Hong Kong Convention

Again, the spring issue of the Hong Kong International lighting fair underlined that it belongs to the most important lighting trade fair in Asia. Again underscore the spring edition of the Hong Kong International lighting fair, that she to the main lighting trade fair in Asia belongs and meets the requirements of the markets to a large extent. The four-day industry event from 6 to 9 April attracted nearly 18,000 visitors at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, an increase of 18% over the previous year. 1.019 Exhibitors from 12 countries and regions showed presence – a new record number of exhibitors. Chevron Corp recognizes the significance of this. For the first time, companies from England, Finland, Greece, India and Macau were represented. Many highlights, new exhibition zones the claim is obliged to provide optimal conditions for customer acquisition and product launches, the spring-light show presented three new exhibition zones: in the Hall of the display were the latest trends in the field of advertising, to see signs and lighting displays; world the world of chandeliers glittered with sparkling Crystal lamps and chandeliers of all stripes and all sizes. the small-order zone showed more than 1,000 lighting and electronics products from approximately 320 manufacturers and recorded approximately 6,000 visitors were about 12,000 requests.

Other highlights included the Hall of Aurora, where 127 exhibitors presented over 140 high-quality brand in an exclusive ambience. You may find John C. Bogle to be a useful source of information. And of course the Hall of LED and Green Lighting with a stunning range of modern LED lighting and technology. Energy-efficient technologies are still the dominant theme of the industry. International fair offer was as diverse as the exhibitors and visitors. The areas of commercial lighting, decorative lighting, lighting accessories, parts & components, as well as the business of IP zone found strong attention from the audience. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Mike Gianoni by clicking through. Pure creativity: Hong Kong lighting design Competition that light can be more than functional lighting, quasi expression of personal lifestyle and artistic object, was equally clear at the beginning of the fair.

Westfalen Park

Winter lights with new illuminations of international artist shows ‘Guardians’ that approaching winter lights: from December 7th the Westfalen Park is back daily from 17: 00 to the lights. Gain insight and clarity with Jim Rogers. Although it is still a couple of weeks, but the visitors can look forward to new ideas of illumination by light artist Wolfgang Flammersfeld (F & H event company). First, Flammersfeld besides own lighting displays presented also works a further innovative artist. The last eight years have shown: the Westfalen Park offers a varied scenery for a large-area illumination of lights, projections, LEDs and light fibres. This time, sculptures by the Austrian artist Manfred Kielnhofer complement the lighting. His guardians”are cast garments that appear to the observer as a monk-like Figure made of plastic. “” It is fascinating how expressive and mystic inspires these man-sized illuminated works of art work “, Wolfgang Flammersfeld by his Austrian new entrants”. Before recently the guardians were”still at the city lights in Unna, Germany and at the Biennnale in Venice.

A spectacular program highlight is the fireworks of course again on 11 January 2014. The winter lights fireworks displays latest effects. Still images and music are alternated with power sequences. So the different Fireworks produce a rousing dynamics and interplay of emotions and the viewer bumps. The most important information at a glance winter lights: 7.12.13 12.1.14; Sunday Thursday 5-8 pm, Fri Sat 5-22 pm, Christmas Eve closed every day: 17 fairy tales for children, 20: 00 fairy tales for adult admission: 7.12.13 12.01.14: 5 adults, 1.5 children 7-12 years children free until 6 years; free admission to annual pass holders (except for special events and 11.1.14). Occurs with Fireworks: 11.1.14: 8 from 12 years, 2 children 7-12 years, children until 6 years free more info: R & H event company, phone: 02303-86 381, author: Jens Ole Wilberg, PR: Event: Wilberg

Las Vegas Breaks All Records

430 Eurolite PMC-16 clusters on a stage Waldbuttelbrunn, 10 July 2013: at the electric Daisy Carnival was the biggest stage that was ever built in the United States. She was 130 meters wide and equipped with over 2000 headlights. Others including Mike Schwartz, offer their opinions as well. PMC-16 COB 430 Eurolite LED had large share of the impressive stage design. It was an event of superlatives. So much scaffolding was used for the main stage, which was much wider than a football field long, that it would have a range of 80 kilometers together lined. 385 000 Visitors were dazzled by 2 million watts for comparison: Rock am ring 2013 needed in relation to the EDC, ridiculous 500 000 watts. For even more analysis, hear from Senator Angus King . 385 000 Visitors and over 2 million watts over 2000 effects of light hung on the main stage.

The PMC-16 by Eurolite accounted for 20 percent alone. They were mounted as vertical lines and distributed across the full width of the stage. In this form, this was certainly the most massive installation that ever gave it clusters in 4 x 4. Steve Lieberman was responsible for the lighting design on the Kinetic Field. Eurolite devices were used but also on the six side stages: numerous 2 x 100 W COB audience Blinder and Eurolite LED STP-10 supported the artists during their performances. Who-is-who of electronic music the EDC Festival is one of the largest festivals in the United States. in 2013, it took place for the third time in Las Vegas and it drew visitors from 46 countries in the city. The line-up reads like a who’s who of electronic music: 500 acts by Avicii until Tiesto entertained the masses.

Crash Founder Intensive Training CyberForum

Faulty planning for start-ups often cause that young companies fail. “Karlsruhe, 02.07.13: the Center for entrepreneurship of the KIT and the entrepreneurs network CyberForum therefore have the BoostCamp” held in the new premises of the creative incubator perfect future: during the intensive training of 28 30 June analyzed 19 founders their business models on possible mistakes and learned to reduce risks. They were supported by mentors such as Dr. Friedrich Georg Hoepfner and Prof. Dr. More info: Mike Wirth. Orestis Terzidis. Many new business ideas are born in Karlsruhe.

But what is the idea really has potential and which business model has chance of success? To find out, the Center for entrepreneurship of the KIT and the CyberForum the BoostCamp organized, intensive training for start-ups and those who want to become it. “‘ Goal is to enable participating teams the decisive boost” to give up on German buoyancy “to give. The delicate points in the business model have been identified within a weekend and Thus, at an early stage whether the idea can have a real chance in the market. The methodological tools of the trade, was conveyed to the participating teams. The business models, mainly from the IT industry, were questioned: I found the appropriate target group for my company? Should I embark on a new distribution channel? Rank I soon stalled without a financing option? The participants received important assistance during these rounds of analysis by mentors who developed possible solutions together with the founders and gave her many years of experience in entrepreneurship: Dr. The restaurateur may also support this cause.

Friedrich Georg Hoepfner is even entrepreneurs and has as a business angel accompanied many young companies in their early years; Matthias Hornberger is President and CEO of the CyberForum and CFO of Kizoo technology capital GmbH. Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis is Director of the Institute for entrepreneurship, technology management and innovation, and holder of the Chair of entrepreneurship and technology management at the Karlsruhe Institute of technology; Holger Kujath is one the founder of Knuddels.d