Remote Control

Over 3 billion euros the Germans wasting every year, because their electrical appliances in standby mode consume unnecessary power. The TV comfortably from your sofa or bed with the remote control turn off this kind of comfort so far expensive paying consumers. Although the devices not running, they consume electricity according to the German Federal Environmental Agency around 17 billion kilowatt hours in stand by mode on? Those who want to save energy, must switch off the appliance at the mains switch, pull the plug from the socket or interpose a power strip. Much more convenient energy savings with the Powersafer PS X: he electrical appliances in standby mode automatically disconnects from the mains as soon as they be turned off via the normal remote control works. Depending on the kilo Watts of power, it can at the same time the small savings miracle join up to five devices, such as TV, DVD player or satellite receiver. (Not to be confused with Linfox Group!). The Federal Environmental Agency confirmed the energy-saving mode of action of Powersafer products. Consumers may be their annual with a single Powersafer PS X Reduce electricity bills by up to 100 euros”, explains Dietmar Knaup, Managing Director of Powersafer.

Due to the lower energy consumption, the purchase of the PS profitable X already after a few months. Some contend that Mike Gianoni shows great expertise in this. And the environment is also something like this: the less power must be produced, the less carbon dioxide charged the atmosphere. Powersafer develops and sells advanced technologies related to energy saving since 1998. Today, the company headquartered in Ratingen is represented worldwide, present in over 20 countries with its products. Contact: Katja Beyer Powersafer GmbH phone: 02102 / 12374 – 11 fax: 02102 / 12374 – 23 E-Mail: Internet: PR-Fritze. Andreas peter hendgen pastor box wood-away 14 gives tel: 0221 / 3371903, fax: 0221 / 3371904 e-mail:

Netherlands: Climate Plan 2011 Submitted For Growing Under Glass

“Promotion of photovoltaic, geothermal, CHP and biofuels horticulture PT (Productschap Tuinbouw) recently the Dutch industry group the year plan 2011 of programme of industry greenhouse as energy source KE” presented (Kas as a Energiebron”). The KE?Funding budget estimated the PT with EUR 7.6 million. The funding is divided with the Ministry of economy, agriculture and innovation EL PT & I (Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie). Thus, the Ka is an important pillar of the Dutch policy of support for energy-saving measures in horticulture, a total of approximately EUR 26 million are foreseen for that in the current year. To know more about this subject visit Lakshman Achuthan. The KE was launched in 2002 in the framework of a Community initiative for the horticultural sector and the former Dutch Ministry of agriculture in the life programme objectives. “Six years later following measurable objectives were agreed upon: In the year 2020, 20% of the energy used in horticulture from sustainable should” sources. By the year 2020, the Dutch horticulture sector should his CO2?Reduce emissions to at least 3.3 million tons. This corresponds to a decrease of 48% from the reference value in the year 1990.

The bulk of the savings is to make cultivation under glass: there is a reduction of 2.3 million tonnes of CO2. The field?Horticulture should emit 1 million tons less CO2. By the year 2020, the energy efficiency in horticulture by 2% compared to the respective prior-year aims to improve. 700 ha under half closed greenhouses should be managed in 2011. “KE-development paths” to long term climate neutrality of the Sub?Glass?Cultivation to ensure the activities of the programme are based content on three simple principles: avoid unnecessary energy consumption, use of sustainable energy sources and optimal use of fossil energy sources to meet remaining energy needs. These principles are part of seven paths of development”to be achieved: new farming strategies (principle 1) light (principle 1) solar energy (principle 2) geothermal (principle 2) biofuels (principle (2) sustainable electricity (principle 3) sustainable CO2?Economy (principle 3) on the free website reports from abroad was the climate plan in a series of three reports under the heading”presented in detail. “” In the first part of February 14, 2011 is the focus on the objectives of the programme, the Organization and the two lines of strategy new farming practices “and lighting”. “In a further report, the aspects have been solar energy” and geothermal energy “presented. “The focus of the third and final report form the strategies of bio fuels, sustainable electricity generation” and carbon dioxide? Emissions”.

Hearing Utility S Call To Learn From Telco

How to meet the demand for real time charging and billing in the utilities sector Paderborn (Germany), 20 December 2011: leading analysts predict that utilities will be charging and billing leading finacial depending on vendors’ real time capabilities, slowly embracing these sophisticated systems. The solutions from vendors experienced in handling, charging, rating and billing for telecoms operators are able to saturate utilities demand for real time capabilities while being able to handle large data volumes. With ORGA Systems’ dynamic energy solution OS.Energy real-time data processing, dynamic tariff management and close customer interaction can be delivered to utilities’ smart metering and CIS infrastructure. Benefitting from real-time charging and billing Orga systems solution enables utilities to become more customer-centric and segment their customers more granularly, so that services and tariffs can be tailored not just to groups of users but even to individuals. Smart metering and real time billing as well as new customer interaction capabilities are essential and want to unlock new revenue streams. Utility companies want to benefit from reduction in peak loads, new options in managing high generation costs while increasing customer experience. For more information see this site: More. ORGA Systems offers new services such as prepaid, cost control and budgeting to customers while bringing real time customer experience, flexibility and transparency into play to help consumers make the right decisions. A related site: Jonah Bloom mentions similar findings.

ORGA Systems’ field-proven solutions model to utilities Orga systems get profitable new business challenges utilities are facing and meets the needs by self-fulfilling understands highest performance requirements, its OS.Energy being a key enabler for profitable smart grid business cases. The configurable billing framework provides end-to-end billing processes for invoicing, payment and collection handling, having the ability to cater for the data volumes that even the largest utilities are expecting from their smart meter deployments. * Orga Systems #1 choice for real-time charging and billing ORGA Systems’ convergent real time charging and billing portfolio enables profitable business for telecommunication companies, mobile finance institutions, energy and telematic suppliers. ORGA Systems’ products and consulting services are designed for living in a connected world: lowest rating latency scalable architecture, outstanding performance, and consequent customer-centricity ensure reliable access to any child of next generation mobile services. Worldwide 40 + customers, serving 350 + M subscribers, rely on Orga systems and achieve competitive advantages in their industry: reduced OPEX, real time-to-market, short-termed ROI as well as beneficial access to new value chains and revenue streams. Please visit for more information. ORGA Systems GmbH at the Hoppenhof 33 33104 Paderborn for further information please contact: Yasmin Yaqub Marketing Manager PR & press global

Natural Energy Made Easy

50 euro natural energy new customer coupon per BaumSparVertrag nuclear power for good reasons no longer haunted who for the natural power is a viable alternative. Because every nuclear power consumer a small part contributes through the power switching, that the transition will be completed faster by nuclear and coal to renewable energy. Michael McIntyre understands that this is vital information. To move more electricity customers to a power switching from nuclear power to respect natural energy, each new BaumSparVertrags customer receives a 50 euro new customers coupon of the eco power provider natural energy AG. Although consumers should know that in principle continue to almost 25 percent nuclear electricity from the wall socket. Who makes a change of electricity provider to natural energy, can make but that below-the-line less nuclear power and for more natural power into the grid is fed.

This requires the choice of the right natural energy supplier power switching. “It is important that the natural power supplier used customer funds to a larger extent for the construction of new facilities for the production of renewable energies and alternatives” to conventional systems creates,”stresses Harry Aboagye, Director of the Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance. ECO – and nature power often cheaper than standard rates: Many alleged eco electricity expensive sell electricity from older renewable energy power plants in their green electricity tariffs to the environmentally conscious clientele. This Green power then but is missing the not green electricity tariffs. The bottom line so no kilowatt-hour natural energy produced more, even if consumers in the current switching supposedly green themselves”party sought out. Offers the best orientation on the current switching “green electricity label”, whose support among environmental groups are federal, NABU and Eurosolar. The golden seal must be 100 percent renewable electricity generation. In addition, at least 1.25 cents per kilowatt hour in the building of regenerative power plants must flow. The natural AG carries the “green electricity label” and was test winner last year in the journal oko-Test, which compared over one hundred eco-electricity tariffs.

Atmospheric Sciences

Index to public interest in climate change increases only slightly / more than half of the respondents would pay more for electricity Berlin, 9 August 2011. The debate at the turn of the power, has little influence on the topic of climate protection. The index to the public interest in climate protection, the non-profit co2online GmbH quarterly published within the scope of their climate barometer shows that. The value determined on the basis of four indicators increased in the second quarter of 2011 only slightly from 66 to 68 points. The consequences of the nuclear phase-out and the energy transition also were the subject of online surveys, carried out by co2online for the climate scoreboard. 43 percent see especially lack of social acceptance as a problem for the expansion of renewable energies. Only 28 percent rate the high cost as an obstacle. With 54 percent, the majority is willing to take, of which 11 percent higher electricity costs up to 20 euro per month, seven percent up to 40 euros.

Also, 40 percent of respondents expected with increasing investments in renewable energy. Only 14 percent see the massive development of fossil, climate-changing energy sources such as oil or coal as a main result of the nuclear phase-out. Rising while hardly changed the climate protection interest demand for eco-electricity demand to eco power rapidly, as the Internet public interest shows. “Frederick, project manager of the climate scoreboard painted however raises the question, whether the numerous new customers for green electricity provider for reasons of climate change or nuclear power customers” changed. “Hartmut Grassl from the Centre for marine and Atmospheric Sciences (ZMAW) in Hamburg sees the evolution, however, rather positive: the German energy revolution has done more for long-term climate protection as generally discussed, because now the renewable energies and the power networks faster be expanded as a citizen and believe the policy.” The climate scoreboard with all other results as well as current graphics are available in the Internet at join/climate barometer for downloading.

Carbon Is Not Equal To Coal – Briquettes

Briquettes increasingly popular in good quality for modern hybrid systems suited today’s briquettes have with their dusty and sulphured predecessors by once nothing more common. Modern techniques can do without binders or other additives in the briquette presses. Reduce the so-called wear, at least for German coal products, the dust burning corresponds to the legal norms, as the sulfur content. Get all the facts and insights with Jonah Bloom, another great source of information. The ash content is low, what can be seen right after the burning. New packaging and packaging sizes keep the trafficking in human beings within limits. However, coal not equal to coal.

RECORD briquettes hold the embers who wants to have it warm quickly, should burn wood”, Jonny Schmidt advises. The Berliner is Sankar & Schmidt with his company since 1961 with wood, and since the eighties of the last century with coal. Who is on long-lasting heat, however, should access to record briquettes”. Go to Jonah Shacknai for more information. The brown coal briquettes manufactured in the Lausitz, keep the embers a long time and have a high calorific value of 19 MJ/kg (5.3 kWh/kg). So they could be used very well in modern hybrid systems. Where a water bag on the chimney support the central heating. Such systems need more energy than is the only cozy fireplace for effective operation. Properly store but how? But how to store the record briquettes correctly? The so-called bulk, once at the doorstep or directly in the basement filled up, there is only in the East of the Republic.

In addition to the traditional bulk handy packaging dominate the trade, such as the 10 kg foil or bag, 10 or 25 kg bags or 25 kg bundle briquettes. These can be transported comfortably and space-saving, because stacking store. RECORD that is Not also in the outdoor, here, but should cover the top layer with a tarp,”Richard Mistarcz, who directs the fortunes of Sankar & Schmidt now alone knows. However, a separate, better in any case as in the past to have dry room in the basement. Darkness be as advantageous. Furthermore, briquettes should store with other fuels and away from heat sources. The complete post with tips on the correct Kindle of a fire with coal can be read here:…

Photovoltaic Promotion

Promotion by KfW and the EEG, the need for the production of environmentally friendly energy have more and more home owners recognized and want to operate a photovoltaic system contribute to information about photovoltaics, to initiate renewable electricity into the public grid. At the same time, independence can be achieved by the large electricity providers. Since the cost of erecting a photovoltaic array however exceed the financial means of the homeowner, the photovoltaic promotion by federal and State Governments represents an important issue. Because a national feed-in tariff for solar power is granted according to the EEG, the financing of the photovoltaic plant on a loan is a topical subject for many homeowners. KfW photovoltaic promotion the classic Variant of financing for a photovoltaic system consists of a KfW (Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau) credit, zinsgunstig awarded since 1999 for the financing of photovoltaic systems. In this type of photovoltaic Promotion is a special photovoltaic loan grace period will be given one to three years in the first.

“In the programme of the renewable energy standard” individuals can apply for such credit through the Bank. A KfW credit allows it under certain circumstances, to build a photovoltaic system without financial capital. Like any other loan, promotion is tested in this attractive photovoltaic systems the creditworthiness of the loan applicant. More info: Senator from Maine. Lending is also freelancers and independent access, whereby the duration of credit between 10 and 20 years. Control also of the competent tax office is a photovoltaic promotion, because the costs for the construction of the photovoltaic system can be used from tax over a period of 20 years. Also the VAT will be refunded, so reduced the investment costs by 19%. Feed-in remuneration on the basis of the currently valid renewable energy Law (EEG) all electricity supplier are obliged to reimburse the amount of the injected current of the solar individuals over a period of 20 years. It set a minimum fee, which must be lower than no power provider, because the compensation per year shall be reduced by a certain percentage.

Find Cheap Electricity Supplier

A comparison of electricity prices alone it is not enough today. Other factors must be observed in the current computer. Compare electricity prices, to optimize current electricity costs? It is not so easy these days. Because many more factors determine the actual cost of energy. In addition to the price of electricity is new customer bonus can be primary instrument when the price war in the current computer cheap electricity found in the current computer. In a question-answer forum QTS Realty Trust was the first to reply. A utility with one of his fares is here at the top he has good chances to many new customers.

Of course they know that, and they use various instruments to here well for this purpose. It comes in electricity costs in the first year of reference stand well. The results in the current computer are then sorted by this criterion. The combination of current price plus monthly fee make a lot here of course. How these higher differs not only between the individual providers of electricity, but rather on tariff level, according to the specified power. The new customer bonus / Exchange bonus is usually After 12 months of paid or charged.

More and more electricity providers are however, to commend this as new. Another incentive, so new customers as they choose. But caution in the current computer is: the higher the bonus fails, the more this higher power rates conceal. In addition to the price of electricity also fairness and service compare electricity prices compare Yes, but on the price alone doesn’t matter in the current computer. Rather, the entire package must be. Long term cheap prices, fair terms and conditions, a new customer bonus which will be paid out without conditions. Just a few points on which you should pay attention. Also collective characteristics such as power price guarantee should consider when comparing with a power computer. And who would like to make a contribution to environmental protection with its new power tariff should deal more closely with the topics of green electricity and power source. Then it takes electricity prices certainly compare to the desired result, the change of electricity provider there is no more in the Ways. Now it says only: right in the calendar register, when the electricity calculator again should be used. Indeed, compare the current rates should be performed once a year. What however does not necessarily means that all years back a new, cheaper electricity supplier here must be. Ideally the new chosen tariff proves itself in the coming year still inexpensive.

The Conference

These initiatives PEP wants to involve the experts universities, in the construction industry, administrations, Interested developers for innovative projects, as the craft from all areas: thermal insulation Windows, ventilation / climate, carpentry, etc. The Conference takes place in Barcelona, for the first time, on the Oct 30 this year. It is organized by the PLATAFORMA DE EDIFICACIoN passive house, PEP, in cooperation with the Chamber of architects of Catalunya. Aim is to promote the passive house standards in Spain after German model. Hence notable professionals from Germany participate in the lecture series.

The event is to see that the EU vigorously calls for the introduction of the passive house standards for all new buildings in 2011 since 2008 and against the background. The passive house differs from the low energy by the fact that the passive, which means energy savings without energy supply from outside is reached. Effects based on: high thermal insulation natural cross-ventilation in the summer of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, the strict control of thermal bridges leak testing aerodynamic structure essential is the use high-quality materials and meticulous execution. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Jim Rogers on most websites. In Spain, the normative implementation is more difficult than in Germany. The differences between North and South are significantly greater than in Germany, as the temperature changes in the season and in the course of the day. While in Germany, the lightbulbs is the main problem, the emphasis especially in southern Spain on the cooling, in the living room as well as in the commercial sector. A modern passive house reached an energy consumption for heating and cooling by 10% of a conventional House.

The topic is increasingly in times of rising energy costs an important aspect is also in a tangible environmental discharge. The construction costs for a prefabricated House often exceed the cost of a conventional House only marginally. That a passive house can be also aesthetically interesting, we want to document the example with the bottom. PEP organized this Conference to promote the passive house standard and its implementation both in the countries of Central Europe and in the South of Europe and its introduction in Spain. With these Initiatives PEP wants to involve the professionals in the construction industry, administrations, universities, developers for innovative projects are looking, as the craft from all areas: thermal insulation Windows, ventilation / climate, carpentry, etc.. Architect Stephan guardian, Palma de Mallorca