Investment funds are one of the best alternatives that are today to invest and take advantage of that investment. Best of all is that large amounts of money are not needed or be a professional specialist in the area of finance and investment to be able to earn money with investment funds. It is never clear, others for advice and information. To start earning money with investment funds first you must establish your investment profile and then choose the investment fund that suits you and will convince more. It is also necessary to know the risk, profitability, liquidity, type, etc. Investment, being matters of economy and finance, funds handled many terms and concepts you may not know. Therefore, it is also necessary to know the definition and the use of those concepts. They are not concepts or terms difficult to understand or apply, it is only very necessary and useful to know their meanings to so know what is what is happening with your investment. These are the main reasons for the which investment funds are the best option, since it is easy to learn and get to know them, and consequently anyone can become an expert in investment funds.