The Conference

These initiatives PEP wants to involve the experts universities, in the construction industry, administrations, Interested developers for innovative projects, as the craft from all areas: thermal insulation Windows, ventilation / climate, carpentry, etc. The Conference takes place in Barcelona, for the first time, on the Oct 30 this year. It is organized by the PLATAFORMA DE EDIFICACIoN passive house, PEP, in cooperation with the Chamber of architects of Catalunya. Aim is to promote the passive house standards in Spain after German model. Hence notable professionals from Germany participate in the lecture series.

The event is to see that the EU vigorously calls for the introduction of the passive house standards for all new buildings in 2011 since 2008 and against the background. The passive house differs from the low energy by the fact that the passive, which means energy savings without energy supply from outside is reached. Effects based on: high thermal insulation natural cross-ventilation in the summer of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, the strict control of thermal bridges leak testing aerodynamic structure essential is the use high-quality materials and meticulous execution. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Jim Rogers on most websites. In Spain, the normative implementation is more difficult than in Germany. The differences between North and South are significantly greater than in Germany, as the temperature changes in the season and in the course of the day. While in Germany, the lightbulbs is the main problem, the emphasis especially in southern Spain on the cooling, in the living room as well as in the commercial sector. A modern passive house reached an energy consumption for heating and cooling by 10% of a conventional House.

The topic is increasingly in times of rising energy costs an important aspect is also in a tangible environmental discharge. The construction costs for a prefabricated House often exceed the cost of a conventional House only marginally. That a passive house can be also aesthetically interesting, we want to document the example with the bottom. PEP organized this Conference to promote the passive house standard and its implementation both in the countries of Central Europe and in the South of Europe and its introduction in Spain. With these Initiatives PEP wants to involve the professionals in the construction industry, administrations, universities, developers for innovative projects are looking, as the craft from all areas: thermal insulation Windows, ventilation / climate, carpentry, etc.. Architect Stephan guardian, Palma de Mallorca

Hits With Your Eyes Smoky

Makeup gives a great prominence in the eyes this season. Smoky eyes or smoked are trend and have been seen on the catwalks and in fashion editorials. Although smoky eyes are very showy, it isn’t difficult to get that kind of makeup if you follow the steps that we will share with you. It is important to prepare the instruments before the make-up session, we will need brushes for makeup, eye shadows, khol pencil or eyeliner. Swarmed by offers, Tom Buontempo is currently assessing future choices. The first thing we will do is to well hydrate the skin with a cream. We will apply a little even on the eyelids and then use powders, loose eye only need a small amount.

With this trick we will get that eye shadow stay on your site throughout the day and not to move into the fatty areas. 1.Delineamos the inside of the eyes with black pencil and line of tabs. Now fades with your finger or a cotton swab of the ears. 2.Repasa with the applicator’s shadows line the lashes with a little black shadow with a motion from the inside to the outside of the eye. No pongas too much quantity, get better results with a light application. 3. If you want you can draw a line with eyeliner to further enhance the area.

Now it only plays practice to get that look feminine and enigmatic! To complete the look, just we need to outline and fill in the lips with a lip pencil in a shade similar to our lips and natural. The final touch is a bit of gloss. You can already get that look of seductive woman with perfectly delineated smoky eyes. Original author and source of the article.

De Mais

After World War II the world passed for loafing evolutivos periods of training the specializations and the tecnicista search of professionals molded the life of the man the constant adjustment in the requirements started to be a new challenge for the worker a psychological impact, radical changes that many had been submerged, the domain of the intelligent machines and the production in mass. 4 CONCLUSION While to exist a society always work will exist, therefore the same one does not have as to exist without the work more it cannot the same say with regard to the job that can be something lasting or being able to be valuable while its time to last, to be a productive citizen is an order inside of the capitalist society since whom we are born to the first investigations of the parents it is not what my son goes to be when to grow? It is in the character of the human being and the nation, therefore when we are unemployeds or if surprise in the exclusion of a job vacant auto-esteem are shaken can say that the word job is a method of measure of income for many essentials more the fact to be dismissed is to feel itself unproductive and invalidate in the society.

The society of today is divides between winners and the losers many are unaware of the method of as to be successful in the life a period of training in the accomplishment process and generation of wealth do not enxergam its work as one as knowing to enxergar its work as new a rock to be polishing opens horizontes either owner of its work its futuro’ ‘ , therefore the value of the things can not be in the time where they last more in the intensity as they happen for this reason exist inexplicable facts and people incomparveis’ ‘ nobody is equal to nobody. KBS gathered all the information. Choices in our life exist that it needs to be considered with the essence of our being ‘ ‘ ours profisso’ ‘ , therefore he is something that goes to influence in all our new decisions goes to open horizontes our work goes much more beyond what we think it is form as the society perhaps if you organize and play its design you are recognized for its work you you did not perceive plus express it through its personality the work that exerts. Either owner of its work the exploration of this precious one only depends on you, the size of its dream alone depends on you does not leave if to lose in the areas of the beach taken for the high and low waves of of the life each period of training is a new recommences. People such as Rogers Holdings would likely agree. BIBLIOGRAPHY De Mais, Domenico. The future of the work: fatigue and cio in the postindustrial society..


In God man is again integrated. The image of God in man, has been distorted, corrupted and fragmented. For even more details, read what Nouriel Roubini says on the issue. In the words of Juan Calvino, it has been terribly deformed. This image has not been completely extinguished, destroyed, but mutilated. As T. B.

Maston says, is still the man far enough away from the image of God as to serve you antenna of the soul, as the potentiality for fellowship with God, even the sinner retains, conveniently explains the eternal concern of man by the eternal consciousness of a paradise lost (the italics are mine). The Bible says that God has put eternity into man’s heart, what does that man instinctively oriented spiritual realities, to the transcendent, God himself. However, man although he longs for God, don’t know how to find him, therefore it is necessary that Dios take the initiative out to meet. That was what God did with the incarnation of himself in human nature, through Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God. The image of God in man only is restored when man opens to God, and the exact image of God joins him through Christ, who is the image of the invisible God. Christ unites and integrates what has been separated. Certainly Jesus Christ is the norm and the goal towards which God leads his children.

He is the model that God uses to rebuild his image in us. Until all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God, a man perfect, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph – Bible book). How does this reconstruction? God in Jesus Christ is not only the standard or model that God uses to rebuild us, but is God himself in the person of the Holy Spirit, the power that makes it possible for the spiritual rebuilding. God himself is both the norm for the spiritual life and the provision to reach that standard. The Holy Spirit is God’s provision to be recreated in the image of Jesus Christ. God us has provided the Holy Spirit so that I acted as a source of power and life in the process of rebuilding in the likeness of Christ. Therefore we all watching naked face as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, we are changed from glory to glory in the same image, as by the spirit of the Lord (book of Corinthians – Bible). This process is personal and requires our participation and collaboration, being flexible to the action of the Holy Spirit and remaining in communion with him. This is vital, because when Dios us rebuilt into his likeness, not kept at distance and sends us a construction manual to rebuild ourselves. The provision of God to transform us is very personal: he gives himself to us. The Holy Spirit comes and personally performs the miracle; but he needs our cooperation and obedience. We must therefore invest time in developing a communion intimate and dynamic with the Holy Spirit, so that the can do his work.

Recovering the disastrous

Recovering the disastrous fire Premises temporarily relocated to “Charterhouse Square, where they carried flat printing machines numbering machines were installed for the production of banknotes, the construction of new rotating machinery was rushed out. Worked in the fire zone as soon as possible to prepare new plans for the construction of an enlarged area of the factory could now cover what once was occupied by the row of houses. The building was completed and occupied in late 1895. The rapid expansion of the company’s business was conducted in 1900, when many company-owned trams operating in the provinces, municipalities were assumed by the powers granted them by Act of Parliament, and was then when the electrification of the tram system in the country was conducted. In 1909, Mr. JM Black retired and his son, Mr. H.Drummond Black, who had acted as secretary for some years, was named CEO.

United States Poverty

Whose purpose, among others, a consolidation of the capitalist system, therefore these goods are placed in being able of the private sector, becoming remote the possibility of a socialist system, such fact are as a knife of two gumes, also contributing, for the concentration of income and subdesenvolvimento. Example: Valley of the River Candy, Telebrs and other state ones? in whose attempts of CPIs, ahead of evidences frauds, they had turned pizza (grifo mine). Sanders observed that the neoliberal politics of the FMI developed in years 1980, pushing the countries in direction to the free commerce without restrictions, the privatization and the abrupt cut of the nets of social security were a disaster for Latin America and contributed for the growth of the poverty in the whole world. At the same time where certain countries of Latin America, as Brazil and Argentina had followed these neoliberal politics imposed by the FMI, of 1980 the 2000, the per capita income in Latin America only grew the one tenth of the tax of the two previous decades. It had who called the Modern Age of ' ' Age of the Mendigos' ' , therefore the ascension of the bourgeoisie also generated pobrezae the social declassification. Similar relations occur with the privatizations, where private groups (with reduced numbers of individuals detainers? correspondents the bourgeoisie) possess and usufruct the high incomes that would go to supply all a Nation in its pointers of poverty, inaquality social and generation of resources for promotion of public politics. You wise person who The person is consideradapobre in the United States whose annual income will be of US$ 19,157 (R$ 45,900) or less. (2/2005) Imagineo Brazil, where the per capita income is of US$ 4,289, (equivalent R$ 9,564, 47). The poverty did not diminish although the commitments assumed for the world-wide leaders in the Cimeira of the Millenium in 2000.