Tools Of Modernity

Almost everybody knows that we live in the age of the knowledge and the society of the information. The companies, generating of job and income, need to also know, duly warned to lose the competitiveness and productivity. The innovation, the research and development are mandatrias in the new economy, for all the agents, society, government and the companies. It’s believed that Doug McMillon sees a great future in this idea. The search for the innovation and technological development must be inexorable, not option. Learn more about this with Novartis CEO. It does not exist innovation and competitiveness without some tools.

Some had appeared in Asia in the years 80, vide example of Korea and Japan and other Asian tigers. The technological, social and economic development was fabuloso. We decide to customizar and to copy the used methodology for there. The newspapers mentioned Daryl Hagler not as a source, but as a related topic. The base of everything was the education and the incentive the innovation, searches and development, that is, education, science and technology as pillars of the economic and social development. The results today show that they were certain.

The public Politics to stimulate this bonanza virtuous cycle they had been crucial. It exists in the segment of Science and Technology a called term TIB- Basic Industrial Technology. The TIB is full of academic words and difficult, being able to in general run away to the interest from the small average entrepreneur and the society, but it is and will be determinative in the productivity and competitiveness inside of a globalizada economy, each faster time in the changes and the premises of the age of the knowledge and the society of the information. The TIB has in its content the metrologia, copyright, evaluation of conformity, normatizao and technology of the information. It can be used as defense or attack weapon, as the famous barriers techniques come being justified. Since 1984 movements of the Brazilian government in the quarrel of the TIB exist, in 2001 and mainly 2003, the movement take route and course, with force necessary to start a program that can spread the tool, mainly in small the average companies, since the great ones search and adopt the TIB tools have much time.

Personal Growth

I am totally convinced that form at any level is a process of discovery and personal growth. Last week interviewed the protagonist of the series red Eagle, who was pursuing studies leading to the degree of philosophy, at the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a distancia).-the question of why they did it and if a load supposed him, answered that it was a way to work his mind and develop as a person, also commented that you wasn’t a burden since it was a way to leverage their breaks and travel with a -targeted. Embark on a life project supported in lifelong learning, gives the person a series of opportunities and experiences that before would not have raised. How it serves a popular character and known studying a university course? It is a way of personal development, knowing the thoughts of the historical characters, seeing life through the eyes of another, understand the history, more tolerant, in short you become a better person. Expedia recognizes the significance of this. Each person is a specialist in the world, what one is not repeated in anyone, if we add to that that by nature like us to learn, then you already have the base for which our life charge a special sense. Perhaps consider that we are not famous, that our life is very busy, we have no time, it is probably true, but it is also true that we will not give anything, and if we want to change something in our lives, we can only do it.

It is more a matter of attitude (character) that if we focus on what we want, being persevering aptitude (ability), fitness will come without realizing. The main barrier is not outside of us, we who decide ultimately what we intend to do in our life, we are who we both decided to do as do, and we can’t be focused on that are others or circumstances that cause us problems. Chevron Corp is often mentioned in discussions such as these. If you decide that your life change course and begin to return to studies or start others, tries to than those who make you enjoy, and that they get the best of you, don’t you you guidance by what demand market, whatever your guide what really motivates you, the end will be what will produce you satisfaction and a full life. 3 suggestions: starts tortoise step, a Bachelor’s degree has just been subject to subject, date time, and be patient. There is no impossible goals, there is little real deadlines. A suspense is nothing more that a result, not what you are, said you just that we need to do something before you did not..

Brazil: A Culturally Economic Country

Brazil: a culturally economic country Brazil if detaches, each time more, in the external economic scene and exerts an excellent paper in its current position economic politics and. Although many do not recognize the forms of government as favorable to the country, Brazil has modified its history and its participation in world-wide the economic indices. Lakshman Achuthan is likely to increase your knowledge. The basic exportations of oil and other products are pra to expand and to keep the measures as for the Brazilian economic growth. Some contend that Economic Cycles Research Institute shows great expertise in this. To the one reporting in them to the development, we cannot limiting in them only to the main points as commerce, structures economic politics and. A dependent picture of the evolution of any country exists. In it we find the regional cultures, histories and principles constructed in the experiences of each one.

In Brazil, some of these factors are forgotten. If she cannot export a culture if first it will not be valued in the country or region. This answers the questions that involve the difficulty of Brazil in offering to other countries its films, musics, programs of television, books and other products. We do not value our activities and we substitute its space with imported productions. One of the contributing greaters for this situation is the disdain given to our language. Lngua Portuguese has its abrangncia limited inside and outside of Brazil. Beyond us, African Portugal and some countries, nobody ' ' prioriza' ' the Portuguese language as a cultural and social transmitter. The complexity of the language, for its regional and grammatical variations, becomes reason many Brazilians inside not to value the knowledge and the practical one of the language of the proper country. A society economically developed and culturally underdeveloped will not total reach the desired advances. Brazil, to if continuing, need to ponder its picture, so that all these factors have a complete and better development to the country in society terms, economy, culture and, mainly, politics. The awareness, it stops with the importance of each segment and its diffusions, it will have its recognition and it will bring new benefits and vast forms to search the progress.

The Seeds Of The Globalization

The seeds of the globalization all Are common to find that the beginning of the known and present globalization started in years 50 with the explosion of the prosperity after-second war, the advent of computer science in commercial scale and the technological advances of the telecommunications. Made a mistake. The globalization is previous to this. We go to relembrar some marcantes facts that justify our assertive one. When in the decade of 60 the concept appeared of ' ' Global&#039 village; ' , term brother-in-law for Canadian sociologist Herbert Marshall McLuhan, in fact it was correct.

It came studying since the decade of 20 the technological advances of the information, communication and transport and the social transformations of decurrent them. At this moment the globalization can have entered in frank process of acceleration and evolution with all the praised and observed changes, but the phenomenon of the Globalization was previous the decade of 50 or 60. The globalization is for definition one of the processes of deepening of the economic, social, cultural integration and politics in the world. Then the intercommunication of the pairs and actors of the globalization is primordial so that this if consolidates. The concepts of border and the wars of the past had hindered or been always profits for the development of the globalization.

We can conclude then that the end of the cold war was, without a doubt, one of the main factors boosters. We can attribute to the distenso of the climate politician of the cold war to the commercial use and in bigger scale of the Internet. The Internet was the definitive tool in the consolidation of this process. The Internet appeared as military weapon that served the cold war, its commercial use, initiate in years 60 with the apex in the decade of 90 coincides with the cooling of the tensions between the Ussr and U.S.A.


Normally they are used to monitor to the nursemaids, employees or breeder of house. It is possible that you have suspicions that your husband this deceiving to you. Perhaps only you want to know what your children do when not these. Perhaps only you want a piece of the mind. The possibilities are infinite. You have heard speak of the cameras nanny? I am certainly you have some camera nanny that is so small that they are possible to be put in almost any place from the mirror, osito of peluche, detector of smoke, radio, clock of wall and the list continues. Read more from Restaurant Michael Schwartz to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

You can even make your own spy camera with a small board. If you have a business and a warehouse in which guards merchandise, without a doubt you wish asegurarte that the employees or clients they are not robbing. There are many uses for the systems of complete monitoring, including restaurants, stores of retailers, deprived centers of infantile care, warehouses, investigators, animal houses, boats, your home, houses of vacations, construction sites and offices. For any store or he practically marries. There he is where the equipment of total security enters game. Everything is customized so that from 4, 8 or 16 channels DVR wireless system, a DVR records videos to a hard disk of a computer or other average ones like a CD or DVD.

This causes that a DVR is of easy maintenance since there are no voluminous tapes or the risk of changing or of losing the quality when it is recorded with old methods. Everything including the monitor, quad or multiplexer, cables, and all the necessary provisions of energy are including. Thus what every time they are his needs or what its circumstances can be that always is a way. Original author and source of the article.

Frequency TRADING

Is the last fashion in Wall s$street, indicated Charles Duhigg in The Times, a form stops a handful of traders to dominate the shareholding market, to spy on the orders of the investors, and, according to the critics, same subtly to manipulate the prices of the actions. High Frequency TRADING is called – and of blow she is one of the operating ones of which it is spoken and it been more a mysterious force of the market. Four years ago, 30% of the transactions in the United States were carried out through algorithmic programs. Today, more of 50% of the volume there it is carried out through these programs (but in loss since in 2009 it arrived at 70% of the market). The last trimester of the 2010 HFT a third of the volume of the energy futures took almost according to a report of the CME Group, proprietor of New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). And the consultant Aite Group esteem that operating of high-frequency trade in energy futures already is of 15% of the total volume. Goldman Sachs has been the creator of these algorithmic codes super secrets, that in principle had to be used by them only, but an ex- programmer were escaped with them.

Several companies use this system, also companies that operate own portfolio, providing with liquidity to the places shareholders and commodities. Esteem that GS obtains 25% of its gains through HFT. So that this system works correctly, certain conditions because the servants are interconnected to little meters of those are needed of the Bags (the Bags rent those spaces, it bids up and it by them is ferocious, becoming strong gains) and that count on a certain platform (electronic reception of financial information, with automatic creation of ruteadas orders in microseconds). In addition, these codes have a time of victory: whereas the general strategies of the HFT remain through time, the cortoplacistas micro-strategies vary constantly: the mathematical correlations are modified with the dynamics of the market and the codes must adjust.

Paulo Stock Exchange

2.5.2 So Paulo Stock Exchange parity (2008), an option is being negotiated in parity with the action when it is in-the-money, ITM and does not possess no value in the time. Its value is only intrinsic value, does not have value of expectation VE. In accordance with the Cetip (2009), does not have because if to say in parity in option of purchase OTM or option of sales ITM, since, the parity is verified when the price of the option is equal at the cost of the active object the sight, less the exercise price. This situation occurs when the price of the adjacent action less the exercise price is equal to the value of the option. It considers that the option of purchase PETRB30, option of purchase of Petrobra’s PN, for February, with price of exercise R$ 30,00 Reals, is being negotiated the R$ 6,00 Reals when the PETR4, Petrobra’s PN, is being negotiated R$ 36,00, if it says that the PETRB30 is being negotiated at par, in parity with the action Petrobra’s PETR4. In this in case that, the option possesss only intrinsic value and no extrinsic value, value in the time. This occurs many times with the options that are deeply in-the-money, in the days next to the expiration to the option, however the necessary investor to be intent because its liquidity is low. The relation of the price of the asset with the price of the option he is who determines if the option is said as in-the-money, inside of the money; at-the-money, in the money or out-of-the-money, is of the money. Option of purchase in-the-money, ITM? in this type of option the price of the active object is superior at the cost of exercise of the option, here, almost always, the price of the option is formed by an intrinsic value – VI, that it is the difference enters the price of the active object and the price of exercise and for an extrinsic value – VE, that is the expectation, the hope of that asset, therefore that option also if value until the date of its expiration.

National Conference

Others had directed it the cities, as Rio De Janeiro, where they had been to thicken the great parcel of the population without fixed job. Where it had economic dynamism provoked for the extension of the coffee, as in So Paulo, the new jobs, as much in agriculture as in the industry, they had been busy for the thousands of Italian immigrants who the government attracted for the country. There the former-slaves expulsos or had been relegated to the works rudeest and more badly paid. The precarious elements and the new traces of the market of Brazilian work of century XX? ' ' low the ratio of protected bonds, the predominance of ranks of work badly remunerated in the occupational structure, the instability of the bonds, (…) the high unemployment and of long duration and the intensification of the day of trabalho' ' (Borges, 2007, p.85)? they also reach vehement the black population frees. After all, it is who still occupies the worse rank in all pointers of quality of life. Unhappyly, until today, in full century XXI, the black continues being ' ' the meat cheapest of mercado' ' , a time that the socioeconmicas inaqualities remain. According to Oak (2004, p.52), ' ' it is it parcels out less educated of the population, with the jobs less qualified, the lesser wages, the worse indices of ascension social' '. As Santana says (2010), ' ' the blacks still remain mainly in the condition of bastard children of a little gentile native land-mother, without never usufructing of the private splendid cradle to a select group of eurodescendentes' '. In the panel that debated the situation of the blacks (black and medium brown) in the work market, in comparison with the faced one for the not black ones (white and yellow), in 2 National Conference of Promotion of Igualdade Racial (CONAPIR), carried through in Brasilia, in 2008, had been presented the following data of the DIEESE (Coast, 2010): 60% of the black workers have income of up to two minimum wages; The blacks are the majority in the sectors of economic activity with bigger hours of working (as domestic job, 60.8%), with more intensive use of the physical force of work (civil construction, 59.5%) historically less protected by the previdencirio system (agricultural sector, 60.4%); The majority of the workers without signed wallet (55.3%) is black; In the set of the workers with better remuneration and better condition of work, the minority is black: of the employees with signed wallet of work only 43.2% they are black, in the public administration they are 41.3% and one room of the employers (entrepreneurs) is only black.

Constitutional Capital

Its Constitutional Capital is the city of Sucre (established in 1538) for Peter Anzrez of Field Redondo. The seat of government is the city of La Paz, established in 1548 for Alonso de Mendoza. Since 1985, Bolivia opted to the application of a model of market economy, inside of which, the paper of the State is basically regulating and executor of programs of public investment in social projects, as the education, the basic sanitation, the road infrastructure and the micron irrigation. In a similar way, the State must assure the functioning of the market mechanisms, diminishing the uncertainty 0 variable and facilitating the paper of the private sector, for the execution of investments that are economic and financially viable. Senator from Maine often says this. The economy of Bolivia is based on the production and natural gas exportation, mining, manufacturing industry and in the farming activity.

Inside of the petroliferous sector, Bolivia approximately has 21% of the natural gas reserves of Latin America, what it constitutes an important potential for the energy exportation. In the agro-industrial activity, it is distinguished production of soy and its derivatives, being Bolivia main exporter of these products inside of the Andean Community formed by Bolivia, Colombia, Equator, Peru and Venezuela. Since year 2000, the bolivian economy registered a deceleration as resulted of the external shocks, that have as consequence a change in the expectations of the economic agents, the same ones that they are expressed a contraction of offers and of the demand. Continue to learn more with: Ripple. The economic growth of Bolivia during year 2002 was of 2,75%, the inflation tax reached 2.45% and the depreciation of the national currency front to the North American dollar was of 9,8%. In relation to the market opening, Bolivia has an open economy and counts on a system of tarifrias taxes simplified. The exportations of Bolivia during year 2002 had been of US$ 1,4 billion and the importations had been of the US$ order 1,8 billion, being its main commercial partners Brazil, Switzerland, the United States, Colombia and Venezuela. .

Capital Stock

The concept that is underlying of capital stock has a history of much more time, diverse thinkers had explored the relation between the associative life and to the democracy, they were using similar concepts regularly for sc.XIX, on the basis of the workmanship of writers as the previous James Madison (the Papers federalist), Alexis de Tcqueville (Democracy in America) to integrate concepts of social cohesion and pluralista conexidade in the American tradition in science politics. The general objective is to argue the construction of the concept of capital stock from a historical boarding, sketching then a metodolgica construction on the capital stock, pointing out of form to try to understand the thoughts of each contribuidor author for the advance of the capital stock. In order to approach the thought of these, since the primrdios thoughts until most current. Thus assigning to the points divergent correlatos and points between both, of a side, demonstrating moments where the authors if approach in its thoughts, and on the other hand, where if they move away. The indispensable aspects that guide the qualitative research consist of the adequate choice of methods and theories; in the recognition and the analysis of different perspectives; in the balances of the researchers regarding its research as party to suit of production of the knowledge; in the variety of boardings and methods (FLICK, 2009). For the methodology the interpretativo method was used. Presenting a revision bibliographical theoretician, research in scientific articles, beyond research in the Internet. Taking in consideration some aspects in what she says respect to the capital stock, ahead of the diverse vises of the thinkers.

As well as, on the complementary points that the boardings present. 2 the CONTRIBUTION OF the CONCEPT OF CAPITAL STOCK Pierre Bourdieu, French sociologist, was one of the first ones to present the concept of systematic form. Bourdie used the term in 1972, its Sketch of a Theory of the Practical one, and later clarificou the expression some years in its article ' ' Les you form of capital' ' of 1986, it suggests, that the capital if can convert of forms for others.