IMF Economy

Significant effects of the events in Mexico are not perceived as soon. There are even indicators showing that the situation is very different from that projected the IMF: yesterday the unemployment rate in Mexico for the month of March which yielded a value of 3.78%, met which implies a fall in the level of unemployment in relation to the same month of the previous year (which had been 4,01%). To Pamela Cox, Vice President of the World Bank for Latin America, nor is it true that the U.S. crisis will affect with force on the Mexican economy (although it does not rule out side effects). What is it based to do this? Well, Cox highlighted the work of Mexico to promote structural reforms to accelerate the economic growth of the country. That is why it ratified the growth expectations raised for the year of 2.8%. Can what we we base to think that Mexico is resisting well the onslaught of the American economic slowdown? (), Which Mexico has a number of elements to be able to withstand the economic slowdown of its main trading partner and main source of remittances flowing into Mexican territory was already mentioned them in an article earlier this year. And one of those elements was the fortress that had domestic demand in Mexico.

This hypothesis that raised them, she was just confirmed yesterday by a report from Morgan Stanley that realized that, according to its own estimates, the economy of Mexico would have expanded 3.5% in the first quarter of this year, thanks to if: to a solid domestic market behavior. With this I do not mean that the economy of Mexico enjoys an exceptional health. In fact, inflation is still a latent problem that worries to the authorities of the Bank of Mexico. However, I understand that slowly in this country little by little strategic decisions are being taken to ensure the sustainability of growth economic in the country. The policy of diversification of exports and the energy issue, with the discussion installed on Pemex, are two key issues that Mexico is undertaking to continue growing and limiting the exposure of its economy to two elements of risk.

Forumfactory Load common Urlaubsbestaltung at Michael, administrator in the Forum is pleased: nowadays, many caravans have only a very low load. Since 2001, the caravan named are: shipped “Curb weight in running order”, but since not all campers always with two 11 kg steel cylinder, full water tank etc on the trip go, changes not only weight, but also the support load. The loading machine will serve as tools, to optimally load the caravan.” Prerequisites for the use of the trailer loading machine is yet another module, the user can employ to create from travel packing lists. Both tools together support, forum users with the travel arrangements for the tents and camping. The Pack list tool from Forumfactory performs several functions.

The user, in this case Zelter, camper and motorhome travellers can use this list as a reminder, so forget anything with the vacation planning. Orientation and selection offers a Master packing list, which is broken down according to categories such as clothing, food, bathroom, kitchen etc.. As a first-time camper can be when creating his packing list equal to ideas, what required you anything at all for tent holidays. And last but not least the printed list also serves as a pack help when stored in car and caravan. Campers, travelling with a caravan, can now in their loading scheme with the trailer loading machine ( campingcalc.php) to determine the optimum load distribution. He builds on the individual travel packing list and the core data of the user to his truck and his Caravan.

Users can provide the items that he wants to take with a weight and move from the packing list using drag-and-drop in the various areas of towing vehicle and trailer, Pack left or rear right as slightly forwards. The weights in each area of the trailer loading computer immediately added, so that it recognizes a right – or left-side wrong distribution right at the virtual loading or even an overload of the Caravan. To balance the load better, the user can move the travel accessories even between the different areas through drag-and-drop. Also in the loading schema, the user can add new items, edit existing objects, or remove those that he this time not needed by pulling on the journey to the delete icon. The loading scheme can be saved for later arrivals. A detailed tutorial with videos receives the user on the home page of the caravan load calculator. Caravan loading computer usage is free of charge for registered users of. Guests can check, have to register but before the use of the two camping tools in the Forum. This register is however easy and free of charge. Feedback and help requests are received in an extra furnished Forum area and clarified.

Forum Media Ventures GmbH

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More information to yourXpert can be accessed at. We are pleased that we have the yourXpert GmbH could successfully accompany and wish every success for the further expansion of the company the partners! “, so Dr. Jochen Haller, CEO of exchangeBA AG.” The exchangeBA brings together companies seeking capital and investors. Thus, it offered an alternative to the time – and cost-intensive capital search on their own. The success to date is the exchangeBA right: so far over 70 transactions could be completed successfully. Press contact of exchangeBA AG Kaiserstrasse 54 60329 Frankfurt Dr. Jochen Haller phone + 49 – (0) 69-257812-50 of the exchangeBA AG exchangeBA AG operates the leading venture capital marketplace in the German-speaking world since 2005 under and brings together companies seeking capital and investors. Over 940 investors in the areas of private investors/business angels, venture capital and private equity, as well as family offices are listed on the investor page. On the corporate side, companies seeking capital, list regardless of industry, company phase, region, and level of capital requirements. Over 70 transactions could successfully be accompanied to this day.