International Market

Marketing in action: only purchase those actions that you can keep in your portfolio blithely, so the market closed it for 10 years. General Warren Buffet outline, scope. The dynamics of the economic scenarios is very active in the present, where companies present their products services that have a good management, adequate resources can achieve goals of markets that provide good utilities and development SMEs consider eligible for new markets once that troubles their weaknesses, worry about generating, offer products that benefit them and allow to penetrate the international marketsmore, when in the case of the Venezuelan stage, despite its political instability, high inflation, the national Government has initiated a new opening of foreign trade with alliances, bilateral large emerging market exchanges and powers world where should know the opportunity that is presented. o has experience with these questions. The quality and productivity management graduate program, as well as the programme of specialty of markets, have considered it important to take into account the role of Venezuelan SMEs, especially in the industrial belt of Carabobo that these companies be concerned in analysing what should be its role to new economic openings through seminars which are taught in addition to knowledge contributing to the respective Chair of marketing & international tradebecomes insistence on assessing the reality of SMEs, more in a present where many have closed, product of political instability, of the action of the State which have affected them with their programs, tax impositions, change control, more of those who were not prepared for the challenges. This fully conscious programs, international investment represents an opportunity for expansion into a business and are increasingly companies that decide to tackle new countries where launch their products within these companies every day, we have a greater number of SMEs to export is always an operation risky, since the political, economic, social and cultural environment of the country is less over-powered. .