Among all the commercial equipment occupy a special place cash registers as the most popular and numerous class. The composition of any cash register includes a printer of checks, cash drawer, the fiscal board, keyboard and displays. We hasten to assure all those who want to start your own trading business. In our country are allowed to use only those tickets that were included in the State Register of cash machines (CCM). This registry specifically approved by the State Interagency Electrotechnical Commission (abbreviated – GMEK). Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Mike Gianoni on most websites. This committee holds frequent meetings of all kinds, and where decisions are made, what kind of cmc to the Registry, and what to exclude from it.
The Commission also discusses the job service center (TSC), is engaged in the certification procedure and the creation of reference models, etc. All cash registers are divided into four classes – self-contained, passive, fiscal registers, and active devices. The latter often referred to as POS-terminals. Cash registers are made in the register is not on a permanent basis, but on a certain period of time – for use in a particular area or areas: for example, to trade for services, for trade in oil products for hotels and restaurants, etc. are maintained and repaired by ticket only tec which have all necessary licenses and certificates – and nothing else. And every single functioning cash register should be a mandatory register with the Ministry of Taxes and Duties – It's the law. First, consider what it represents so-called standalone cash registers. This cash register machines in which additional features may appear only in the if it be connected to additional I / O device, controlled by ccm placed in her program. By self-CMC can be attributed, and a class of portable cash registers that can operate without connecting to electricity.