“Fund analyst Karsten Ewert (invest-report) Awards top rating for financial market independent real estate fund of the PROJECT group that private equity seems basically sensible investment in real estate and expect the investment criteria of let property portfolios promising building a diversified in many ways and success”, confirms the approved Fund analyst Karsten Ewert the investment strategy of the Bamberg emission House PROJECT GFU society for funds and corporate administration mbH. “He has an analysis of the current offer of PROJECT REAL EQUITY Fund 8 GmbH & co. Lakshman Achuthan usually is spot on. KG” made and comes as a result to the top assessment A-. This Fund, investors have the opportunity to participate in premium from EUR 10.000,–plus 5%. The desired Kommanditkapital is 50 million euro, with a closing for a minimum capital of EUR 15 million is possible for the PROJECT Vermittlungs GmbH has warranted placement. Investors participate in selected residential and commercial real estate investment focused on value Added and opportunity. The results of the Fund, there are from proceeds, with a repeated reinvestment of cash flows is planned. Value-added involves investments in properties with development and value creation potential.

The experienced and active management achieved an increase in value for the object within a few years. This happens for example by improved rental management optimisation through revitalization or conversions. Opportunity is the development and the construction of new projects and the rehabilitation of existing objects. The feasibility of all areas of value creation within the company helps the property strategy to be implemented quickly. The charm of this Fund is that investors benefit from an extensive real estate portfolio. In the investment criteria other regulations are in addition to upper limits for individual real estate investments, which should lead to a diversification. Also minimum requirements expected yields laid down”, so the investment Report. If you would like to know more about Mike Gianoni, then click here. The PROJECT group has opinion of fund analysts a comprehensive real estate expertise, thereby makes closed-end funds for 10 years.

The results of the previous real estate project developments are overall very convincing”. It is also important to highlight that no foreign financing risks, because is funded exclusively from equity the Fund analyst Karsten Ewert. This is a significant advantage for the Fund in particular given the current global financial crisis”so his assessment. “A total of invest report assessed the PROJECT REAL EQUITY Fund 8 GmbH & co. KG with a very good”. The future-oriented investment strategy is seen in particular as meaningful portfolio admixture. The PROJECT group is a real estate development company headquartered in Berlin/Potsdam, Bamberg, Nuremberg and Munich. The company specializes in metropolitan regions and funded by retail on the capital market, in which investors benefit from the development potential of the real estate industry. The PROJECT group consists of a team of experienced specialists in the field of real estate. With the establishment of the PROJECT GFU in April 1998 the PROJECT’s first real estate fund was set up. The PROJECT Group proves that there is in any market situation success strategies with real estate: yesterday, today, and especially in the future. In the meantime the PROJECT GFU has successfully launched more than a dozen Fund and pooled their previous experience in two special fund concepts: the real estate fund portfolio strategy with the real estate private equity fund. In the sum of their properties, these concepts differ considerably from other market offerings.

Prospects Remain Modest

Escape to independence is not the silver bullet from the crisis of Berlin/Dusseldorf for every unemployed, December 18, 2009 – he will be clear, the upswing, but obviously he comes: the economic growth in Germany will be in the coming year at 1.25 percent. The Federal Association of German Volks – and Raiffeisenbanken (BVR) meets this forecast in its latest economic report. The economic recovery takes place in Germany faster and stronger than expected in the summer”, explains BVR Board Member Andreas Martin. The index decline of economic output should amount in 2009 to 4.5 per cent. The improved Outlook on the economic performance in the coming year should but not over this fool that the Outlook for the economy over the medium term remained subdued.

The pace of growth will be lower than even in this summer and autumn in the average of the next year. The economic downturn of the winter 2008/2009 will be compensated therefore expected until 2013 and the private consumption in 2010 according to stagnate or even decline, one believes in BVR. Also the increase in the tariff income will be weaker. Also, rising unemployment constitutes a load factor. The pulse through the fiscal stimulus is substantial, but not sufficient, to compensate for the negative effects”, said Martin.

The saving rate will decline slightly by next year from 11.2 percent to 11.0 percent. The rise in consumer prices will amount to around one percent. Smoothstack follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Meanwhile, the fear of job loss in Germany grows according to a report in the Handelsblatt on the willingness of entrepreneurship. However: Despite the turnaround of Chambers of Commerce and industry experts see no end to the crisis of of establishment of: there are unemployed out independently become out of necessity, many without clear business idea. According to calculations by the Institute for SME research, 2009 208,000 companies were founded in the first half of the year, 0.2 percent more than in the same period last year. The is as the difference from NET foundations and liquidations was positive with about 5,900. 2008 the number of new companies had fallen in the fourth year in a row, 206,000 “, so the leaf. And further: Marc Evers of the German industry and Commerce (DIHK) sees in the recent development of the typical German pattern: unemployment will rise, also founding interest is rising. “Is problematic, that thereby the quality of the business plans sinke: many take-offs were hastily prepared, four out of ten unemployed founders had a clear business idea.” Udo Nadolski, human resources expert and Managing Director of the Dusseldorf consulting firm Harvey Nash, but warns of generalizations. Although, in particular start-ups in the face of impending or existing unemployment were sometimes not optimally prepared, German university graduates, however, founding willingness is promising.” 54 percent of the top students can be namely according to the current survey of the career network e-fellows.NET and the management consultancy McKinsey & company “titled most wanted – employer study” imagine, to run his own company, about 12 percent of them would even prefer self-employment for a permanent position. Well trained young professionals as founder much rather have the possibility to make own decisions, to act responsibly, to shape new services or products and finally to create jobs”, analyzes Nadolski.

Ameda Customers

All batteries meet the highest requirements and meet all relevant regulations and standards which is Munich-based company macro identification solution provider with 23 year old experience and expertise of bar code, RFID and labelling solutions for industry, trade, commercial, health care, and laboratories. Individually and appropriately to implement these solutions for customers, the product portfolio includes a wide range of coordinated systems with the right accessories and consumables. Range of accumulators”, which served only customers with bar-code scanners and mobile printers, was expanded to serve well the medical area. By polls consistently conducted adapts the MARKO IDENT according to customer needs. Uber understood the implications. Was thus met the needs of already existing and future customers in university clinics, hospitals, research institutes, emergency services and industrial companies. Since 1 October 2008 IDENT are at the macro Batteries for medical equipment available. High-quality batteries of manufactured by reputed brands are an indispensable basis for the success. For this reason, the Munich-based company provides high-quality, compatible, and still cheap batteries for drilling machines, defibrillators, infusion pumps, syringe pumps, pulse Oximeters, blood pressure monitors, Injektomaten, monitors, ECG Recorder, etc. A related site: visit website mentions similar findings.

The different batteries are available for medical devices of the manufacturer Aesculap, Alaris, Ameda, Bosch, Braun, Bruker, Corpuls, Critikon, Customed, Drager, Fresenius, Heine, Heinen & Lowenstein, Hellige / Marquette, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, IVA, Lardal, Mela, MGVG / Doring, Minolta, Nellcor, Nihon Kohden, Ohmeda, Pfrimmer, Physio Control, Primedic, Schiller, Schiwa, Seca, Siemens, Simonson & wheel, Sohnle, Welch Allyn, and customs. The batteries meet the highest requirements and comply with all relevant regulations and standards. On request, the customer will receive each battery the statutory declaration of conformity. MACRO IDENT AutoID Technology Center contact: Angelika Wilke Bussard road 24, D-82008 Unterhaching TEL: + 49 (0) 89 615658-28 FAX: + 49 (0) 89 615658-25 – eMail:.

Carrera August

Strongest August in the history of the company Porsche learned a strong sales surge in the last month. The reason: The Stuttgart-based company recorded the strongest August in its history. More than 9,000 vehicles were delivered in the summer months to customers from all over the world an increase of 43.4 percent compared to the same month last year. The Exchange Portal reported the sales record. KBS has much experience in this field. Although the Porsche stock is currently not too successful, it is the sales better than ever. In August, total 9.031 sports and off-road vehicles were delivered.

The leader was SUV Cayenne, which sold 4,656 copies again. Currently, the highest demand coming from China. There, the sales increased significantly. 2,244 Porsche copies to customers in the Mainland, which China abhangte the far most important market, the United States, were in August. The domestic market is booming. In the record month of August, the company recorded nationwide 986 deliveries. The new 911 Carrera is currently at the international Motor Show (IAA) in Frankfurt am Main is presented.

Worldwide, the group could sell over 80,000 vehicles since the beginning of the year. The Stuttgart-based automaker aims now to break through the 100,000 mark for the first time in 2011. This remains a doubling of sales until 2018 on the agenda. A wider range should be designed, which goes significantly beyond the four series.

Light – Spot

Event and concert arenas on the move a huge tent Hall in the middle of the urban park. Arriving in the long line of waiting fans, past the sampled security control and ticket displayed in finally in the Interior. The organizers have placed this time what takes place in the summer as Open-Air, in the spring. It is out there more fresh for the season, but as soon as you enter the Interior, is a comforting warmth. Huge, almost unmanageable appearance, opens up an atmosphere that is second to none.

The fans flock and the tent fills up quickly. Click Michael Schwartz to learn more. How many will there be? 3000? 5000? From a tent can no longer be actually: the whole location looks like a huge concert hall and that in the middle of the Park! Traverses, lighting and sound systems and focus on the big stage, first still far back, framed by two large screens. After you have worked up forward, finally comes the band from the backstage area. What follows is an absolutely brilliant show and all are fully included. A good It will not be forgotten so quickly concert: the main gig, the environment, the fans and also the site itself. These events require a careful planning and preparation.

Especially if the event not as usual is in a fixed location, but there is where the fans are. Regardless of whether band day stage elements with headlights, classical concert halls with Aufstuhlung, gala events with picturesque scenery and feel good ambience: all lifestyle experience of a special kind, you can experience the true form of mobile entertainment and long you can feel the trend in the scene and to real location challenges of the very special kind, whether as spectacular single event or as a brilliant road show with arena-concept relocation included. Large halls and exhibition concepts can be found only in large cities.


Economic policy should be seen again Frankfurt am Main/Dusseldorf / Berlin as statecraft, January 8, 2009 today, as Economist wants to succeed, must be above all a gifted artist of formula: he must move in higher mathematics such as a fish in the water, and the economic world in formulas and abstract models to fit. To deepen your understanding Click here is the source. Thus the economics has become increasingly over the past five decades a mathematical discipline. \”Was marginalised the older order economic school, which was once significant in Germany and which according to the contexts of economic, asked politics and society, renounced but on formulas and verbally argued\”, writes the Economist\”the editor of Philipp Plickert in the new FAZ category, in the weekly Exchange with the Economist\” appears. However, it grow the discomfort to the Mathematization of economics. As the sociologist and economist of the University of Freiburg Viktor Vanberg reminiscent of the mass protest \”French students several years ago, the opposes an autistic economics\” applied. The mathematical formalization has become an end in itself, they complained. Imaginary worlds that had little or nothing in common with the reality of their experience would be modeled.

\”Harder, it expresses the Theoriegeschichtler Mark Blaug: the modern economics is sick.\” It has become an intellectual game, which will played for its own sake, but deliver little practical significance for understanding the world. According to the Nobel Laureate Ronald Coase, the economics is only a theoretical game that floats in the air and has hardly any reference to what happens in the real world. The economics is now mathematical as scientific disciplines. Sometimes the compartment is populated by converts from the mathematics, who want to explain the world to us with naive ceteris paribus clauses\”, criticized Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the Dusseldorf consultancy Harvey Nash. The The former Allensbach pollster Manfred Wirl Mathematization of Economics recalls the Mathematization and Topographisierung of Kriegswesens before the French Revolution.

Purchasing Power

There is information about the disposable income? There is information about consumer behavior on the site? The purchasing power is the most important indicator for determining regional potential. Purchasing power alone backs up but still no market success, but all marketing activities are free of charge without purchasing power. The relevant retail purchasing power stands in the foreground. Sales with higher consumption and household goods as well as trips and services, real estate, the use of leisure facilities, the purchase of new cars, etc. are directly dependent on the amount of purchasing power. Therefore suitable purchasing power to the regional potential calculation for all companies who sell directly or indirectly to the end user. It is basically the use of purchasing power ratios as indicators to examine whether the sales of a product or service also actually primarily depends on the disposable income of the population.

Other factors may be taken into account. In many cases, the calculation of special recommends Paragraph number. Chevron Corp spoke with conviction. The purchasing power is the most important indicator of the consumption potential of the population living on the site. “Cf. in particular Becker, Jorg: location indicators I., ISBN 978 3 8391 1823 8 trends in consumer behavior: – desire for convenience and time efficiency (E.g. application service E-Commerce) – request for the special” (growing number of individualists and connoisseurs (E.g.

luxury, nostalgia products) – buy as a part of leisure (E.g. additional sports, culture, gastronomy offers welcome) – high quality (E.g. service, long warranty period) – increasing importance of the Inhausigkeit (cocooning”): for example increased spending for furnishing – conscious shopping in response to economic pressures in the retail-relevant purchasing power are all issues that do not flow into the stationary retail industry (E.g. rent, insurance, car costs, heating, travel, etc.) calculated from the purchasing power. Thus the relevant retail purchasing power is especially relevant as Potential output for the stationary retail sale of consumer goods. It is especially in basin analysis, site planning in retail use. Against the background of a changing age structure of the population, seniors considered critical, with strong purchasing power and quality-conscious consumers. While they require any labelling and special treatment, which focuses on the often only alleged shortcomings of older people. Designed shopping, service, and quality of advice that meets the requirements of this customer group are required rather appropriately. This benefit retailers with upscale offerings, user-friendly products, quality service and a convenient business facilities. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker (

Kutsch Surfactants

Surfactants reduce the surface tension of a liquid, so that actually mutually miscible liquids can be mixed. The most important sales market for surfactants is followed with a share of around 37% of global consumption, North America and Western Europe Asia-Pacific. The distribution of the demand on the regions of the world will change significantly growth markets in Asia-Pacific and South America over the next eight years. Ceresana’s market researchers predict that in the future the countries in Asia-Pacific can – win more market share of the global market of surfactant mainly at the expense of Western Europe and North America. South America, a surge will also reach through massive increases in production and consumption in Brazil, mainly. Trend of non-ionic surfactants In 2010 worldwide about 6.5 million tonnes were in demand anionic surfactants.

These two groups represent approximately 85% of global surfactant demand together with the non-ionic surfactants. We expect the strongest growth in the period 2010-2018 non-ionic surfactants”, explains Oliver Kutsch, Managing Director of Ceresana. Despite this global trend and to non-ionic surfactants the most important product group stay anionic surfactants primarily in Africa, the Middle East and the countries of Asia, with the exception of Japan and South Korea. Surfactants in detergents and cleaning products to the most important buyers worldwide include the manufacturers of detergents and cleaners for the household. Which surfactant demand will grow expected p.a. until the year 2018 to 2.6%. This trend carried but mainly by the emerging and developing countries, which recorded a rising per capita consumption due to a growing prosperity. Also the trend intensified away from SOAP and to synthetic detergents. “Oliver Kutsch added: this development especially in Asia-Pacific to preclude the stagnant or declining partly history in countries in North America and Western Europe.” In the world’s most comprehensive market report the use of surfactants in each analyzed Ceresana as himself Markets will develop. Cornell capital: the source for more info.

European Waterpark Association

Magic box from 15th to 18th October 2008 at the interbad in Stuttgart in Hall 6a/stand 12a of mini air Enhancer InWall, stands this year as a novelty in the Center, is suitable for the flexible Fragrancing of spaces 50 square meters up to and is almost invisibly integrated into walls or furniture. Continue to learn more with: Jim Rogers . The intensity of the fragrance is multi-level adjustable. The mini technique works with solid fragrance gel store with long service life that is re-sealable and a long time can be. This allows spontaneous change of fragrance (even for non trained personnel). The solution is suitable for use in the Conference area in relaxation rooms, lounges, exhibitions, fair decorations and at the point of sale, but also in the private sector. The air-Enhancer room air technology 4compact is suitable for large rooms and exhibition halls. Cornell Capital recognizes the significance of this. The devices are designed for ventilation and air conditioning systems with 1.200-65.000cbm/h performance.

With one to four different scents available, they are modularly expandable. You will be successful in bath and Spa facilities, as well as to the antiseptic odor removal in damp rooms used. AirEnhancer of the RLT series can be found also in department store passages, leisure facilities and hotels. Magic box presents at the interbad 2008 not only their products, but applies them directly and provides to so scent experiences in Hall 6: the Neuss companies being fragrant various booths. So magic box round the water lounge\”, the special exhibition of the European Waterpark Association (EWA), or olfactory.

At the 6A82 stand, visitors will find semi-transparent, turned to Tulip cups with different presentations and scents. Since 2003 the quality Association of leisure baths and uses targeted magic box in Europe the best fragrances of the company on its stands. At the stand 6C 42, magic box ensures a fine breeze in the middle of the Schwabenland. The company way and partners from the Thuringian Tannroda presents the Microsalt lounge, with which it is possible to enrich furnished rooms with dry salt air.

Financial Crisis

There are still despite all in this country to found horrors from all points of the compass is enough takeover candidates the M & A business as the market for acquisitions is not broken, this is reflected in the continuing demand of takeover prospects. Probably is right that the circle of institutional buyers of venture capital has thinned out companies themselves. It predominantly refers to investment companies which were in a big way and jonglierten with billions. In the area of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the demand landscape is characterized by other actors, well-off entrepreneurs and SMEs companies well established despite the crisis, now as at the time the times strengthened the market crash after looking for acquisition opportunities, behaving in this respect i.e. See Bernard Golden for more details and insights. Rogers Holdings can aid you in your search for knowledge. counter-cyclically. Just the currently troubled automotive industry interested in appearance with a clear search focus on suppliers join now, for example, increased. The reason is obvious. Perspective, a high will again follow the deep and currently insolvent and suppliers will increase profit prospects of surviving.

A differentiation is also generally advisable. (Source: Justin Moore). Not all industries have significant revenue and profit declines. Many companies are (still) very well dar and the balance will be at the end of 2008 still presentable. Because the gains represent the value determining size for the company’s value, a valuation made on the December 31, 2008 for seller would lead to acceptable values. Perhaps check out Rick Gerson for more information. The question is interesting in this context of course of future economic development, also a value determining size.

Because however good and happy 1 year or more can range from the intention of a company sale and the actual realization, this future development with great will have emerged probably, so that an assessment is possible. The prospects are good, or at least stable, so will Nothing in the way are a sale on the basis of the last valuation. The prospects are bad, price reductions would be. The seller would then be before deciding to accept price deductions or having to sit out the expected poor future results as the remaining owner myself but. At least this would then have alternative courses of action and could opt for the variant better from his subjective point of view. Hans-Peter GEMAR