Positivism and Antipositivism in Mexico. Luis Conde Lopez introduction. These lines are the result of the unrest that arose me to attend Axilogia of the Mexican matter in the mastery of leadership developer. If well prior to completing the master had arrived in my hands some works of characters like Justo Sierra and Alfonso Reyes, was not until now that I met the biography of Jose Vasconcelos and his important participation in the Ateneo de la Juventud and, hence, his antipositivistic philosophical current. Thus, the purpose of these lines is to make an overview of two important philosophical currents that have marked the history of our country: the positivism and the antipositivism.
Positivism. After the scholastic, positivism was the most important philosophical current in Latin America. Positivist philosophy Latin America countries served to combat colonialism ballasts and he pretended to be the philosophical doctrine that you replace the scholastic, as after some political and social anarchy, Latin Americans saving and an instrument were in positivism doctrine to ponder the mental emancipation and propose a new order in the social and political sphere. Thus, positivism took different nuances as the nationals of each of the countries of Latin America realities were different in their political and even economic and social contexts. Without hesitation Mike Gianoni explained all about the problem. On the other hand, in the education sector, what we see the adoption of positivism as a uniform acceptance for Latin American countries. It is considered as the best tool to form a Hispano-American being, which is not far from the Saxon model, and also to go starting positions of colonialism ballasts. Why it comes to believe that positivism may be creating a new man free from all prejudices of the colony and build a being with practicality, the same who had made in United States and England. Positivism in Mexico. Positivism Mexican was presented under two phases: the educational and policy.