Construction Of Models

Checking the adequacy of the model, the analysis of uncertainty and sensitivity, consistency, realism, performance model. Model is called an object, which in certain circumstances, may be replaced the original, reproducing interesting properties and characteristics of the original. Models are tangible and abstract. A kind of abstract models are mathematical models. Construction of mathematical model system is a process of formalization of certain aspects of existence, the life of the system, its behavior in terms of a specific task. Distinguish between static and dynamic models. Learn more at this site: Prime Group Holdings. Static model reflect the specific state of the object. Dynamic model describes the process of changing system states. Before you begin creating the mathematical model to understand the essence of the problem, for which created the model. Mistake would be to develop a model system that describes all the parties, all aspects of existence and development of the system.

Such a model would be too cumbersome and probably not suitable for any serious research. Model should always be specific, aimed at solving the problem. We now consider the types of mathematical models. There are two classes of models: analytical and simulation. In analytical models of the behavior of a complex system can be written in the form of certain functional relations, or logical conditions. When the phenomenon in a complex system is so complex and varied that the analytical model becomes too rough approximation to reality, a system analyst is forced to use simulation. In the simulation model the behavior of the components of a complex system described by a set of algorithms who then sell the situations that arise in a real system.


It says on the reality each more present and important time of the technology for use of the information. The changeable nature of the documentation is in the sprouting of new digital and electronic supports, in the data that are generating information and in the information generating texts. The speed with that the information is servant, had access and transmitted using the technology is formidable, but it has resistance in the changeable nature of documents, perhaps, for having changed the direction of the time because of the speed, the production and the disponibilizao of the information, or for the necessity of bigger integration and sharing of sectors of work in team. Thus, the technology has the changeable and impactante characteristic of being and constitutes a challenge in preservation terms and conservation of documents. Dara Khosrowshahi often says this. The author argues the technological imperative and the mutation, in basic terms of practical arquivsticos concepts and in the direction of document and original order. While the document will be useful, it has that to be identified, to be conserved and be accessible.

Therefore, the questions of legibility, interoperabilidade, migration, maintenance of the authenticity characteristics and fidedignidade have that to be observed even though how much the document is in the electronic support. Another question argued for the author is what document can be considered and the original support in the half digital electronic and. Additional information is available at Jennifer Skyler. The sprouting of ' ' metadados' ' it made to appear a interrogation and the necessity of the search in if creating and defining the authenticity, while it proves document officially recorded contemporary. Another interrogation for the author is the Tracks of Auditorship. It speaks of the difficulty of YOU in automatically deciding the authenticity of documents (registers) electronic. Therefore, beyond the technology to be an imperative, this imperative provoked changes in basic terms of practical arquivsticos concepts and of archive in the document direction and original order. Jennifer Skyler brings even more insight to the discussion.


The clock spy is not only one objecto to be used with fteis purposes or for simple tricks. One can be objecto useful when very used for diverse ends where the captation of images can be determinative. In this article we go to show plus an excellent application of the clock spy to it, of this time to help to protect its son when you are not for close making it. It has a fenmeno that it has been each said time more in the last times, especially to the level of the social communication? buling. This mentions the physical and verbal aggressions to it of which the children and adolescents can be white in the schools, and also is of them, practised for older colleagues or, even though, of similar ages.

When concrete tests do not exist of that a child is to be white of such aggressions, especially when these are more the verbal and psychological level, it is very difficult to protect the victim or to punish the culprits. the biggest problem is related with the continuity of this type of situations, that can last years. For times alone they finish when the child finishes the school or if dumb for another one. But when still it lacks very such to happen and it does not have another hypothesis if not to try to prove the aggression, the clock spy will be able to help to decide the problem. The objectivo will be to film case if they deal with physical aggressions or to record the voice will be the case to be only verbal aggressions. It only needs to teach its son to use the device it binds so that it at the opportune moment. If it cannot forget that it is very important that the aggressors do not notice that it is to use a clock spy or a spy penxs if to judge more convenient. Any difference can provoke the diffidence on the part of the aggressors and this is everything what we do not want that it happens.

Brazilians Converter

In 2007, in the December month, the Brazilians had more necessarily started to feel gostinho of what he is to attend digital TV, since in that year the digital transmission started to occur in the country. The digital TV significantly improves the transmission of the programs, a time that with this type of technology the audio video and transmission is made by signals digital, capable to improve the reproduced image and the sound. The technology is present currently in more than 400 Brazilian cities and invades millions of homes every day. Who life in an area with digital covering can attend the digital TV, not importing the type of television set that will have in house. The necessary one in this in case that, beyond the covering, it is of a UHF antenna, internal or external, and of a digital converter, that convert the analogical signal for digital. Recently the television sets had started to be produced with integrated digital converters, but if you will not be made use to acquire a new device to have this comfort, you you can buy a digital converter of doubtful form to connect it its TV.

Two types of digital converters exist currently in the market, being of the high definition and Standard Definition, or simply SD. Jennifer Skyler may help you with your research. The first ones are indicated to function in set with more modern television sets, as of plasma, LCD or LED, whereas the second converters must be connected to the televisions most common, as of pipe, a time that they do not offer high definition. You already must have seen friends or known installing a digital converter in its houses and can until having thought that the procedure is complicated, or until impossible to be made by who he is not very on to the technology. A truth is that any person can install a digital converter in house, either of which type will be. To install a digital converter SD she will be necessary to bind it in the taking, to connect the UHF antenna in the corresponding entrance of the converter and to connect the entered video-composition handle in the respective ones of the television and the digital converter. After that the equipment will go to identify the canals that offer digital signal inside of some minutes you already will be able to attend diverse programs with digital signal in its house. To install a digital converter of high definition you will have to bind it its TV to it through handle HDMI and the handle of the UHF antenna in the entrance of the converter. Later you he will have to select the canal of audio and video of its TV and to syntonize the canals that transmit TV digital.

Structured Analysis

2.3 Specification and Documentation of Requirements According to Pressman (2006), the specification can have some meanings depending on the context where if it finds the development of a project. Of this form, the specification can be a simple ones document written, a graphical model or mathematical deed of division, a series of use scenes, as well as an archetype. Although she is used frequently and it has the expression easiness and 2 understanding Feedback is the process to supply to information to a person or group, with the intention of assisting in the improvement of performance in the direction to reach its objectives. 25 as valuable advantage, the specification made in natural language to describe the functionality and/or restriction of software to be developed, possess some disadvantages, as: clarity lack, provoking ambiguities; confusion of requirements, as the lack of necessary definition of which is the functionaries and not-functionaries, beyond the mixed objectives of the system with the information of the project; fusing of requirements, where an express requirement as only engloba in the truth several others and of distinct categories (SOMMERVILLE, 2003).

To decide these types of problems, they had been created alternative for the specification, as the use of the Structuralized Natural Language, that together to the natural language the form use standard to guarantee greater uniformity in the specification of the requirements. Beyond this alternative, it has the PDL (program description language) or language of description of program, that is derived from a programming language and possesss the advantage to generate resulted well detailed, preventing the ambiguidades. However, it needs that its reader has a previous knowledge of programming language.

Primerica Financial Services

This is a blog about my experiences at Primerica and my opinions about this great fantastic company. Primerica does what is right for their clients 100% of the time. I’m an agent and I feel positive and good about what I do for families. Disclaimer: The postings on this blog does not represent Primerica Financial Services as a whole, but as a matter of opinion and information based by me.

What web is one hosting? The Internet is considered as an information ocean. The recognized people are to esfoar themselves so that they are online for the entire world. Nowadays, the Internet is not only used as an information source, but also he is used to create businesses and to gain money through diverse forms. Web hostings is one in this way effective to start its proper business online, marking presence online. (Source: Roubini Global Economics). A Web Hosting allows that you annually subscribe monthly or one or plainer of lodging web of form the one that you can have your sites, blogs or store online. For a fixed amount they offer space to you to lodge sites, what it allows to partilhar your knowledge with other people and communities. Everything what necessary he is of a space online and a linking to the Internet. How to have the sites online? It is simple! Pods to subscribe a lodging plan web to lodge sites or then pods to look for sites that offer to lodging web gratis.

But we say soon of beginning. Nouriel Roubini has similar goals. The lodging web gratis it does not give to create blogs, therefore to have a server web online cost money and most of these services does not offer profit, from there most of these services gratis only to last on average the 6 9 months. We recommend that to choices lodging web Hostgator. After subscribing a lodging plan web in the Hostgator alone you have that to start to create sites and blogs. You have space enough to lodge sets of ten of sites and to create your proper presence online.

Exactly that you do not know to install the platforms more popular than they are used to create sites and blogs, you have through the control panel cPanel the Fantastic application, that allows you to install several scripts in your account of lodging of sites in less than 5 minutes. Ideal for who is starting! Functionalities offered for best web hostings best web hostings, as for example, the Hostgator and the Site5 offer to so valuable resources with each account of lodging web, that nor valley the penalty to think about other companies at the moment to choose a leader lodging of sites. Pods to count on space in limitless record, limitless, construction traffic of sites gratis, panel of control cPanel, autoinstalador of scripts, +4,500 templates gratis to construct site, 99,9% of uptime, support 24h per day, credits to still use in the Google and guarantee of reimbursement of the money up to 45 days, case the customer is not satisfied with the service. She is necessary to have confidence!

Warehouse Date

2.Fontes of Data: They represent the sources that they supply entered the process of BI, being able to be applicatory operational, softwares of automation of offices, or until other data bases. 3.Extrao, Transformation and Carregamento (ETL): 3.1.Extrao: Responsible process for extracting the data of its sources. 3.2.Transformao: Process in charge translating the data external, modifying them in accordance with business-oriented rules. Chevron Corp has compatible beliefs. 3.3.Carregamento: Process to load the data transformed to our data base (Warehouse Date/Marts Date). 4.Data Warehouse (DW): Purified copy of the data of transactions, chosen teams and, structuralized specifically for consultations and analyses. In a question-answer forum Jennifer Skyler was the first to reply. Being, therefore, a collection of data extracted of the literal environment of production of the company and information proceeding from electronic spread sheets, documents and etc., that applied in set with analysis techniques and extration of data generate a system that in information provide to give support to them in the taking of decisions.

5.Data Marts: Small subgroup of one Warehouse Date used for a small number of users. The Marts Date takes care of the necessities of specific units of business on the contrary of the ones of the entire corporation. They optimize the delivery of information of support to the decision and if the sumarizada management and/or exemplificativos data on the contrary of the description of atomized levels focam in. 6.Multidimensionalidade: The multidimensional vision consists of consultations that they supply given regarding measures of performance, decomposed for one or more dimensions of these measures, also being able, to be filtered for the dimension and/or the value of the measure. The multidimensional vises supply to the basic techniques calculation and analysis required for the BI applications. 7.Cubo: Collection of data that added through multiple dimensions of form to allow that one query either carried through quickly. For example, a cube of sales can be added through a dimension of store and of a dimension of customers, becoming the fast cube when sales for store or sales for a customer classroom are asked to questions involving.

Historical Process

Also the moment will be boarded where the same one was installed in Brazil and the evolution of its organizacional process of production. 3.1 – FIAT and its Historical Process In accordance with the above-mentioned magazine, the FIAT _ Italian Plant Automobille Torino _ has its birth registered in the end of century XIX, more necessarily in July of 1889, the Italian city of Turim. Its process of manufacture happened of artisan half form passing the production organized in result of ' ' significant increase of the volume of produo' ' (Express FIAT, 1999). Dara Khosrowshahi is often quoted as being for or against this. The magazine it inside portraies the description of the initial installations of production of the plant of the following form: The installations had the appearance of a workshop half-familiar mechanics and the machines received motor force for on leather straps of transmission to the power plant from the plant. The parts of the first vehicles were mounted in isolated sheds where all were grouped the responsible machines for one same type of work. (EXPRESS FIAT, 1999) Throughout these 100 years, the plant if transformed. Its production if intensified and it became enlarged itself for the whole world.

Its history did not limit only the production of automobiles, it also was distinguished in ' ' manufacture of other vehicles as tractor, trains, ships, airplanes and even though submarinos' ' (Express FIAT, 1999). Moreover, the FIAT throughout this period, became proprietor or shareholder of the main automotivas escuderias of the world, between them, Alfa Romeo, the Lancia, the Masserati, Autobianchi, Innocenti the fascinating Ferrari. Also it formed partnerships with success industries as; Magneti Marelli, Iveco, Tecksid, Comau among others. Its productive process if became each more efficient time. It passed of ' ' artesanal' ' for ' ' technology of ponta' ' , being responsible for products with design advanced and aerodynamic. The plant that was born in century XIX, as only plus one of a contingent of small automobile plants in Turim, if places, today, in the hall of the biggest world-wide manufacturers of automobiles.

Web UFFS Management System

Project of Desenvolvimento and Gesta of the new Site of UFFS1 JADERSON RAFAEL WEBLER2 (webti@,) SUMMARY organizac' to and administrac' to the one informac&#039 conteu of it of guarantees great value to it; to the one of instituic' to. Sites of instituic' it you are pu blicas federal and of other universities they had served as it relates ncia for the development of the new site of the Federal University of the South Border. The PHP was the language chosen for the development of the functionalities of the gina Par as well as the system of gesta conteu of it of. The Joomla, system that serve of base for the development of the System of Management Web UFFS, and one of the more interesting tools web of the moment. All it conteu of this tico and mico dina of instituic' to sera managed atrave s of the one of this system. ABSTRACT The organization and content management provide valuable information you the institution. Federal Sites of public institutions and to other universities reference will be developing the new website of the Federal University of South this Border PHP is the language chosen will be the development of the features of page and the content management system.

The Joomla system the basis development will be the of Web UFFS Management System, is one of the most interesting web tools of the moment. All static content and dynamic institution will be managed through this system. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Site, UFFS, Joomla, Gesta of Conteu of the Web, CMS. 1 Article elaborated for disciplines of Leitura and Produc' to Literal the II, given for the teacher Mary Stela Surdi, of the course of ncia Cie of the Computac' to and for the Program the Iniciac&#039 Stock market; to the Acade mica/2010 of the Federal University of the South Border, in 2o semester of 2010.

New Technologies

In the days that run, the use of the new Technologies of Information and Communication are half indispensable for a company who ambiciona to be in the aircraft marshalling area. The development of the computers had a crucial paper in the creation of new companies and impensveis businesses have 50 years behind. The communication in net allows to a bigger interaco between the companies and the diverse dispersed collaborators for the world. The rapidity in the transmission of the information through the Internet and the telemveis, the gradual increase of the capacity of storage of data is certifications of that we enter in a new age of discoveries, but now through the computers, of the social nets etc., we sail in a virtual world with information and real data. The interactividade becomes more easy, the available information is each bigger time and is importantssimo that our companies know to collect, to organize and to store with security all this information that if finds available.

A company whom she intends to be competitive productive it will have that to possess, telephones and faxes, scanners, telemveis and computers with linking to the Internet of broad band. The computers will have to be on in net in order to be able to facilitate the storage and consult of data between the diverse departments. The presence in the Internet is basic, therefore with some euros if it can create a site and registar a domain of form to guarantee its presence on-line and the recognition the national level and in the best one of the hypotheses international. The investment in Marketing is essential for the spreading of its products or services. For example, the lease of a space advertising executive in a periodical, magazine or website. E-mails and Newsletters allow to keep its informed customers of a continuous and gratuitous form. The used videoconferncias also are each time more, therefore if for example one of the collaborators if to find in China and another one in Portugal, will be able to communicate through audio video and in real time. The filmings and the photos facilitate immense to the communication and demonstration. garages mainly more the conservatives, bet in these half innovators, as well as in the continuous formation of all its collaborators in way to reach the success and never to forget that each time more we communicate and we negotiate to a global scale.