Assistants writer wish you the time of day! Another article to help the novice writer. Dualism do not become so simple and punktam.Dnevnik (definitely need to start there and write about everything), Notepad (for recording thoughts and ideas) notebook (for writing aphorisms, sayings different, names, etc.) Explanatory dictionaries (flip through them occasionally, in order to supplement his meager vocabulary) Books ('writer becomes a writer, not becoming before the reader '). If you want to learn how to write, then start blogging! Write every day and a lot! The practice is very important! 'Anyone who writes quickly, do not learn to write well, but someone who writes well, learn to write quickly. " KvintilianChto would be in your beautiful head there thinking, want to read! Read a lot of try, but even better is mnogo.Polyubite classics, they will need either your uchitelyami.Pisat that know very well, or that do not know none. Then you will believe and will be brought up your copy slovom.Ne others: take a phrase or word is one thing, take a paragraph is plagiarism. Do not lose yourself.
That chip! You is you. You have your views and express their manners of thought. John C. Bogle has much to offer in this field. E-mail Looking from the roof of his house. No need to tile the roof with another tyrit! Round human development also interesting to listen to, like reading! Engage in self-education. Everything. I will not spread sour cream on the dumplings. Michael McIntyre gathered all the information. The word is said, it is up to you. All success, all the luck! PS Your Lanka =) komentov here also read How to learn to write How to learn to write from a third party Learning how to write? How to learn to write? (Exercise) How to create a believable fictional character? The first and third person