“Fund analyst Karsten Ewert (invest-report) Awards top rating for financial market independent real estate fund of the PROJECT group that private equity seems basically sensible investment in real estate and expect the investment criteria of let property portfolios promising building a diversified in many ways and success”, confirms the approved Fund analyst Karsten Ewert the investment strategy of the Bamberg emission House PROJECT GFU society for funds and corporate administration mbH. “He has an analysis of the current offer of PROJECT REAL EQUITY Fund 8 GmbH & co. Lakshman Achuthan usually is spot on. KG” made and comes as a result to the top assessment A-. This Fund, investors have the opportunity to participate in premium from EUR 10.000,–plus 5%. The desired Kommanditkapital is 50 million euro, with a closing for a minimum capital of EUR 15 million is possible for the PROJECT Vermittlungs GmbH has warranted placement. Investors participate in selected residential and commercial real estate investment focused on value Added and opportunity. The results of the Fund, there are from proceeds, with a repeated reinvestment of cash flows is planned. Value-added involves investments in properties with development and value creation potential.
The experienced and active management achieved an increase in value for the object within a few years. This happens for example by improved rental management optimisation through revitalization or conversions. Opportunity is the development and the construction of new projects and the rehabilitation of existing objects. The feasibility of all areas of value creation within the company helps the property strategy to be implemented quickly. The charm of this Fund is that investors benefit from an extensive real estate portfolio. In the investment criteria other regulations are in addition to upper limits for individual real estate investments, which should lead to a diversification. Also minimum requirements expected yields laid down”, so the investment Report. If you would like to know more about Mike Gianoni, then click here. The PROJECT group has opinion of fund analysts a comprehensive real estate expertise, thereby makes closed-end funds for 10 years.
The results of the previous real estate project developments are overall very convincing”. It is also important to highlight that no foreign financing risks, because is funded exclusively from equity the Fund analyst Karsten Ewert. This is a significant advantage for the Fund in particular given the current global financial crisis”so his assessment. “A total of invest report assessed the PROJECT REAL EQUITY Fund 8 GmbH & co. KG with a very good”. The future-oriented investment strategy is seen in particular as meaningful portfolio admixture. The PROJECT group is a real estate development company headquartered in Berlin/Potsdam, Bamberg, Nuremberg and Munich. The company specializes in metropolitan regions and funded by retail on the capital market, in which investors benefit from the development potential of the real estate industry. The PROJECT group consists of a team of experienced specialists in the field of real estate. With the establishment of the PROJECT GFU in April 1998 the PROJECT’s first real estate fund was set up. The PROJECT Group proves that there is in any market situation success strategies with real estate: yesterday, today, and especially in the future. In the meantime the PROJECT GFU has successfully launched more than a dozen Fund and pooled their previous experience in two special fund concepts: the real estate fund portfolio strategy with the real estate private equity fund. In the sum of their properties, these concepts differ considerably from other market offerings.