Property Acquisition

After finishing with all corresponding to the acquisition of the property, we continue with the stage make use of our new home. This is perhaps the most fun part, but unfortunately our pocket is going to continue to see affected, this time with all the expenses required to move our belongings. The following are some very important recommendations to make the move a success. Many residential complexes have regulations prohibiting removals during certain times, by such reason we recommend advise both the complex management and tenant (if applicable), the date on which you expect to making his move, in order to avoid setbacks the entrance of their belongings as the output of the same. It is advisable to carry out your move during a weekend, we advise you to start in the morning, since with this you will have enough time to accommodate and organize their new home. If you have not done so previously, it is very important to know the sector of your new address, identify the paths, already more suitable place to download your belongings in the fret.

Make sure the furniture and appliances of greater size, have dimensions appropriate to enter comfortably. A person on average lasts two or three days organizing their belongings after a fret, if you decide to do it yourself must have the necessary time to do so. As part of the preparations for the fret, draw up a list with all their things (clothing, appliances, kitchen utensils, food, books, etc.). With this list in hand proceed to verify which of these objects are really necessary, and what can be discarded, or if they are in good condition be donated. After preparing the above list, Pack delicate items such as porcelain and glassware in small boxes, medium boxes for electrical appliances, books and large houses for clothes. As you are packing, please list each and every one of the boxes, this shape will have a better control over your belongings in moving. Check one by one all boxes before using them, so that they are strong enough, and if not strengthening them making them with industrial tape. The delicate objects such as glass, porcelains and appliances, protecting them with polyethylene bubbles and paper cross.

If you are a single person, it is advisable to hire a company that specializes in removals, since these companies are prepared in terms of logistics and experience for this work. Mike Gianoni often says this. Within the service they provide a vehicle equipped with the protection of the case they have to make their objects, it is also generally a team formed by a driver and two or three assistants. Those companies are responsible in the event that any of your belongings is damaged during the move, generally the scree company liable for repair costs. Moving transport has an approximate value, between $150,000 and $350,000, this value should include you corresponding assistants and service of packed (if you want to hire him). Le again, we recommend that if moving is a closed set, it is necessary to know the internal rules of the same and also remember your move with the complex management, arrival to avoid trouble.

Croatia Unknown Motovun

In Istria, northern peninsula more big Croatia, overlooking the Valley of the Mirna River, is the best-known and, probably, more attractive medieval city of Istria, Motovun.Lugar of great historical wealth that stands on a hill 300 meters on which beautiful landscapes can be seen. Its narrow streets retain a markedly medieval character. The Venetians fortified the town in the 14th century building two thick walls. Inside are important Gothic and Romanesque buildings. It is a place where multiple and varied artistic manifestations are also developed. In late July the Festival of independent cinema in Motovun attended by world famous artists. Access to the upper area of the town is done by a disnevilada ramp that leads to the door of the first wall.Surpassed the second door is accessed the Andrea Antico square, with a Venetian bell tower and the Church of San Esteban (Sveti Stjepan). Since there can be turned to the urban complex by the ramparts more high, noting the roofs of the houses and the fields on which stands.In the groves near the town, which extends along the Mirna Valley, grows the prized truffle istria, to which is attributed aphrodisiac properties. es. The quality of this white truffle of Croatia, which is harvested from September to December, is comparable to the best truffle from Italy or France and we can find it in a multitude of shops in the village. Sitting on a terrace of a cafe allows tourists to enjoy a sunset unique in Croatia over the Valley of the river Mirna. Original author and source of the article.

Executive Newspaper

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.-the gradual loss of readers of the printed press is obvious and editors are wondering where turn the rudder before the constant increase of the raw material and the growth of the internet and their free content. The regiomontana press is tiered from fifteen years ago in number of pages and circulation declines. Queries to various sources of movement in the entity speak of a gloomy for daily newspapers which is reflected in the stagnation of the number of pages as progresses silently, digital press with larger number of readers than any printed media. That should add the strategy of e-mail that allows a political column, for example, reaches more people than a written newspaper’s editorial. DIGITAL journalism founded in 2007, the Radar column that is published on the site reaches more than thousands of subscribers and is day-to-day for executives, officials of Chambers, public servants, Union leaders, legislators and, of course, by the general public. The site grows in visits every month. It also presents a summary of the main national and local political columns. The site is directed by journalist Angel Quintanilla Ibarra, recognized for its reliability and capacity to move forward with projects in journalism since the installation of the press, rooms writing, formation of personnel and technology in various newspapers of the country and Monterrey. Another site, the journalist Jose Jaime Ruiz offers superior to a periodic printed content and also has thousands of subscribers to which invites every day, very early to find out through specialized columns, cari-caturistas, editorials and opinion articles. Another option is of information on the internet that reaches thousands of mails in Monterrey with various information and interesting columns daily. It is edited by journalist Joel Munoz. THE enormous challenges however, newspapers printed have huge opportunities for growth and niches that fill. The unfortunate thing is the lack of growth strategies that should underpin the conquest of more readers who pay. Although many international newspapers, national and local are free of charge on the internet, there is segment publishing-marketing strategies that work and that are absent in the huge market of Monterrey. When was the last time that he received the offer to subscribe to this or that newspaper? To develop this article we ask opinion leaders, political and citizens if they have received offers in direct form to subscribe. There is advertising in newspapers as Millennium offered books if they sign and the North does on their own pages and has given Pajamas or towels. But there is no House to House offerings. In the late seventies the newspaper Tribuna de Monterrey held a fierce promotion strategy of subscriptions which worked well. The measure was reinforced by an aggressive radio campaign that still persists in the minds of the public. The changes in the guidelines of this newspaper were constant until the 1995 crisis devastated its endemic finances and closed their doors. However, remains as one of the most comprehensive subscription campaigns. 30 years later the campaign has not been exceeded. In 1998 and early 1999 El Norte used the radio to promote the commercial newspaper on Friday does not cost. It was an intense campaign that his success. Millennium daily and weekly Millennium continues that es-trategia on the radio. But there is no direct offer. If print media, how to buy them? are not offered. The reader is treated as a child, says Rupert Murdoch, mogul media you have just purchased the newspaper The Wall Street Journal and its important editorial products. Murdoch opens the historical contents of the financial newspaper free of charge and prepares aggressive campaigns of subscriptions does not decay the circulation of the newspaper printed and obtain greater loyalty of readers. In addition to focused marketing strategy to the circulation, one of the four torales points of printed media, should reinforce the area Publisher with more and exclusive written and graphical reports that are of interest to the reader, recommended Murdoch that the American press was the greatest news in the media the year before last. CRESTFALLEN ESPIRITU DE LUCHA ero old patterns persist: print media opt more for advertising contracts at the political level that in the commercial. How maintaining the independence of information if there are leagues bolster with town councils, political parties and the Government of the State? The only way for the written press is the constant search for readers who pay the copy to receive. Bid at points of sale in the Metropolitan Monterrey is abundant in so-called convenience stores where entertainment magazines are the Queens of sales with runs close to half a million copies. It is that the reading level is very low in Monterrey have told Mass Media some editors. And another taboo: Monterrey is vaccinated against the magazines. Nothing further from the truth. Print media, magazines and newspapers, must find readers offering a product of exclusive content, good editorial feathers and agile and pleasant design. Education is the primary function of the print media. The situation of the publishing market in Monterrey is depressing for some, but for others is a virgin ground where they can run marketing strategies to achieve more readers who pay for receiving print media. Suffice it to the example of magazines magazines edited the newspaper Excelsior. In the Decade of the thirties reached more households in the city of Mexico than any magazine. I lived, basically, readers who paid subscriptions to read week this publication with good sections, history, humor and general information. Advertising was minimal in this medium. At present, the Excelsior newspaper, in the hands of the Angeles group of Olegario Vazquez Rana began an aggressive campaign of free subscriptions has doubled its circulation as a strategy to offer more readers increasingly requisitosas advertising agencies. Large print media advertising down at a rate of 5 per cent per annum and is migrating to the internet. But that is only a tendency which can be defeated with a proper strategy of circulation. If you could sell before, can be sold now is a maxim of marketing as absent in the print media strategies today. Strong market editorial printed is an example to keep the Spain world newspaper that every day offers very complete supplements of exclusive and selective information ranging from health to housing and automobiles. Supplements in Monterrey are purely commercial for a reader who is ametrallado business information 24 hours a day by land and air. IS THERE LIFE AFTER THE GOVERNMENT? With the arrival of the bread to the Federal Government, the secret items – or both – to newspaper companies declined. Although some were favorite, are the least. The treasuries of the publishing companies not endured the absence of official money and before the ador-mecimiento in search of readers simply lowered the curtain closed. There are magazines that are authentic official bulletins catalogues in Monterrey. They sell a page and give another. The absence of commercial advertising is notorious. Commercial advertising is a guarantee for the credibility of the movement. Thus, the editorial empresa-producto equation is debile by lack of readers who pay and advertising to strengthen cash flow, in a negative formula that translates into an editorial product with poorly paid reporters, bad materials and in general a crestfallen fighting spirit that becomes a vicious circle where the primary equation suffers. FEAR not a seller, by very tanning that is, is of rrumba before a consecutive series of not the purchaser. For some consulted editors that is the phase that gives them more afraid. Why offer media in points of sale and who it has-cen come with hopelessness and return of their print media. The free press is a strategy in Spain, for example, where the metro stations and bus stops are visited by promoters of newspapers Metro and 20 minutes, tabloids awarded for game that you play every day and who live advertising. The same Spanish media have dubbed this segment as the press-klennex of use and disposed of. Circulation of free newspapers exceeds 30 thousand copies per newspaper a day and it is believed that the segment has reached its maturity. For some scholars, this type of press loses credibility because it has no support in the reasoning of the reader who sees the options in the kiosks and buy what you want. Even so, the print media in Monterrey has a huge opportunity to offer its print media to attract readers who pay, clean up their treasuries, raising salaries to journalists and thus the exclusive professional level for each media. Currently lives a rotation are impressed – you journalists who seek something safer like a job in the public or private sector. A good part is dedicated to another activity. And those who become independent, good being, feed on the official advertising. Strategy is therefore to print media marketing and achieve, since now, save his own skin with the increase of the digital press. A high Executive of a local advertising agency provides a recipe: there is nothing new under the Sun. Simply that print media are agreed for a publishing company called circle of readers. You need to create circles of readers that are taken into account for the elaboration of editorial material. Earn them with supplements to read. The advertising will come alone, judgment who receives proposals of guides, magazines and newspapers that are suspected to a noticeable absence of readers on a daily basis. Another recommendation is to intensify the presence on the internet. There are daily local media that have no web page and your e-mails are world such as hotmail or yahoo! servers. Are also not prepared for the new technologies of the internet 2 and their connectivity with cell phones. In future editions we abundaremos in this respect as well, you have to search, convince and marry new readers. Without them, the print media are dead in life who have not found rest end. I hope your comments or articles thereon to the e-mail: or original author and source of the article.

Regional Capital

What some discarded, others take advantage of it. With this slogan in mind, the architect Florence Labarca Lazcano has been promoting during the last months, within the framework of the project reserve life Aysen (ARV), the ReUSE Coyhaique campaign that seeks to advance the environmental education of the community through the reuse of waste in the regional capital. What departed as a solitary initiative (with the institutional support of the private corporation for the development of Aysen) has been adding braces, the most notorious being that the hosts of the second Festival of cinema of Patagonia, gave him when the actor Mario Muller modeled a bodice of kitchen made with waste from a gigantography of pvc fabric that his colleague was used during the last political campaign while Susana Brown read the objectives of this initiative that a little lights in the city. This material is a good illustrative example: is made of a mixture of many components that can no longer be separated and it is therefore impossible for Recycle. We explain that because reuse, which is different from recycling, is an option that allows you to give a second use to something that otherwise is considered a waste. Thus, with work a dressmaking shop, we transform advertising garbage in several articles such as breast or cases for schoolchildren. We have that awakening here creativity points the management company.

But not only private contribution has come from the hand of the dissemination of Visual Patagonia, because raw materials are required to realize this work. It is as well that other entities have also pledged their contribution, as the case of the enterprise design and printing Surgraf and the Regional Council for culture and the arts, through the donation of excess material from its public facilities. Local initiatives are what we need to convert our nearby spaces in more sustainable places and, indeed, much more enjoyable.

Carlos Jimenez Borrajo

The key of the new model is the application development interface, API, open system that allows any developer to both integrate with other programs and standard solutions e-conomic as develop new ad hoc modules to add new features. This facility has encouraged the development of a barrage of small apps that are radically transforming the accounting program and the experience of users, in the image and likeness of what happened with the iOS of Apple and Google Android. In this sense, e-conomic users have been the first to be able to manage their accounting programs using a mobile phone or a tablet. This open philosophy has allowed the integration of e-conomic with vertical solutions for shops, billing and Web management, reports management, customer management as a Sales Force, CaseWare, MedDBase, ScanPOS @, E-Gate, SmatWeb Shop, SameSystem, ChannelCRM, WebCRM or Impexvision. There are also dozens of modules developed by third parties, free or pay, that provide functionality of subscription, Department stores, of scanning, etc. Automation apps connect various accounting programs e-conomic for data exchange. They are programs, systems or applications that allow data exchange between e-conomic and other applications, which aims to help automate administrative tasks between systems that work with a company.

This integration – explains Carlos Jimenez Borrajo, CEO of e-conomic for Spain – allows administrators spend less time on manual tasks in your company and focus on the key aspects of your business. Example of course is the integration with an online store: when a new order is received in the store, this information reaches e-conomic automatically. Subsequently, the company creates an invoice in e-conomic and this information reaches the system of online store that sent the invoice to the client. Once the customer pays and sends the information to the online store, it shares information with e-conomic that records the collection automatically.

Temple Treatment

Finally, at level III (directed persons who have already completed level II or have general notions of massage), the main objective is to adapt the massage to each person’s needs. Pathologies that were not in other levels are and performs a monitoring and oversight of what they learned in the previous levels. Discusses the psychological aspects of the Reflexologia Podal, as well as techniques of Shiatsu, stretching, points of traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of ailments (menstrual pains, head, fluid retention, and so on), and other techniques of massage are seen. Temple of massage centres have a wide range of services from facials, body treatments, manicures, pedicures, waxing and almost all types of massage that are on the market. This also makes that customers who come for a certain treatment end up testing other treatments for the trust that deserves them. Introducing massage as an essential part of every treatment that We carry out. Furthermore, we are a few centers of aesthetics of the highest calibre in terms of treatments, without being a medical center.

We offer customers easy payment with cards of temples so that everyone can access in the most comfortable way to all our services and loyalty to all our customers, explains Marina Assir, co-founder and Director of Expansion of the brand. For those entrepreneurs interested in joining massage Temple, the initial investment around 20.070 euros (excluding civil works requiring the local), with a 6,000 entry fee and a monthly royalty of 500 euros. The contract is for an initial period of 10 years. On the necessary accommodation has found at street and have a minimum 50 m2, preferable in areas of more than 100,000 inhabitants with an income per capita average, in neighborhoods consolidated commercially and, if possible, in commercial and/or business areas with pedestrian traffic and ease of parking.

USDollar Index

Time will show that this statement is irrefutable. The CPI rises 0.9% in October from September and the annual rate + 2.3%, above expectations. The FTSE came to fall 2.5% this morning to 9.890 and after the European release rose 300 points. LATAM Brazil 71.195 – 0.62% Petrobras (PBR – 1.28%) reported profit of R $ 8,560 million (US $ 5 billion) in Q3, up 7.9% against 2009, and had income 54.740 million reais (US $ 31,800 billion). The revaluation of the dollar was a key factor that allowed him to earn R$ 1.4 billion in Q3, since last year the company most indebted in dollars. With the most undervalued dollar, the impact of debt was lower.

The airline GOL (GOL) won R $ 110 million (US $ 64 million) in Q3, 41% more compared to 2009. Its turnover increased 12.5% against 2009 thanks to the 23% increase in demand for flights. With the real so appreciated, all travel in Brazil and spending record tourism. Dollar R$ 1,719 + 0.46% MEXICO 36.304 – 0.31% ARGENTINA 3.340 + 0.90% dollar $3.98. Gold $1,387 – 1.54% petroleum $86,07 – 1.98% coins USDollar Index $77,947 – 0,35% EURUSD 1,3730 + 0.47% Paola Pecora – special report on international markets as closed international markets? What factors drove the rise of 15% in the indexes on Wall Street? Why it continues down the dollar? Why is the currency in emerging markets revalued? Closures, international markets analysis, commodities, currencies, and daily update about everything that happened in the markets tomorrow so you own the information and analysis necessary to start the trading day saving you time and money. All summarized in a report only. Sent to your email every morning before box of the opening of Wall Street. If you want to subscribe, click here.

International Market

Marketing in action: only purchase those actions that you can keep in your portfolio blithely, so the market closed it for 10 years. General Warren Buffet outline, scope. The dynamics of the economic scenarios is very active in the present, where companies present their products services that have a good management, adequate resources can achieve goals of markets that provide good utilities and development SMEs consider eligible for new markets once that troubles their weaknesses, worry about generating, offer products that benefit them and allow to penetrate the international marketsmore, when in the case of the Venezuelan stage, despite its political instability, high inflation, the national Government has initiated a new opening of foreign trade with alliances, bilateral large emerging market exchanges and powers world where should know the opportunity that is presented. o has experience with these questions. The quality and productivity management graduate program, as well as the programme of specialty of markets, have considered it important to take into account the role of Venezuelan SMEs, especially in the industrial belt of Carabobo that these companies be concerned in analysing what should be its role to new economic openings through seminars which are taught in addition to knowledge contributing to the respective Chair of marketing & international tradebecomes insistence on assessing the reality of SMEs, more in a present where many have closed, product of political instability, of the action of the State which have affected them with their programs, tax impositions, change control, more of those who were not prepared for the challenges. This fully conscious programs, international investment represents an opportunity for expansion into a business and are increasingly companies that decide to tackle new countries where launch their products within these companies every day, we have a greater number of SMEs to export is always an operation risky, since the political, economic, social and cultural environment of the country is less over-powered. .