Forecasts Of The Fiancial Crisis

If we analyze the forecasts of economists on the development of the crisis for Russia, and to reject extreme views, most experts predict two scenarios of the crisis. The baseline scenario, the oil in our next year will cost $ 50 per barrel and the dollar will be given 32 rubles. According to pessimistic scenario, oil would cost $ 30 per barrel, while the dollar will be given 42 rubles. So now the population withdraws ruble deposits them into the face of uncertainty in the U.S.. Should I do it now? We must ask ourselves – and to what extent can reduce demand for our raw materials? In today's world oil consumption depends to a very heavily on the U.S. economy. We can expect that at best prices fall to a level where they were in the period being the U.S., but before the credit bubble (from 1986 to 2003), ie to $ 30-50 per barrel. In the worst case, fall below then for Russia pessimistic scenario is worse, but this option is unlikely, because world economic model has changed, a certain word in the world economy, China began to speak, its energy consumption is not will drop the price of oil below $ 30.

Likely to be sold moderately optimistic scenario. The level of oil will be around $ 40-50. This means that Russia will export goods and services worth approximately $ 200 billion, which was observed at a similar price of oil and metals in 2004. There are, however, one scenario by which the nominal price of oil can greatly increase. This scenario – depreciation of the dollar, but even here most likely a new Obama administration will not tolerate such a development.

There is another option. The global financial crisis, foreign portfolio investments will be focused on oil economies, and then Russia in 2009, expects a boom of investments by nonresidents. An example of such a change: Growth of the Russian market in 2000-2003. amid falling market capitalization of the entire group of industrialized countries. With the deteriorating situation on the developed markets, Russia may well become a 'safe haven'. But this option is only likely to dream, because deterioration has already occurred in 2008, but the boom did not happen, on the contrary, we observed outflows. In Russia, to talk about downs of the economy it is not necessary – this year to forecast GDP to grow by 6,8-7%, and next in 2009 – by 3-3,5%. Experts believe that countries that do not have a large external debt and recession (falling GDP), and eventually will major role in the task of overcoming the crisis. Russia under these criteria is perfect. Conclusions: The boom of the Russian economy in 2009 did not happen, but a serious further deterioration can not be expected, the crisis We will throw at the 2004 level and this level will slow development of the new Russian economy, I would be more interest in her innovative technologies. Overview of forecasts made by: Maxim Grekov (Director Keith Trust) Yevgeny Gavrilenkov (Chief Economist GK "Troika Dialog"), Vlad Borkusa (director of consulting and research firm Konnasi), Olivier Blanchard (American economist, PhD MIT Institute), Yuri Chashin

Deirdre McEachern

I was a member of a group called women in business relationship (WIBC for short) in Cambridge, MA for about four years. We met for lunch meetings once a month. Last week at our December event several of the women told me how much he liked my bulletin. It is always nice to hear the details of courtesy, but one woman went further – she said it was like having a “Zen moment” in your email. (Thanks sable!) Your comment made me think. That’s exactly what I offer – Zen moments for my readers. I am by no means an expert on Zen, but I hope that reading my monthly messages might provide a moment to disengage temporarily from what I call the perpetual progress of the life grid.

My desire is to share with you a moment of reflection, appreciation and calm. So today, I will describe for you as I “release of the network”, for brief moments of time, at random intervals. I think it’s this short but consistent “Release” that keeps me fresh, creative and finally at peace. By sharing my techniques with you, I invite you to borrow, create or identify your account. I “release” of the pressures, desires, emotions, and the obligations of the grid Perpetual progress when: – I hear my dog Pitter-patter up the stairs to meet me in my office and I stop what I’m doing for a few minutes , pat your belly and thank him for coming to visit me. – I can take a break from work, drive to the city and have a coffee shop of my favorite independent coffee with my husband.

– I turn off my phone, ignore e-mail and happiness down to creative writing. – I take a moment to look out the window and watch the manner in which rain, snow or the sun reflecting off the glass at the moment just that. – I attend a yoga class and stretch my mind and gratitude both limbs to their full expression. – I take a deep breath and feel like to extend my abdomen. – I drive slowly and quietly. – I rhythmically clean my house, cook a meal, wrap a gift or do the dishes (yes, sometimes I like to feel the hot water and soap on your hands.) – I sit anywhere and see the world for a moment – people, trees and clouds … what is happening in front of me, from my point of view. – Singing (badly too, trust me). When I do these things I am temporarily “free floating” and my mind is at a level disconnected from the need to achieve. It is a place where small moments of joy in living. Maigre Deirdre McEachern is a personal trainer who helps clients experience more joy in their lives.

Carlos Jimenez Borrajo

The key of the new model is the application development interface, API, open system that allows any developer to both integrate with other programs and standard solutions e-conomic as develop new ad hoc modules to add new features. This facility has encouraged the development of a barrage of small apps that are radically transforming the accounting program and the experience of users, in the image and likeness of what happened with the iOS of Apple and Google Android. In this sense, e-conomic users have been the first to be able to manage their accounting programs using a mobile phone or a tablet. This open philosophy has allowed the integration of e-conomic with vertical solutions for shops, billing and Web management, reports management, customer management as a Sales Force, CaseWare, MedDBase, ScanPOS @, E-Gate, SmatWeb Shop, SameSystem, ChannelCRM, WebCRM or Impexvision. There are also dozens of modules developed by third parties, free or pay, that provide functionality of subscription, Department stores, of scanning, etc. Automation apps connect various accounting programs e-conomic for data exchange. They are programs, systems or applications that allow data exchange between e-conomic and other applications, which aims to help automate administrative tasks between systems that work with a company.

This integration – explains Carlos Jimenez Borrajo, CEO of e-conomic for Spain – allows administrators spend less time on manual tasks in your company and focus on the key aspects of your business. Example of course is the integration with an online store: when a new order is received in the store, this information reaches e-conomic automatically. Subsequently, the company creates an invoice in e-conomic and this information reaches the system of online store that sent the invoice to the client. Once the customer pays and sends the information to the online store, it shares information with e-conomic that records the collection automatically.