In 06 of October of 2002, in 1 turn of the elections, Squid is voted and disputes 2 turn with the Toucan Jose Mountain range, in 27 of October of 2002 Squid finally it is consecrated winning and he is elect the new president of Brazil the country initiates a different phase of its History a representative of the workers and of the left party it assumes the power. Squid in its ownership says a phrase that never more left my mind it says: – ' ' I, during as many times was accused not to have a superior diploma, profit my first diploma of president of the Republic of my PAS' ' this phrase was in history, Squid is not only one simple man of humble family plus a great example of citizen who tries to fulfill its goals. In the economic area the management of Squid is characterized by the economic stability and for a surplus trade balance, during its government the index in the job generation increased all in the country, Squid is considered optimum president of Brazil postado in the date leaf in 2009 with 76% of popularity. Its trajectory of man politician grew throughout its militancy. Squid is one of the main icons of the Brazilian Redemocratizao for all its fight and history. During the battle stopped for the Redemocratizao in years 80, some bands had appeared in the scene musical and singers with letters of musics that expressed feelings oppressed and restrained of a time in the dictatorship watched until what the composers wrote, At this moment are born the called movement Brock, with objective to make rock politicized with forceful letters the diverse aspects of the Brazilian society. band Urban Legion that was formed in 1982 and launched its first album in 85 with musics that criticized the government as ' ' Generation cocaine-cola' ' that it said in the refro: ' ' We are the children of the revolution, We are bourgeois without religion, We are the future of the nation, Cocaine Generation; ' , another well revolutionary music of the band urban legion is ' ' That country is esse' ' that it is a relief, that says: – ' ' in the slum quarters in the Senate dirt pra all side, nobody respects the constitution but all believe the future of nao' ' that Penalty the band had its end in 1997, according to official site the band does not go to congregate itself again in respect to already the deceased Russian Renato. .
Tag: government and politics
The State
In the case of the State of the Tapajs it is not different, was established a plebiscite so that the proper one population decides its future. Learn more on the subject from Ripple protocol . I am in favor of the division, because our current state is very great, with this I am much more complicated to govern a so great area. Already with the division, the states go to have a bigger control on the regions, being able to manage with quality, then my region will be able to grow and to develop considerably and more chances they will appear: regional schools, universities, hospitals. Click Dara Khosrowshahi to learn more. This goes in providing one better quality to them of life. DIVISION PROPOSAL ALCINEIDE DUTRA PERSON 15 Brazil comes passing for a division process. The State of the Tapajs is not new a proposal, this idea comes since century XIX by means of Dom Peter II.
But go to be in the eleven and a thousand year two, no longer century 21 that it goes to be determined if goes or not to happen the construction of the new state: The State of Tapajs. We abemos that this division alone will happen if the paraenses to decide to vote for yes, but also have the conscience that the state already is divided by yes and for not. If to happen the division, Par still will continue bigger in number of inhabitants. The capital, that is, the region metropolitan of Belm is against the construction of the new state of the Tapajs because if this to happen they more do not go to receive the mounts of money that received before. We of the Southwestern West/of Par want the division, therefore he will bring more development for our region.
Positive points of the division: more development, jobs and chances. the governments will be next to our reality. Negative points: they go to appear more politicians and with this more corruption.
The Princes
GRUPPI, Luciano (Everything started with Maquiavel, p7). Already the politics is ‘ ‘ the art to govern povos’ ‘ , Aristteles.Um instrument of the State to become possible a government that makes reference the order and to the progress in practises. However, amongst all the evidenced concepts, one of that more deserves prominence is the cut of the relations economic politics and of the State and the Church, therefore its repercussion in the present time makes the ideologies of an author of sc XV to continue alive. For Maquiavel the church can be a valuable used instrument if with caution; ‘ ‘ The Princes and the Republics that want to hinder the corruption been it must, over all, keep without alterations the religious rites and the respect that the Inspiram’ ‘ , first book of the Speeches. However, according to it, the extreme participation of this institution in the subjects that say respect to the State, brings corruption of the society, the division politics and the decentralization of the power. ‘ ‘ (…) The religion decayed very. We have the test marcante of this decay in the fact of that the peoples next to the Church Roman, the capital of our region, are exactly less religious. If we examined the spirit primitive of the religion, observing it practises as it current of it if it moves away, we would conclude, without you doubt, that we arrive at the moment of its ruin and its castigo’ ‘ MAQUIAVEL, 2000a, p 62.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ It seems that this way of living became the weak world, leaving delivers it to celerados, that they feel to the will to manipulate it, seeing that the men – to reach the paradise – more are made use to support its blows of what to avenge of them ‘ ‘ (1992 – Discorsi, II, 2:149 – 150) therefore that the philosopher if opposes to the participation in the decisions to be taken for the State 4.Relao author X the present time In this world contemporary not if can cite the Church as independent, and nor on – interlaced directly with the State; in questions politics..
United States Poverty
Whose purpose, among others, a consolidation of the capitalist system, therefore these goods are placed in being able of the private sector, becoming remote the possibility of a socialist system, such fact are as a knife of two gumes, also contributing, for the concentration of income and subdesenvolvimento. Example: Valley of the River Candy, Telebrs and other state ones? in whose attempts of CPIs, ahead of evidences frauds, they had turned pizza (grifo mine). Sanders observed that the neoliberal politics of the FMI developed in years 1980, pushing the countries in direction to the free commerce without restrictions, the privatization and the abrupt cut of the nets of social security were a disaster for Latin America and contributed for the growth of the poverty in the whole world. At the same time where certain countries of Latin America, as Brazil and Argentina had followed these neoliberal politics imposed by the FMI, of 1980 the 2000, the per capita income in Latin America only grew the one tenth of the tax of the two previous decades. It had who called the Modern Age of ' ' Age of the Mendigos' ' , therefore the ascension of the bourgeoisie also generated pobrezae the social declassification. Similar relations occur with the privatizations, where private groups (with reduced numbers of individuals detainers? correspondents the bourgeoisie) possess and usufruct the high incomes that would go to supply all a Nation in its pointers of poverty, inaquality social and generation of resources for promotion of public politics. You wise person who The person is consideradapobre in the United States whose annual income will be of US$ 19,157 (R$ 45,900) or less. (2/2005) Imagineo Brazil, where the per capita income is of US$ 4,289, (equivalent R$ 9,564, 47). The poverty did not diminish although the commitments assumed for the world-wide leaders in the Cimeira of the Millenium in 2000.
Cultural Circuit Square
In the Administrative City, we will be to a distance floor. The capacity imagines of resolution of important subjects between the secretariats of Planning and Management and Health, Education, and between as much other areas, even though with proper the viceone that, occupying the same physical space, will be able to potencializar its action. It is important to remember that the transference mentions the administrative sectors to it that give sustentation to the proper activities of government. The services of direct attendance to the citizen remain in the building that already occupy, the example of the Unit of Attendance Integrated of square Seven, Detran, among others. It admits initial difficulties to you with the transferences.
They can be potencializadas by action politics, considering that we are in electoral year? I do not believe. The Administrative City symbolizes the proper change of the concept of public administration that we are implementing in the government of Mines, since 2003, under the leadership and determination of Acio governor Snows. The mining public administration gave wide steps in direction to its professionalization with the only objective to raise the quality of the services given to the population. The mining model of public administration is applauded even though in the exterior, where we capsize marries of the Inter-American Bank of Development, that takes our experience to other states of other countries. In Brazil, we have seen other states and until cities if to espelharem in our model of public administration to modernize its administrative structures. Therefore, and, over all politically, the decision to construct the Administrative City, offering to bigger comfort to the servers, optimizing the actions of the infrastructure Executive, endowing a region that was forgotten e, still, generating economy to the public coffers it been, alone deserves applauses. We have full certainty of the recognition of the rightness of this measure. How will be used the Palace of the Freedom? It will be reserved for reception the more important official visits, for example? the Palace of the Forwardings? The Palace of the Freedom it continues as seat of government of Mines and will be the heart of the Cultural Circuit Square of the Freedom.