Keyman Policy Ensures The Existence Of Companies

FSE Platinum AG from Hamburg informed on the subject of risk protection for entrepreneurs Hamburg August 2010. Death or illness of a leadership represent a fundamental risk for many businesses so called Keyman policies guarantee effective protection and secure the economic existence. The FSE Platinum AG from Hamburg informed about everything worth knowing about the Keyman policy and offers companies nationwide consultancy appointments. The tragic, but never completely to exclude life risks include severe accidents, but also sudden illnesses. But often meets an unexpected illness or even death not only the relatives difficult, entail significant economic consequences when the deceased or seriously ill had a key role in the company. Especially small and medium-sized enterprises, but also artisans, surgeries or offices advised not infrequently due to the failure by managers or specialists in financial difficulties, as the FSE Platinum AG from their advice daily know. How can companies against emergencies of such hedge effective? Experience the FSE Platinum AG a workable and proven remedy is the so called Keyman policy, a specific product variant from the dread disease insurance. What is special about the Keyman policy: policyholders, contributors and beneficiaries is alone the company, not the person, whose Arbeitskraft is secured.

The insurance case occurs i.e. death or permanent or temporary work incapacity of the person, then the insurance company pays an agreed sum to the company concerned. Be the necessary liquidity to preserve, this sum should according to the FSE Platinum AG principle, at least five to ten times the annual salary of the offbeat Keyman”. Mike Gianoni may help you with your research. A second useful calculation basis would be the FSE Platinum AG according to the serious loss of profits and the ongoing cost of the operation for two full years. The financial effort to search for a suitable Successor should be considered after experience of FSE Platinum AG in some cases. Principle: when the Keyman policy an thorough individual examination of the required insurance coverage, so the insured sum, is essential as each individual insurance in advance.

Marketing A Business

The promotion of our business is an aspect fundamental to mark the success that we obtain in line, and one of the factors that determine that our work works is that it in line obtains great exhibition before the users. The traffic towards our sites constitutes the ninety percent of our work and one of the best forms to obtain traffic highly interested in our thematic one is by means of the article presentation in the compatible directories, I emphasize highly interested, since from our article we will only receive visitors to who it has interested his article and it enters in his blog or Web site in search of greater information or to acquire what this needing. The article writing, certainly does not have any science, it can make any person with a computer and a program of texts, which yes is advisable that observes some of these recommendations: – And first main, the title, tries to choose a title that is unique and it has never been used, for it I recommend to him that it goes to Google it in inverted commas places and it in the square of searches, tries of which the result is zero. What obtained with this is to be able to realise a pursuit of its article when it is indexed by the finders and in whichever pages Web it has been enclosed. – Subject exceeds what to write, many will say him that amount uses another directories to observe of readings have certain articles, so that in this way you have a direction on the subjects that is looking for the users more, but in the beginning is not advisable to do it since the visitors or readers looked for but articles his on thematic happiness and if just begin noticed that it is writing only to promote itself. .

Capital Estate

The confidence of investors in the financial markets has been for years a severe test. Magdeburg, 07.11.2013. The ups and downs unsettled people who increasingly put the security of the investment in question in addition to a high yield. With real estate investors combine security and stability. However, it is to examine the advantages and disadvantages in the run-up. Open-ended real estate funds pool the capital of several investors and investing it in land or buildings.

The proportion of the trust assets is evidenced by the issue of certificates. In open-ended real estate funds capital can by anyone at any time and will be paid out. There is no limit to the number of the certificate holder. Shares are redeemed at a predetermined price. Closed-end real estate funds, however, aim at the realization of a specific project. Filled with capital, the Fund closes, so that deposits and withdrawals are no longer possible. For the investors will receive regular distributions from the operations and at the end of the term Capital back.

The real estate to be touched can be an alternative investment opportunity,”added real estate expert Thomas Filor. Up and down the country the real estate prices due to high demand from private investors. The market is booming. Prices for condos have risen in the past 12 months in the conurbations of Germany by an average 20 percent.” That seems to convince many investors by the accuracy, to invest in just this market. Before the decision for an investment, it means exactly to calculate his capital. Not only the investment in real estate funds, but also the purchase of an own property, which should be considered before just risks. Different investment strategies help that a real estate purchase is solid and long term funding, the projected rate of return generated and long time pleasure the investors. Alternatives such as profit participation certificates can worthwhile for investors with a relatively lesser equity. Investors benefit from the economic participatory rights Success of the company. On the capital market, profit participation certificates are a traditional and well established form of investment. Given restrained lending practices of the banks they are timelier than ever. Medium-sized companies use this possibility, in order to strengthen its equity-capital ratio. You may wish to learn more. If so, Jonah Shacknai is the place to go. If participatory rights, the safety of utmost relevance. There is a wealth of offerings on the capital market a loser is known to overlook them all. Nevertheless it is worth to compare the numerous offers”, advises Thomas Filor. For more information,


A MAC requires more overhead for the investor, since he must take care of himself to his account and tax matters. In both cases, base of your trading is the AlphAlgo strategy. Can you please explain our readers what you must imagine including? What is the basic idea, which is behind this? Martin Rothe: The basic idea of the AlphAlgo strategy is logically simple: If there are trends with a period in the markets, profit can be achieved. The AlphAlgo strategy includes various concepts to improve the chance for a profit. Includes first the identification of trend in a wide variety of currency, equity index, interest and commodity markets. Somewhere, always a trend can be made, but no positions are entered into in case of doubt. In addition come not only rising but also falling trends into consideration. The decision for a transaction – and thus the actual essence of the AlphAlgo strategy is addressed acquires a sophisticated self-developed computer program.

The advantages are obvious: trends are consistently exploited until the actual end, so not too soon took the gains and losses are recognized at an early stage also consistently. This rigorous and unconditional approach that makes sense, because human activity causes mostly the opposite: winnings will be quickly secured, mostly too early and losses are often endured until the bitter end, or eternal time. All this avoids computer-controlled action. But a more important question is objectively solved: how much risk can be addressed with a new position without compromising the overall portfolio. Bearing in mind the strength of the trend and the volatility of a market in connection with the remaining positions in the portfolio and the liquidity is very clear that this is no longer to do without a computer. Based on the strength of the fully automated trading program AlphAlgo. Implemented the decisions then with futures, which traded on stock exchanges, have always an assessment, and cover the most varied markets.


So, it doesn’t matter, a crisis erupts in the capital market sector, but how many capital market segments are connected. Click Expedia to learn more. Drawdowns are phases that every investor who invested must cope in a managed account. What risk capacity should he bring for your managed account? Martin Rothe: an investor one can risk tolerance Managed account as opposed to a fund investment with the asset managers individually vote, where as a rough guideline in our strategy can be said that the drawdown is approximately corresponds to the annualised return. Who seeks 15% return on average so, must reckon with that temporary size of loss of. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Lakshman Achuthan. Who would have doubled the leverage of the system, adapts to a loss of depth by 30%. This win/loss ratios are considerably cheaper than in equity markets. From the spring of 2009 until pretty much the middle of this year, AlphAlgo recorded a roughly two-year Seitwartsphase.

What were the reasons for this extended sideways movement? Difficulties in the trade had to be allowed through at this stage? There are basically market phases with which the system is not so fine? Martin Rothe: After strong price swings have led in 2008 our best year ever, it was almost predictably, that falling volatility over the next few months for Trend following systems gave no ideal market environment. This scenario continued for the full year of 2009, but still ultimately achieved loss when compared to the previous year profit was very modest. In 2010, the trend lengths were still not sufficient which only improved towards the end of the year by the looming crisis of the euro, so that this year, also a new high could be marked. The first half of 2011 was the acid test for many trend following systems, because despite more profitable market situations, these phases were abruptly interrupted by several shocks: every month the markets have been scared either, by Arab revolutions of nuclear contamination or Central Bank interventions.


Over several months, the company examined every single trade of the dealer. The study was based on all accounts by Michael Neumann, and the corresponding transactions of in recent years. Also accounts that were maintained by the investment professionals within the framework of a different management structure were taken into account. Satisfied with the very positive results, the trading history but not as reference performance for the Ceros pattern Neumann settled using total return managed account, since the verified accounts showed individual elements and were traded with different levers. For the trade of Ceros pattern-Neumann, total return managed accounts provides the infrastructure for the management of customer deposits now Ceros pattern. In addition also Ceros pattern staff with the trading strategy are familiar and can implement if necessary independently these, so that the required back-up is provided.

Stocks, ETFs, futures and options are traded. The traded values are both singles titles, but also indices such as the DAX and the EuroStoxx 50. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Angus King. In addition, commodities are traded mainly from the energy sector. The core of the portfolio is made from a selection of stocks of the euro area. It is blue-chips with solid balance sheets and business models. The compilation of these values is done to the one under the criterion of the diversification. Only titles that pay very high dividends into the portfolio.

These serve as basic investment approx. 30 titles. Permanent great slump in the stock markets to protect this core portfolio, it is coated with a hedging strategy, whose fine adjustment is controlled via futures and options. In rising markets, to backup level is adjusted upwards steadily. In return, profit taxes should be kept in falling markets within narrow limits. In very strong weakness of European stocks, the protection mechanism is adjusted so that the derivative page should earn more than the basic portfolio loses. The basic portfolio with its permanent protection is supplemented essentially to three additional trading strategies, whose Positionen make up only a fraction of the value of the portfolio.

Dmitri Eichorn

A good deal of envy may entail even positive aspects and entice people to actions which do not necessarily intend were. When Gisela it again must endure, that Susanne had to appear again with new ankle boots in the Office. What Gisela will inaugurate over a cup of coffee during the labor, Charlotte minor Office over the phone, as Susanne again proved no taste in selecting their footwear. I’m sure that Gisela and Charlotte to be set as soon as possible new shoes “must”. Better, more beautiful and expensive as the ugly ones that now every day (he) must enter Susanne.

Even if must Gisela and Charlotte take that overtime in purchase or give up anything important. How works the competition between us. We would simply have more and be better than the others. More leisure, more waste, more money. On the other hand, we are disappointed, when the competition is lost. It nargt on the soul and pushes us to new ways to go. To break us out of the comfort zone.

This can be very beneficial and personal development give a boost. Also why I think I’ve noticed personally, that the Germans are also averse talking about money, because most have simply no plan. The Germans have saving perfectly under control. In this respect, they are world champions. But when it comes to investing money, mostly dead pants there is! Inflation! Deflation! Compounding effect! Shares! Stock market! Dividend! What is it all for a works of the devil? Of course, there are very financially very well informed people in Germany. I still think that the majority of the population has simply no plan. No plan of how money and the economic relationships work together. So I invite all interested, here to talk about the MoosParade about money (anonymously). Comments, opinions, questions, etc. are welcome. Because money is so important and essential that must be talked about just! Dmitri Eichorn

Dow Jones

A new form of investment in Germany an option is a contract which entitles the investor (holder), but not obliged, to buy an underlying asset at a specified price within a specified time or for sale. The traded underlyings can currency pairs (for example, USD/GBP), commodities (such as silver, copper), shares (such as Apple, Vodafone) or indexes (such as Dow Jones, NASDAQ). The exercise price is the technical term for the fixed rate at which the base value is purchased. When trading binary options, investors must decide whether the price of the selected base value at the expiration time will strike the exercise price. The decay can occur at the end of the next hour of trading, the next trading day, the next week or the next month.

There are three aspects that play a role in the binary options trading: the selection of the underlying, the selection of the expiry date and the selection of the course direction, who will embark on the underlying. If the investor of view is,. the binary option will adopt the current price until the expiration date, he buys a call option. He is of the opinion that the binary option will undercut the current rate until the maturity date, he buys a put option. The trading binary options yields are known at the conclusion of the contract. Noted the option at expiry in money, the investor receives a profit of 65 – 71% on his investment.

Recorded an option at expiration from the money, the investor receives a refund of 15% of its original investment of Thanks to the controlled risks when trading binary options, this type of investment for many investors is very popular, because the potential gains or losses upon completion of the business are known and can be included in all potential scenarios. With the development of the Internet it is possible to trade binary options now on online platforms. This means that an investor can buy binary options conveniently from home and without a real estate agent. An investor has the platform of Ability to track the performance of underlying assets, as well as to gain an overview of its previous and current assets. In this regard, the online trading binary options is very flexible. The investor (owner) is able, the coming into question for him base values, check the expiration date and projected price changes of the underlying securities, to meet its requirements and knowledge. The only unknown aspect is whether the price of the underlying securities at maturity above or below the strike price is record. (Image:

CFD Provider: Risks In CFD Trading

This post is to serve when selecting an appropriate CFD provider as an orientation aid. Five easy steps to choose a CFD trading of CFDs (contracts for difference) are becoming increasingly popular and are increasingly represented in the media. This post is to serve when selecting an appropriate CFD provider as an orientation aid. As a general rule and this may seem obvious to choose an established and renowned CFD provider, a provider that had long is successfully represented in the market. DMA or market maker? You will notice that it term makes sense, access to both to have DMA (direct market access) and market maker DMA platforms offer you maximum transparency and the ability to trade stocks at their exact market value.

So they can be even an order within the spread. As a beginner, or if you want to have access to the full range of tradable markets from a platform, it certainly makes sense to turn to a market maker. Training just for trading beginners it’s particularly important to choose a CFD provider who provides training materials and tools available, which will help you to learn CFD trading. Competitive spreads & margins make you are the trouble and find out which CFD provider offers the best value for money. But also remember that it not comes down to who has the lowest cost, but the range of services of a CFD provider in General. Another important feature is the variety of tools that a CFD provider makes available its customers for risk management risk management tools. Trailing stops and a large number of limit and stop orders are a good CFD provider. It is more important but is always to be aware, that you ultimately is always responsible for the own risk even as traders.

Demo of trading platform shows next the technology and user interface of the different trading platforms consult and try the different offerings with a Demo account. Scheduling and reliability: The financial market behaves always cyclical, so that in times of low volatility, the majority of the platforms presents a good performance. This may be different in times of a ‘perfect storm’: the problems in the euro zone and the recent unprecedented slump in the stock market by a typo of a wall street trader (sold $16 trillion instead of $16 million), led to a strong momentum in the markets, and this in turn led to high volatility. In these times, however, they will be grateful, if you have opted for a trading platform that is reliable and accurate. Charts: Find out whether the provider offers simplified chart, which gives you a quick overview of the situation in the financial markets and can continue to detailed professional charts, which you use to develop your strategy. Research resources: What resources are provided them, who can use them to improve as traders and better Make trading decisions? If you test a platform with a demo account, pay attention to a simple and intuitive use. We all have different habits and preferences, it is therefore important that you find a trading platform that appeals to you personally. To answer all these questions, they need to invest a little time and compare the CFD provider. Best ask around a bit in the trading community, directly addressed the CFD provider and shy away from not even difficult questions. Keep in mind, please, that you can win big at the CFD trading, however, for the loss of your original deposit are also possible. Be always aware of the risks in the CFD trading.


However, these tests show that the success of the overall deposits strongly depends on the proper dosage of the admixture. Trading strategies that require high minimum investments to implement, can be enjoyed in portfolios with total smaller volumes for this reason with caution. Minimum investment amount and -risk reward profile of a trading strategy must harmonize with the volume of the total portfolio. And exactly here lies the strength of the Tradingfonds. With their often low minimum investments, they provide the opportunity to reach a more precise fine-tuning of diversification and are the better choice especially at low capital stakes.

Conclusion: In principle it is helpful both offers, so funds and managed for investors if for a trading system Account are available. Although, there will be different results due to the different cost burden. Fraud models, were however unviable as that of Bernard Madoff, as a managed account. And thus a managed account provides additional protection against fraud and the investor. Even if he or she chooses for the participation in a trading strategy using the variant of the Fund.

Chili chili is a comparison platform for managed accounts. Institutional – private investors and media participants have the opportunity to compare the performance of different managed accounts on this website. By Capitalteam consulting, researched and tested performance and risk indicators facilitate the selection of appropriate providers interested parties. For more information, see. Mostly opportunity-oriented investment styles in favour of note to managed accounts managed accounts, not in any arbitrary percentage scale for the securities accounts of the investors are suitable. The right trading strategies in the right dosage, however can give zest to traditional securities accounts and contribute significantly to a better chance / risk ratio. Press contact Malte Papen FON: + 49 2661 953030 fax: + 49 2661 953029 mail: