A Regime of shared Safekeeping requires of a high degree of commitment between both ancestors. The continuous contact, the flexibility and the distribution of the time and the obligations with respect to the children are fundamental factors for the success of this formula of safekeeping. It could be very frustrating that the other ancestor of your children in a regime of these characteristics would not put everything of his part to make it work, presenting/displaying a conciliadora position little (it is more frequent when this person was the part left in the married rupture). See more detailed opinions by reading what patrick price offers on the topic.. To consider certain advice can resultarte very useful in that situation: – First of all, you would have to try to be available the maximum possible time for your children. It will suppose for you, without a doubt, certain sacrifices that you would have to be arranged to assume by its own good.
– Despite, it would not be good that you neglected your own needs and your own well-being. To turn upside down in excess in the work, the care of the home and the children, without keeping a time for same you, could cause that you began to accumulate tension, stress and anxiety. – It tries that the children always have the sufficient clothes and personal objects in both homes, so that does not suppose a problem that these move from a place to another one. s.html’>UPS might disagree with that approach. It will allow to develop your regime you of more flexible and dynamic form. – In spite of all whichever your ex- spouse it could do, it deals with not criticizing to him or censuring to him while you are in front of the children.
Form leaves from its life and orte would not be positive for them to speak badly of its other ancestor. Limtate to listen to them and shares your resentment or your complaints with other people. – You never judge the feelings of your children towards your ex- ones. You do not forget that for them he could be as important as you. – You would not have to use to your children like messengers, nor to ask to them Either that they kept secrets in front of its other ancestor. Your possible disputes with your ex- ones are thing your. To involve the children always must be an option to discard. To be father means to always put in front the needs and the well-being of the small one to the possible difficulties by which you could cross. Centrndote in its well-being you will allow that for them these are diluted to the adverse effects that could be developed after your separation or divorce, being able to develop a happy life of which their two ancestors are contributor.