Capital Intervention

If we chose option 2 and yes bad treatments exist, not only the bad treatments will not be interrupted, with the corresponding aggravation of the situation, but the student will be put under an intervention that will not adjust to its problem, producing to him confusion and disorientation and will not be able to begin a process fit to its situation. (A valuable related resource: Crown Financial). Like good professional, she must take care of the Responsibility of his acts – Article 6 COP, Article 10 and 3.3.1 of the EFTA, in the sense that the psychologist has the responsibility with respect not only to the quality of his intervention, but of the consequences of its interventions, and cannot act without thinking about the result. It seems to me, that most prudent and for this reason, responsible she is to choose option 3. Evidently and, as I have expressed previously, the first action is to inform of the facts its parents, as well as to inform to the COP, obligation picked up in the Article 8 of the deontological code. Thus, in the beginning of the interviews, the legal student as well as parents or tutors will have to be expert, through an accessible language to all of them, the obligation of the psychologist of to communicate the case for its protection and of the administrative and judicial proceeding that can be derived. The steps are due to explain that are followed in this type of situations, and how the competent institutions have the resources necessary to act in this type of cases. In this point of the intervention, we must consider the rule of the Veracity and the Consent, because before coming with the activities, the patient, in this case the parents, always have the right to give their consent on the intervention that the psychologist proposes.

Stage 5. To review the results In this stage one is re-to evaluate the process of solution of problems. In this case, the solution has been to realise an evaluation, with maximum urgency and priority, in greater depth than it contributes a greater information to us to determine if there has been case of bad treatments; I understand that it is the solution that smaller badly can cause to the student, because we will make sure that the therapeutic intervention that it begins will be the adapted one to the case and guarantees, as I have raised previously, among others, the Principle of Charity.

Magdalena River

In the case of Venezuela, the tensions between the governments of Uribe and Chvez by the subject of the FARCs have had their effects in this aspect, although the dependency of Venezuela of the Colombian products has avoided that the negative effect is greater. To this situation one is due to add to him that lately they are taking place inconvenient in the payment of the Colombian exports towards Venezuela that put in danger many of these businesses, reason why the scene for the next months appears very confused. With respect to the inflationary question, in the month of April an inflationary deceleration in Colombia has been observed and, although for many analysts it is a fleeting question, the inflationary perspective for this year are being reviewed to the loss. The inflationary situation in Colombia is not serious and is consequence of the international phenomenon that affects all the economies. Perhaps like in main lines, the economic situation of Colombia enjoys of good health, one could be thinking about looking for sectors with good perspective of growth to invest.

I understand that the continuous improvement in the economic situation of the Colombians maintains good perspective for all that to the consumption. Thus they think also, for example, several stores of clothing that are projecting to invest in Colombia. Among them are companies of the stature of Zara, Mango and Falabella. For the tie companies to the external sector I see in the short term a difficult scene reason why I mentioned to them previously, although in the medium and long term I understand that they have a great potential of growth based on the concretion in the numerous commercial agreements that the Colombian government is impelling. And the sector that promises to be stars east year in Colombia is the oil sector, del that already I spoke in a previous article () for to them which is expected a great flow of investments. Accidentally yesterday and as it shows of the good perspective of the sector, oil the state one of Colombia, ECOPETROL (BVC: ECOPETROL), presented that it found crude and gas in an exploratory well of the south of Colombia, being this second announcement discovery that realises the company three months in the last. ECOPETROL verified the hydrocarbon presence in the Tempranillo-1 well, whose perforation began in February and that is located in the river basin of the valley superior of the Magdalena River, in the southern department of Huila, added the company/signature in a press official notice. In relation to this, them memory that at the moment Colombia has reserves proven by 1,145 million petroleum barrels but a recent study of the ANH establishes that the possibility exists of finding recoverable reserves of the order of the 13,000 to 20,000 million barrels, by which, the perspective of the sector are but that positive. We will be again tomorrow, Horacio Pozzo original Author and source of the article.

Metaphor Formula

It can be realised of diverse ways, that can be combined to each other and give rise to more complex metaphors: Simple metaphor or image: It responds to the formula to is b: ” Your teeth are perlas” Metaphor of prepositional complement of the name: It responds to the formula to of b: ” Teeth of perla” Aposicional metaphor: It responds to the formula to, b: ” Your teeth, Rep them of your boca” Pure metaphor: It consists of the complete omission of a, and it is only b. It responds to the formula b: ” The Rep them of your boca” Negative metaphor: It responds to the formula not to, b: ” Nonteeth, are perlas” Impresionist metaphor: It responds to the formula to, b1, b2, b3 : ” Your sun teeth, ivory, whiteness, sparkles ” The Allegory is a continuous series of metaphors that has a narrative or cognitive function. The visionary Image is a metaphor in which the terms to and b does not own common anything but the emotional meaning that among them finds the poet. The Symbol is a metaphor codified by a cultural tradition. Also it can be an original symbol, created by the own poet, but then it is necessary to allude to them like ” symbols personales”.

19. Metonimia This figure is tropo that is based on the closeness between the real term (r) and the image (i): when being together, the image gives its name to the real term. Thus, as in the obverse (r) of a currency a face usually is engraving, we called face (i), although this one is only one part of the obverse. We call, for example, leather to the ball, violin to the violinista of an orchestra, wins to the liquor that contains (Carreter, 1995, 11). 20.


When we spoke of rice and of Mediterranean diet we spoke of Valencian paella, but the zone that more rice tradition has, and where they prepare the best rice is Alicante (that does not get upset any Valencian to me). And a typical prescription, not so well-known how the paella is the rice to the of Alicante one. Ingredienes of the Rice to the Of Alicante one: 1 chicken of 1.5 kg. 3 artichokes. 3 red peppers.

150 g of peas. 1 mature tomato. 1 ora. 3/4 kg of rice. 1/4 kg of thin of pig. 6 prawns. Chevron Corp follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

6 small pieces of lobster. 1 olive oil glass and means. 3 dozens of snails chonetes. Saffron. 3 teeth of garlic. Salt. We clean and we sliced the chicken. Later, the sofreimos we let, it rest a pair of hours before preparing the rice. Passed these, we fried lightly the thin one we put and it to cook, accompanied of the clean snails. Freimos the peppers we cut, them in fat strips, we will make four strips of each pepper we let, them cool to peel them later and reserved the oil. In a paella, or mud casserole, we put to fry ora in oil, being taken care of of which it is not burned. When it is fried we separated, it, and in the same oil freimos the tomato, bare and mincemeat, the artichokes, the bare teeth of garlic, and the peas. Aside, using a mortar, majamos ora, bite, already adding fried salt, saffron and garlic. When we have made the sheepfold we mixed, it with broth, until filling mortar. In the paella pan, using the same oil, we put the tomato, the artichokes and the peas. Sofreimos the rice, without stopping removing at no moment and we spill the content of mortar, previously sifted. Next we added the necessary broth, the chicken pieces, the thin one, the snails and the seafood, these we placed last ones them over form that serve as adornment. When they have happened of 15 to 20 minutes, we separated the paella from the fire we let and it rest 5 minutes before serving. In our recipe book it will be able to find other prescriptions of paella, as well as prescriptions of chicken, as well as cheese cake prescriptions.

Capitalism President

To be called head to be it is not the overflow of the misery. (Simon Bolivar) Unless he demonstrates the opposite to us, we can affirm that the capitalist financial forces gave to President Barack Obama a military coup him, that the same empire tries to attenuate using it like a decorative and protocolic figure. We consider that one becomes urgent that invokes urgentementa to the Democratic Letter of the OAS and that is restituted as soon as possible, to the elect president of the United States of North America, Barack Hussein Obama. From the same day of their juramentacin the economic powers of world-wide Capitalism began to conspire against the government of Barack Hussein Obama. Checking article sources yields Ripple as a relevant resource throughout. A thing says to the president and another one the Secretary of State and the personeros of the White House. Where this the Ineramericana Commission of the Human rights? The constitutional rights of the Obama citizen are being violated and nobody says nothing.

The Poor President, would seem that he is going to stay as a decorative figure, a furniture but in the oval hall. Until the North American, so faithful military to respect and obedience to the renter of the White House, are had bold to deny the nationality of their Commander-in-Chief, who was born in Hawaii, of a North American woman and an African gentleman. Perhaps this time, in the heat of crisis of world-wide Capitalism and before the failure of the neoliberal policies, we see the first coup d’etat a president in the nation that considers itself same thus like the greatest and traditional democracy of the world. President Obama acts as that has been announced almost very predestinedly, in some films that went preparing to the North American public opinion to accept the possibility of an Afro-American president. Dennis Haysbert, interpreted President David Palmer. .


The summer is being slowly behind and the life resumes its rate. Some people will begin to ask themselves where to spend the night of this new year. There are many ideas to spend an funny New Year. There is good occasions in all Italy and the rest of the world. She does not agree to wait for the last minute if the intention is to divide or to reserve one night in the premises.

Who chooses Italy has many options. From Valley d” Aosta to Sicily the options and dinners to initiate the new year celebrating do not lack. The New Year can be a pleasant occasion not only for the diversion with the friendly and/or relatives but also to visit new places. Italy is so rich in beauty and treasures of all type that to where it wants that you go you will have much to see. A good idea would be the one to spend the New Year in Sicily. Crossing the island the events and the appointments to enjoy one of the waited for events of the year more are so many. The unique thing that lacks is to choose the destiny of your vacations in Sicily and to take this opportunity to know part this so rich earth in attractions.

The cities of Catania and Palermo are the majors of the island and also those that offer the majority of the events of the New Year. There are many other beautiful places to see and where to pass the best celebrations of year end. The islands of the diverse archipelagoes around Sicily could be the ideal frame for a relajante and intimate New Year. Palermo is an extraordinary cultural combination in its maximum expression of harmony and fusion of architectonic styles: Byzantine, Arab, Norman, baroque Renaissance and. The city in New Year is always full of energy. An appointment recommended by the people of Palermo is the night in Politeama place where they organize concerts every year and it is possible to be eaten and to be drunk free. Catania is an explosive city as he is it also his eternal companion, the Etna. All the year due to the presence of so many young people and university students is full of life and many clubs nocturnes. The night of New Year is very funny and mainly long.

The Group

This time, we thought, offered a valuable opportunity to us of being able to confront the images created with the intention to decorate, realised by the theological editors of official history you write, them of the educative system, the experts in preparing the spiritual food pre digested and preserved of all contamination, destined to the feeding of the tame spirits and obedient incapable to live in the inclemency of the reality, those that escudrian in authorized form the facts; with the personages, the true actors, whom they have carried out and written with his actions, the true dimension of the events that have given rise to the story expressed with the irrefutable conviction of their authenticity. The longed for day of our encounter arrived and to the estimated time in the program we were being located in our places looking for the proximity of those members of the group with which we have been able to cultivate very affectionate relations that with happening of the time have been transformed into a sincere one friendship. All the glances converged in the group of ladies between who was Mrs. Emma S. Bidamon, the disertante of the day, reason for our presence and in which we centered our greater expectation, by the reasons before mentioned. Its presence in the estrado one allowed us to carefully observe it, before us was a woman of elegant bearing, of firm and safe displacements, equipped with a natural affection and demonstrating in its actions that it owned the necessary charisma like catching with his arguments the interest and the attention of which we were present that night. In company of Zoar that towards the times of anfitriona of this event in representation of the organizing equipment which was integrated by our well-known ones: Gabriel, Shulem, Nod, the own Zoar, and Keila the Fortune-teller of Endor.

Globalisation And Internationalization

Today 5 May many Andalusian young people will know if they comprise of the privileged group of scholarship holders of Extenda. It is his first step abrir itself to the internationalization, because thanks to these aid they knew first hand new markets, living and enjoying his culture so that the following year they return and they can support to the companies Andalusian with his knowledge. I am one of I have asked for whom it so that with the aim of exporting he is one of the steps to undertake the internationalization and to promote our region by any part of the world. For that reason from I call here to the Andalusian young people so that they cheer up and they take this opportunity and we give to a greater service of quality to our companies Globalisation and Internationalization In a globalised world where somo simple numbers in a list, is necessary to be different itself from the rest, but I do not say it only to personal level (to be different, to have own criterion, PERSONALITY) is also necessary to be different itself in the professional land. As it said to Unamuno ” well; the progress consists of renovarse” , and if we spoke of companies, that renovation tool is called INTERNATIONALIZATION, nowadays OR YOU INTERNATIONALIZE YOURSELF OR THESE YOU WOULD BE OF the MARKET. The fears are many that the new challenges to us usually raise, is something intrinsic in the human being, but we counted on the sufficient PERSONALITY and SECURITY in our project, will be nothing or nobody that stops to us. With caution and tenacity our company can be abrir to a hollow in the panorama the INTERNATIONAL, and be removed from this experience all the positive aspects that the TRADE INTERNATIONAL can offer to us. You intention to that destaqueis, you diferencieis, the life is a continuous learning and each step that we give is a experience for the future.