Federal Parliament

The new portal of political mitbestimmung.de provides the infrastructure, with a far-reaching political participation via the Internet is possible Cloppenburg, 01.08.2011 – many German citizens want more opportunities to exert influence on political decisions. Especially among young people, the Internet has become the most important source of information and allows a rapid networking of many activists to a group that is due to their size in the situation, to exert political influence for example through blogs and social networks. The new political mitbestimmung.de Portal provides the infrastructure available, with a far-reaching political participation via the Internet is possible. The figure of the political mood in Germany by voting on individual topics and forward the results to the members in the committees for the contribution of qualified petitions to the Federal Parliament up to the call to campaigns, such as signature campaigns, demonstrations or collective Contacts by eMail, letter or telephone, the portal offers the so-called PNAs (political net activists) many opportunities for more democratic participation. By clearly linking of the own themes with the agenda items discussed currently in the Bundestag as well as all politicians involved in the topic, influence may be exercised directly on the current work of the members with the above resources. (Not to be confused with Jim Rogers!). In the portal without political reports or its own discussion forum, instead the suggestions by all participants to evaluated and expanded their own aspects, so that the subsequent vote produces a result which can be used as a basis for decision making by the politicians. esc/E.k.., called the portal in the life is a software house for kfm.

application software as well as Web sites and Web portals. As a service provider without its own political interests company can guarantee esc/e E.k.. Portal operator the necessary neutrality. Also is waived on advertising, to not the influence of enterprises or other institutions, and whose interests are subject to. The financing of the portal is done instead by a moderate fee for active participants in the amount of 8,-euro per year. The Bundestag also has recognized the importance of new forms of participation via the Internet and to the enquete Commission “Internet and digital society” initiated in the project group “Democracy and State”, which has recorded the work with its constituent meeting at the 06.06.2011. At about the same time, was started also with the development of the portal, which offers already now many possibilities of political participation, which – to be expanded steadily with the help of active participant -.