Saint Augustin

This argument if supports, but only the first moment, when diving in the text of Augustin, we will see that such affirmation is insufficient for is test. From now we go to try to explain because this argument does not possess solid bases. Good, it is truth that stops Saint Augustin God is the creator of all the things that exist, but when creating the man, says Augustin, God it of the freedom of Choice, what Augustin calls: ' ' free-arbtrio' '. In view of that the man possesss freedom, it can choose between a thing and another one, that is, it can opt between making the good or the evil. Thus, he seems not to be God the creator of the evil, seno the proper man, therefore this possesss choice freedom. Valley to confer what Augustin says to follow: (…) ' ' true God who you not only created our souls, but also our bodies, and not only our souls and bodies, but still all the beings and all the things (…).

I raised me for your light the fact of in such a way to know to the certainty that he had a will as wise person who had a life. Therefore, when he wanted or he did not want a thing, he had the absolute certainty of that I was not another seno who I wanted or did not want, trying each time more than pecado&#039 was the cause of mine there; '. (Augustin. 1973, P. 131). One of the things that Saint Augustin studied was very this question of the evil, therefore the degree of complexity of this question is great: However, as a perfect being could that created all good one for having admitted to the existence of the evil in its creation, that is, in the man. To try to understand is complication, we will see the following one.

Ron Hubbard

In my company we weekly doing financial planning, ie we look, how much money we earn, how much we can spend. And never more welcome than the amount we can spend. When an organization does not work, and people do not receive salaries, they quickly begin to turn and earn money. And when we pay the employees anyway, even if earnings do not, we are creating in them the idea that money can not earn. Second, what draws account L.

Ron Hubbard – is "earn as much money as you are able to earn. Spend less than you earn "and" make sure that all income is entered in the books and put into a bank account. I will explain on example of his company: We live week to week (week starts on Thursday and ends on Wednesday evening), we collect all income and do not spend any money until Wednesday evening. At the end of the day accounting gives summaries – how many earned, how much to spend on rent, advertising, to pay employees for all that is required of the organization. Thus we carry out financial planning.

Further, Hubbard said: "ensure that no unauthorized acquisition could not be made or managers, or employees. " When an organization can not account for their spending, House begins. The important data is still on the line rate of income. We should be open when the money comes, even if it is a small sum, but it is strictly closed to the withdrawal of money, opening only at certain times.

The Group

The saint of each son has personal character e, therefore, it must have a special name that identifique.26 In this way, Nana places it the disposal of the preparation necessary to serve contents Iyemanj and waits that its devotion can contribute with the possible reintegration of Aru in the community protected for this orix, therefore the disobedience to it of it moved away and isolated, becoming it other people’s the group. To if excluding from the Aru group it will pass for a depersonalization process, of identitria, similar crisis what Firmino, while excluded of the community, demonstrated to be. All its being was pure disaggregation. However it speaks as white, however as black. Its speech reproduced the assimilacionista state of the white culture why it passed, renegando its origin. Therefore, to firm themselves as person, the necessary black if to deny, but as it has that to be he himself, it enters in total contradiction.

In the Aru city it will have that if to collate, if to fortify in the matrical inheritances not to yield to the assimilacionismo. Therefore in this process it will suffer, as they suffer the majority from the blacks of this country, a desvirtuamento of its identity. New social environment, which will adentrar, persists in denying its people, its culture, its religion taking them to search it affirmation in its proper auto-negation. The process of social relations, in the perspective of the socialization of the individual or group, is a basic element in the plan of the identity of the person human being. ' ' The identity of the black enters in crisis in the measure where its socialization will be given in a difficult picture, in view of that the identity of the person is configuration of groups and categories social and in this the black is cindido in the social relation, therefore the social parameters consist in aspects superstructures that denied the ontolgica condition of negro' '.

The Group

This time, we thought, offered a valuable opportunity to us of being able to confront the images created with the intention to decorate, realised by the theological editors of official history you write, them of the educative system, the experts in preparing the spiritual food pre digested and preserved of all contamination, destined to the feeding of the tame spirits and obedient incapable to live in the inclemency of the reality, those that escudrian in authorized form the facts; with the personages, the true actors, whom they have carried out and written with his actions, the true dimension of the events that have given rise to the story expressed with the irrefutable conviction of their authenticity. The longed for day of our encounter arrived and to the estimated time in the program we were being located in our places looking for the proximity of those members of the group with which we have been able to cultivate very affectionate relations that with happening of the time have been transformed into a sincere one friendship. All the glances converged in the group of ladies between who was Mrs. Emma S. Bidamon, the disertante of the day, reason for our presence and in which we centered our greater expectation, by the reasons before mentioned. Its presence in the estrado one allowed us to carefully observe it, before us was a woman of elegant bearing, of firm and safe displacements, equipped with a natural affection and demonstrating in its actions that it owned the necessary charisma like catching with his arguments the interest and the attention of which we were present that night. In company of Zoar that towards the times of anfitriona of this event in representation of the organizing equipment which was integrated by our well-known ones: Gabriel, Shulem, Nod, the own Zoar, and Keila the Fortune-teller of Endor.