and what can I sell?, can you be wondering at this time. Here I would like to develop two fully valid aspects to take into account. On the one hand the more that you like. The products that most attract you attention, that you have more knowledge of possible questions by stakeholders or customers face, but moreover thou shalt not neglect those who, although your knowledge are lower, are products of high demand, products in which people want to spend money. Always remember that the client is who wants to buy and are looking for your product; and not always your you want to sell. Why we must be open to both options and know which products are demanding more in this time and which have an upward trend of future sales.

Region Space Organization

The term region is not part of linguajar of the common man, as well as it is of most traditional in geography. For the author all the region concepts can be used by the gegrafos, therefore all they are half to know the reality, since that it is adjusted to the intentions that we explicitamos (p.22-23) 2,0 – natural Region and ambient determinismo 2.1- In the first decades of century XIX geographic science was stimulated by the ambient determinismo, one of its main chains of thought, one of the dominant concepts was of natural region. (p.23) 2.2- …

Koppen relates to a combination or integration enclosing heterogeneous elements of the nature. One is about a division supported in the temperature and the precipitation, establishing climatic regions, according to Koppen the natural and more complex region, (p.24) 2.3- … Herbertson, on the basis of the climate and in the relief, and considering the vegetation, divides the natural, distinct surface of the Land in 6 types and 15 subtypes that do not present space contiguidade, and 57 regions of the first ones for presenting this continuity (p.24) 2.4 – Herbertson, Dryer and others, as the basic element of the nature. It does not remain doubt of that the space variation of the types of climate is data important to understand the differentiation of the occupation human being on the surface of the Land … (p.25) 2.5 – … the interested parties in the systematic study of different natural ecosystems or region modified by the man has throughout it dust, a boarding that was not considered by the deterministas gegrafos when they had studied.

The Production

Are companies who had grown to the few, always making adaptations to be adjusted to the demand variations, and had finished for having serious problems in the flow of information and materials during the production. The implantation of the PCP requires the comprometimento of all, including the high administration, and one high degree of integration between the functional areas so that results are positive. Thus, it is had as objective of the present work to analyze as it is made the planning and control of the production in three industries of the Polar region Moveleiro de Ub – THEORETICAL MG. 2 REFERENCIAL Planning is ones of the administrative functions that they determine that objective they will have to be reached in an organization, as well as the strategies for atingiz them in the best possible way. The planning exists to guide the actions of the company, of form that the decisions are taken on the basis of the route that the company must follow. Having itself defined what it is intended to reach, it is hour to define as to make it, when and why it will be fact, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 – The planning and its unfoldings Source: Chiavenato, 2005.

Already the Control, another administrative function, is responsible for guaranteeing that the things are made in the best possible way, atavs it accompaniment, mensurao and correction, in case that necessary, them executed actions, so that all in agreement skirt was planned, as it can be seen in Figure 2. Figure 2 – The planning and its unfoldings Source: Chiavenato, 2005. 2,1 Planning and Control of the Production – PCP the Planning and Control of Produo (PCP) is the responsible administrative function for making the plans that will guide the production and will serve of guide for its control. matter in his writings. Already for Tubino (1997), the PCP is responsible for the coordination and application of productive resources of form to take care of with efficiency and effectiveness the plans established in levels strategical, tactical and operational.