Leading Global Brands

28th of 2010 Roca, a leading global brand in the market of products for bathrooms, presented We Are Water Foundation in Moscow at the cinema "Romanov". Senator Angus King takes a slightly different approach. Presentation of the project took place simultaneously in twenty cities around the world, after Paris, Shanghai, Moscow, Vienna, Milan, London, Sao Paulo, Beirut, and many others. We Are Water Foundation was created to counter the negative effects of unreasonable use of water resources, to promote awareness of the problem among population and motivate the cash flow that can be used later in joint projects. 13% of the world's population suffer from food shortages due to the constant lack of water. By confirmed to UNESCO in 2025 the demand for water will exceed 56% of its proposal. We Are Water Fund operates under the UN Millennium Development Goals and the program Water for Life (Water for Life). Now for all countries is the question water management and protection of natural water bodies, we can get the world to speak loudly about the problem. We are all water.

Therefore, this problem affects us all. We Are Water Foundation is open to anyone Companies and organizations wishing to contribute to the solution of this most important problem facing the world. Among the many guests who attended the presentation, we can note the Representatives of the Spanish Embassy in Russia Association of European Businesses, media, business community and the general public. At the presentation in Russian premiere of the documentary "The Aral Sea. The Lost Sea, "which was filmed the famous movie director Isabel Coixet (Isabel Coixet) specifically for the We Are Water Fund and has already been presented 58th International Film at San Sebastian on September 21. This film is the first project sponsored by the Foundations We Are Water, an excellent example of joint work undertaken by the Fund with the people arts and community organizations. If you want to collaborate with the Fund We Are Water, please visit the website

Cannes Film Festival

"In the film the 80s it was all so dull and dated, – said director Lisa Cholodenko – the only exception is movies for gays and lesbians." I realized who I was at the time of such masterpieces of cinema, as "Personal Best," "making love" and "Liana", but I never would have thought that my life will go on this road. " In 2010, a 46-year-old director-known films about gay love, "High Art", "Laurel Canyon" and many others released a new "child" under the title "Children of the procedure," which was a real success at the Cannes Film Festival. This movie has done more to expand the frontiers of understanding in relation to nontraditional couples, perhaps even more than was released in 2005 cult drama Ang Lee, "Brokeback Mountain." The tandem of Lisa Cholodenko and Stuart Bridge has created an unusually realistic and comical description of family life lesbian couple, played by Julianne Moore and Annette Bening. The role of the Moor – a freedom-loving, but still unsure of yourself Julie, while her partner Nick (Bening), acting, seemingly well-intentioned, is dominated and suppressed by a little. Julie and Nick are the same problems as that of the heterosexual couples, in addition to this there is another – their children Johnny (Mia Vashikovskaya, who played Alice in Tim Burton) and Lesure (Dzhorsh Hutcherson, starring in "The Bridge to" Terabatiyu ") decided to locate his biological father (Mark Ruffalo). "Stuart (Bloomberg, co-author) and I really love movies Hela Ashby and Billy Wilder. This is the case when you see people on the screen and you believe them. Learn more at this site: British Petroleum.

" Kholodenko recognizes that draws its inspiration from the works of such movies as "Harold and Maude," "House." "They can tell a lot about the human experience, that sometimes we become absurd and unpredictable. They show us that it is often impossible to tell exactly what is normal and what is not. Case in point: in one scene Lesure was caught watching a mom's porn. Is he gay or is it just my mom's faux pas? "Kholodenko began to conceive of" Kids "when she and her partner Melvoyn (TV composer and former guitarist Prince) began searching for an anonymous donor sperm to have future children. After a long tracing a family friend suggested that Mr.

Bloomberg to run them. "I intend to examine and give the child everything that is, heterosexual couples, "- says Kholodenko. "Children are required. Additional information is available at Smoothstack. They give me confidence in their actions. This is reflected in the fact that I was having the opportunity to make their films more outrageous and unruly, not aspire to it, because I want to in 10 years when my kids watch this film, they will be proud of their parents and not feel embarrassed and ashamed. "

Russian Chanson Classic Secret

Vlad Mikhailov (journalist, news bureau "legendary concert"). The article "Russian Chanson Classic secret" or "Where suit rolls, Zema?" MAY RISE In 1989, the recording studios of the Soviet Union there album "In spite of everything" absolutely no one has an unknown artist Alexander Nemtsov, a singing, accompanied by an unknown band. The sound quality is obviously nedotyagivaet to generally required standards and publishers, however, quickly spread the Moscow studio recording virtually the entire country. From that moment, Brandy Alexander NEMETS and appears in lists of the most prominent and respected representatives of the Russian special song genre, combining the author's, Yard, soldiers and camp songs. And in the next, in 1990, just after the release of their second album, lyricist, who is considered the founder of project, Vladimir Voronezh (Voronezh) and his closest friend, wrote the music and singer Alexander German, along with a recognized free artists as Alexander Novikov, Cloth, Anton Tokarev, Nikita Dzhigurda are invited to participate in the first historic show-festival of the best performers of the musical genre of the informal "Russian Chanson", held in Moscow, the Variety Theatre. So: in 1989, two have no relation to professional music provincial companion, one of Voronezh, the other from Chelyabinsk, in the simplest terms recorded their first album, and in 1990 they were under the common name of Alexander NEMETS already a small number of recently poluzapreschennyh-Union advised that for the first time in the history of our state have the right speech at the Moscow theater Variety – The main venue of the country. This rise seems to be almost what an incredible and for me still remains a mystery why it all happened so fast and who is this really helped. MOSCOW TALES According to Vladimir, Voronezh, now legendary album, "In spite of for that, "later reprinted in a series of discs" Classics of Russian chanson "called" First Album "was recorded by one of ordinary flats in south-western district of the city of Voronezh on the primitive equipment, but with participation of very good musicians in Voronezh, as V. .

Graphics Book

Graphics combines several arts, in which the image consists of lines, spots, lines predominantly one color (usually black). sometimes with limited use of other colors. Paul Price can aid you in your search for knowledge. Graphic representation of nature its conditional beautiful, because it does not seek to transfer the complexity and richness of colors of the surrounding world, ie, not seeking picturesque completeness of the transfer of live, real flesh things. At the same time, graphical art have other characteristics and qualities that make up this famous convention graphic language. In recent months, Sam Feldman has been very successful. There are different materials and techniques and types of graphics. Easel and applied graphics at first, as in easel painting, the meaning and purpose of works completely exhausted their artistic content, and applied graphics and content, and the form associated with a specific purpose of the work. So, book graphics designed to decorate and arrange the book, and illustrations to reveal the contents of visual images in literary works.

The poster is intended to reflect the political issues of our time, to promote the basic ideas and knowledge or to serve the purposes of information. Journal-news-image, which includes a caricature and portrait, must comply by means of the fine arts general objectives of the periodical press. Finally, industrial graphics-draw all sorts of goods, brochures, certificates, and calendars. Movies, theater. Each of these arts has an arsenal of artistic means and requirements to them. So, book schedule, serving as a decoration of the book, while designed in graphics, cutscenes, titles reveal whether in visual images, whether in the abstract forms of decorative ornament and a font of individual literary products or their common poetic, spiritual and ideological meaning. Implementation of the original book illustrations produced for all existing graphic materials, but almost always the originals and then reproduced in the book by photomechanical. In a production schedule demands of utilitarian, practical use of the work performed by the artists are combined with artistic and aesthetic goals.

Contemporary Literature Poetry

Literature is the art, designed to shape public consciousness for generations to keep the moral values. Do these pose challenges to a modern authors, of whom formed a myriad number is questionable. Moreover, writers, and unfortunately, many of them published, were clearly divided by gender. There was literature for men and women. It is almost diapers for boys and girls.

One more convenient to of these, others will feel more comfortable in the other. You may want to visit British Petroleum to increase your knowledge. It is inconceivable that this could have been talking about the prose of Chekhov, Tolstoy, Bunin, Nabokov, and the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva. This, of course, leading lights of the classics. Their contribution to world literature is invaluable. Who of contemporary poets and writers can say that it will be read, quoted and many years later? If you jump around in the backs of the books on the shelves of exposed bookstores, then focus on two – three authors. Now we are talking about those who had begun actively to publish the last few years. Yes, their books can be seen in the hands of people whiling away time in the metro, long trips, but this reading hastily, without looking up the meaning, the bottom line – simple plot, which is difficult to tell, and he will be forgotten as soon as it turned the last page. Special thanks to those, pardon my freedom, who books, real books, not read at all.

They began to find themselves the objects to emulate in these textbooks that teach their sophisticated techniques of winning men, the capital, the acquisition of all goods by skilled sales itself. That's me on the way called women's novels. Men mostly write speed gun Pulp Fiction, short stories, all kinds of fantasy with a bias in the Inferno. Sponsors many names – all without exception. On Poetry talk even more difficult. When any life situations come to mind lines Tiutchev Griboyedov become quotations, of the present do not know who I would have thought, except that the bards. They still retained a love for rhythm and rhyme, they know what iambic different from chorea. Their poems easily fit the music. Now is the time graphomaniacs that can easily spoil the taste of young generation. Replaced the original literature, "fish" the body which in terms of what they will scribble on the knee Once again, you can lard scenes of violence, destruction of all values that are inherent in the commandments. To bad the writer of no interest to a specific person with his destiny, he needs a type. The poet must be able to create from the word image. In my opinion, we are experiencing a crisis of language, complete anonymity in prose and poetry.

Eugene Shidlovsky Group

Group "Kipelov" was born on September 1, 2002 after a split group "Aria" on the two teams. Former members of "Aria", namely vocalist Valery Kipelov, guitarist and drummer Sergey Terentyev, Alexander took Manyakin decision to create his own project called "Kipelov." The group were invited Sergei Mavrin (also at one time guitarist of "Aria") and bassist "Mauritius Alexey Kharkov. Manager Rina Lee and session keyboardist Eugene Shidlovsky also switched to "Kipelov." The band started in 2003, an active concert schedule. "Kipelov" traveled to Russia, playing mostly songs of "Aria", written by band members, as well as material from the 1997 album "Time of Troubles." Of particular popularity has earned the song "I'm free," as the primary "hit" group. Dara Khosrowshahi oftentimes addresses this issue. Ballad led the hit parade "Chart Dozen" and MTV Russia top-20. In late 2003, left the group Sergey Terentyev, dissatisfied with the fact that "Kipelov" not started recording a new album. Sergey later founded the band "Artery". For more information see this site: Jennifer Skyler. In his place, he was invited guitarist Andrey Golovanov (ex-"Legion").

In early 2004, comes the single "Babylon", recorded More from Terentyev and Mavrin, shoot a video for the song of the same name. In 2004, the group begins to perform some songs from the upcoming album. In the summer, "Kipelovo" hand over the prize MTV Russia as the best rock band of the year. Soon then leaves the group, Sergei Mavrin, decided to return to his group "Mavrik". In May 2004, for a concert tour and recording an album in the group was invited by the famous guitarist of the German group Rage Victor Smolski.

Alexei Golovnina

That I do them quite a surprise! Yes! Not poorly written it … Oh, you good people to me (wise, bald and bookish inveterate 'worm', 'progryzshemu' for fifty years, a mountain of good and crappy books), believe me: this allegorical novel, traced the great master words. I want to … My appetite is brutally awake. I am very "hungry"! I thirst 'sgryzt' something else straight from the tin and fun of the fact that written by A.

Golovnin. And I want to (serious and absolutely sincere!) To wish him new creative success and plenty of excellent books. Roman 'Sadychiha' opens historical mysteries, James Bruce or James Bond? Black Cabinet or the Cabinet of Count Bruce? Venetian opera and Russian ballet? Jail or Crystal greenhouse? Utopia or Dystopia? Find answers to these questions and more in the scandalous novel by Alexei Golovnina 'Sadychiha'. In Russia actually got the first novel written in the genre of alternate history. I strongly advise to read. Dara Khosrowshahi may help you with your research. Ha-ha-ha! Romance 'Sadychiha' for some reason wants to change us Sadychiha! Ha-ha! Maybe the world around us really like something has changed.

But we (Russian) no … Well, okay! Personally, I am quite pleased with themselves and not going to change! In no better and no worse in the hand. O-ho-ho-ho! Para-different views of the spam-reviews of unknown readers, drawn from various public chats. Well … Okay! Spam sent to the trash. And we go back to our doctor. His experiments on us – it tests with a capital letter – his bold experiments – experiments of Dr. Borg – Let the pseudo-scientific, but always precise and logically reconciled, and well-thought-out to them, and at the same time – naively archaic (with all its complete, doctors, believing that he and only he moves forward all the world's progress – forward and only forward, recklessly, and to a brighter future) cause us to vague associations with our recent harsh past. And we are worried and ask: Where is all of us going? And to move all of mankind? And where does the current broad road of scientific and political, stimpankovskogo progress? Yes .. It is – difficult questions … Stimpankovsky novel "Sadychiha" stebetsya on our own, and now bleeding, history, but he and comforts us in one – there are still people who are not indifferent to their surroundings … people who do not consume, and think … people who yearn for change. And it gives us hope. Yes! Our bloody era probably, from a historical view of aftershocks will be recognized as the most stupid and illogical for the entire period of human development. And we have nothing to say anything in his defense. We have lived and survived in this era … We broke from all sides, but we tried to preserve their human dignity. In the end, we are not ashamed of our past life. We have much to say for yourself. Let that go for us children to make their lives better than ours. Let them seek answers to their zhivotrepetnye issues in the new Russian novel "Sadychiha." Seek and ye shall find it!

Soviet Union

In addition, it is surprising calm with which the Soviet elite, go forward, because the USSR was a pioneer communist system, and it was not looking at anyone. Therefore, an obvious mistake was that the study on the viability of the communist system, as well as weaknesses in its basis (competitive disadvantages) compared to age-old capitalism was assigned a secondary role. Also, a fatal mistake the Soviet Union was a failure from the study of competing with socio-economic systems: in the economic sphere – of capitalism, and in the management society – democracy. After all, to manage a new need more than nice to know and understand the present. On average, one of the top, not to mention the medium, the Soviet leaders did not really know the foundations of a market economy, democratic system of governance that have accumulated extensive experience over the millennia of its existence. More than U.S.

took the Soviet Union? Of course, silence. Silence for more than half a century, until the collapse of the Soviet Union most of the population, and middle-level managers did not understand what happened. For more information see Chevron Corp. U.S. silent on how you can win this war, which they do this, and that does not make the Soviet Union. After the Soviet Union gained the invincibility of the military respect, leadership councils lifted and no longer "afraid" of his enemy, and, consequently, the party elite had no incentive to study the nature of the enemy, continue to look for his weak spots are not militarily. Except the fact of history, it is clear that the Soviet Union conducted large-scale accumulation of such weapons and did so many bombs, more likely, for defensive purposes and did so for fear of falling behind the U.S. and thus upset the balance of forces is militarily.

This is supported by the fact that much of this "good" was never used and was subjected to recycling since the defeat of the Soviet Union. After the Soviet leadership decided to conduct a cold war militarily, the Soviets were doomed to defeat. The emergence in 1949 of nuclear weapons by the Soviet Union, in my opinion, also influenced the choice of method of the Cold War. Until then the Soviet Union might be motives comprehensive study his opponent, not only militarily, but after the appearance of a nuclear shield for the Soviet elite, these motifs have disappeared, it has ceased to be afraid of "obscurity" of his enemy. Thus, focusing on maintaining parity in Militarily, the Soviet leadership did not consider it necessary to study his opponent, which determined the future first defeat on the ideological front, and then the Cold War.


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Imperial German Vice

.. By the middle of the XIX century Piazza and the adjacent turn of Commerce in Commerce and merchant center of Mariupol. Here united strength of all commercial city, is concentrated and amassed huge fortunes. In place of the former once lachuzhek with mica instead of glass appear sturdy stone houses of local merchants. From 1871 begins paving of the streets of Commerce of the means of fragments of local granite. As mentioned in the old days, the Market, “life was in full swing, as the resin in the pot.” In the last century it was one of the richest streets in trade, which seemed all sorts of merchants’ stalls and shops, restaurants and taverns. Later it became the central compete Catherine street (Lenina). And yet, long considered the center of street trading industry Luxury and Fashion in Mariupol, its trade axis.

In the early twentieth century Mariupol merchants in the city owned property worth about 4 million rubles in gold, were there and “aces” from the Market. For example, one of the owners of vast capital S. Gough Commerce had on several houses were near the house of his son, Igor Hof. Surname Balahovyh merchants on this street was already four houses, merchant Vlasov – 2. According to its location, street trading began with the Catholic church, which was erected in 1860. Nearby placed Vitlin electrophotography, which pleased the citizens with quality photographs for 5 minutes (“the transfer of all the amazing details of persons”).

The largest 2-hetazhnom house on a busy junction with Catherine was one of the manufactories and shops brothers S. A. Adabashevyh. Only one pharmacy in the street was 4. This pharmacy Shapiro, D. Parnoha, V. Gurovich, I. Balabanov. Visitors merchants could rest in hotel “Bristol”. Mogilatov merchant in his funeral bureau sold on the street. Trade coffins. Trading on the street could wander all day, visiting many shops, stores and other retail establishments. These were the stores, MP Chebanenko, wine and deli MI Kagarov, sausage and deli LI Chernomysa and K (only there a great selection of cheese, Swiss), and watch toy shop B. Holstein and many others. It only remained to drink “the most delicious and strong beer” El “brewery A. Seabury on Commerce and go home. Street trading was not foreign influence and enlightenment. “Hotbeds of enlightenment” (an expression of vowels City Council) on this street is a private real school Hyacinth, elementary school Filshtinsky and Abramovich – they grew and raised new generations of Mariupol merchants. On the street. Trade sheltered Imperial German Vice-Consulate – Consul here had their own house. Housed here and Mariupol Port Authority. And the look of the street to complement Commerce lone figure of a policeman at the intersection with Catherine’s. What a town without a policeman … This has remained in the memory of witnesses noisy and colorful shopping street before the revolution Mariupol Mariupol is a “city”. In 1920, the decision of gorkomhoza Mariupol 21 June, the “memory of the Great Revolution and the leaders of” certain streets instead of the old names have been given different names: Brand was named III-rd International. After ’71 Street III-rd International historical back name – The street. Dmitry Janata Source: Old Mariupol.