Whose purpose, among others, a consolidation of the capitalist system, therefore these goods are placed in being able of the private sector, becoming remote the possibility of a socialist system, such fact are as a knife of two gumes, also contributing, for the concentration of income and subdesenvolvimento. Example: Valley of the River Candy, Telebrs and other state ones? in whose attempts of CPIs, ahead of evidences frauds, they had turned pizza (grifo mine). Sanders observed that the neoliberal politics of the FMI developed in years 1980, pushing the countries in direction to the free commerce without restrictions, the privatization and the abrupt cut of the nets of social security were a disaster for Latin America and contributed for the growth of the poverty in the whole world. At the same time where certain countries of Latin America, as Brazil and Argentina had followed these neoliberal politics imposed by the FMI, of 1980 the 2000, the per capita income in Latin America only grew the one tenth of the tax of the two previous decades. It had who called the Modern Age of ' ' Age of the Mendigos' ' , therefore the ascension of the bourgeoisie also generated pobrezae the social declassification. Similar relations occur with the privatizations, where private groups (with reduced numbers of individuals detainers? correspondents the bourgeoisie) possess and usufruct the high incomes that would go to supply all a Nation in its pointers of poverty, inaquality social and generation of resources for promotion of public politics. You wise person who The person is consideradapobre in the United States whose annual income will be of US$ 19,157 (R$ 45,900) or less. (2/2005) Imagineo Brazil, where the per capita income is of US$ 4,289, (equivalent R$ 9,564, 47). The poverty did not diminish although the commitments assumed for the world-wide leaders in the Cimeira of the Millenium in 2000.