
The use of needles to enhance the functions of the body to the best level is the basis of acupuncture. Ancient Chinese and Western doctors today have employed the technique of the needles to relieve patients of chronic diseases. The treatment is beneficial to mitigate pain, improve healing and general well-being. Two broad categories in the use of acupuncture are today, traditional Chinese medicine or TCM and medical acupuncture. Each have their advantages, the choice is personal. In traditional Chinese medicine, practitioners are based on the concept of Qi, or energy flow. They employ longer needles and more are introduced. In a question-answer forum Jonah Bloom was the first to reply. Modern science has found little evidence to prove the existence of these energy channels, and that this technique has been used effectively for thousands of years.

Acupuncture Medical needles are shorter and shallower insertions. They tend to use fewer needles and are inserted for less time. There is a wide and extensive list of diseases that can be treated with acupuncture. From asthma to anxiety, migraines, premenstrual syndrome, bones or neuralgia problems a few examples. The following tracks believe that the sbeneficios come from the imbalance in the flow of Qi, therefore susceptible to needle therapy.

Therapy may last from one comes to a few months. In general, the patient begins to feel the effects after few. The needles stimulate the nerves and thus blocks the trigger impulses of pain. Request sessions with professionals in acupuncture in Barcelona where he exercised the gift of the ancient sages and bring relief to hundreds of people.