Popular Parliamentary Group

Bright Figar was born in Madrid the 4 from February from 1975.Bright Figar received the master’s degree in Economic and Enterprise Sciences by the CUNEF of the University of Alcala of Madrid. In addition, Bright Figar was Adviser of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government (1998-99), Female leader of Cabinet of the Secretary of State of Territorial organization (2000-03), Secretary General of Social Subjects (2003-04), Female leader of the Consultant’s office of the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Congress of the Deputies (2004-05) and Advisor of Immigration of the Community of Madrid (2005-07). At the moment Bright Figar shows the position of Advisor of Education and Use of the Community of Madrid from June of 2007. He is member of the National Board of directors of the Popular Party. From May of 2010, she is also Executive Secretary of Communication of the PP in Madrid. It follows Bright Figar in: Twitter: Bright Figar Flickr: Bright Figar Linkedin: Bright Figar Slideshare: Bright Figar Youtube: Bright Figar

Reps Director

A pastoral power, that manages to exert a work of spiritual conduction of the individuals, because it establishes and it determines the structures and social channels of production of the subjectivity human. Therefore, the construction of the subjectivity is not a free and spontaneous process. By means of the intervention of created structures of socialization from the power, it is obtained that the behavioural unfolding of the individual becomes prolongation of tax schemes. In this work, one requests us that we realise an interview in depth to an individual (in this case to two), and we create necessary to make indications of the meaning of this modality of interviews: On the one hand, this type of qualitative or structural techniques uses the investigator, being part in the investigation process, taking part actively in the process of meaning of the analyzed social object like part of a reality that is constructed dialectically. The investigator must make a plot inside which he must lead his interview; the structured interview is not flexible, but it is controlled. Mentioned by George Lapassade, 1991, P. 46. he orients himself (of intentionally specific way with a previous script to the same) to catch (of form makes specific and comprehensiva), to analyze and to interpret the significant aspects differentials of the conduct and the representations of the subjects and/or investigated groups.

And how it indicates Morin (1995): this is precisely why, this qualitative, inherent approach to deep the motivational investigation, indeed demands the free manifestation by the survey subjects of its informative interests methodologic. On the other hand, it is necessary to indicate that Mead (1972) already makes reference to the technologies of I and to how the subjectivity through this instrument is constructed that the rogeriana perspective formalized: the interview. This etngrafa proposed that in the same, I who communicate am not somewhat linguistic and grammar I like I to speculate and therefore social, who emerge in a process in which the individual takes place to itself in a dialectic relation with the function of the other generalized, exploiting we in which crystallizes the set of points of view of his group dynamics, product of a position and certain social structure and of the group social to that socially it is assigned. Rough draft of the script of the interviews semistructured Through the two interviews that we have realised, our objectives will concentrate then in catching the technology of I of both subjects, by means of: The knowledge of the reality of the other person through " its own palabras". Centering us in some concrete aspect of its life, we are going to try " comprender" its personal vision. The learning exceeds what is important in the mind of " informante": its meaning, its perspective and their definitions, the way in which it or it sees, classify and experience the world. And for it, we have elaborated a series of questions that we are going to formulate the two people interviewed, so that we pruned to find out how they think and how they become position of themselves. Having in that we have selected to two Reps Director of Vertices Psychologists Licensed in Psychology Executive MBA Masters in English Bilingual Psicodrama in and French Age 39 years N of associated M-22453