
I like to jog in the winter, but it is at all healthy? Cozy, candlelit watch a movie. In the summer, however, it is these people out jogging. But even in winter you can enjoy this sport, without having to climb while on the treadmill. Even if outside minus just dominate and frost on the Windows form, you can go out jogging. So get in the shoes. Restaurant Michael Schwartz: the source for more info.

You should even necessarily go jogging in the winter time. Because when one thinks of the greasy winter roast, the character can do only good. Nevertheless, many people are still not sure whether goes jogging in the winter. It’s that jogging the lung damage in the winter around the rumor. You can deny that clearly. Because there are enough endurance sports for the winter, skiing is an example.

Our body creates more sporting excellence also in strong freezing temperatures. To read more click here: Mike Gianoni. The cold air won’t hurt the lungs, because our lungs has its own heating system in the winter. The winter clothes can by in the winter when jogging out leave jogging at home after a few minutes our body is so far upward, the winter coat is not required. What however is recommended in winter, is functional underwear and several layers of clothes. Joggers should wear also a hat in the winter, because the most heat is dissipated through the head. Before you start to go you should warm up well, because just in the winter, our body warm up phase required. You should also remember that in winter often a feeling of hunger occurs. This is because our body is thus trying to warm up, that’s why you should never go in the winter with an empty stomach. To initiate the relaxation phase after running a hot shower would be advisable. Jogging is not concern for the health in the winter, it is even recommended.

The Amino Acid L-arginine

Arginine is the amino acid with the highest nitrogen content of all amino acids. It has therefore particular effects in the metabolism. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Senator from Maine. The amino acid L-arginine is a semi-essential amino acid. This means that the human body is capable of, not synthesize itself, but in sufficient quantities. Therefore she must run to from the outside, through the food. L-arginine is made Carbamoyl, L-aspartate, and L-ornithine urea cycle. L-arginine takes over some important functions in the human body. For one, it is converted into Citrulin and the neurotransmitter nitric oxide (NO).

The resulting NO is responsible that can relax muscles such as the heart or vascular muscles and therefore increase. This improves the blood circulation and the oxygenation of the body. This in turn has a lowering of blood pressure result. Furthermore, the amino acid L-arginine stimulates the production of white blood cells, increases the insulin release, favors the Committee of the Growth hormone helps the possible of excess nitrogen from the body, is involved in the formation of sperm and can have a positive influence on erectile dysfunction. Due to its diverse modes of action L-arginine is used in many areas to the therapy or to promote performance.

Patients with cardiac and vascular diseases get due to the blood circulation-promoting and vasodilator effect of L-arginine containing preparations administered. In diabetics, the amino acid reduce the addition of insulin or in mild cases of diabetes quite replace. Reduced male fertility or erectile dysfunction L-arginine may make unnecessary the use of prescription drugs. As a result of the positive effect on the secretion of growth hormones L-arginine is also used for the treatment of growth disorders in children. In addition also power and strength athletes this wachstumsfordende property take advantage of, to a faster muscle growth and better muscle regeneration to achieve. Supplements with L-arginine in pharmacy quality can also improve the fertility of men, because mobility and quantity of sperm depends on the supply of arginine. The daily L-arginine needs of an adult with normal physical exertion is four to eight grams. These needs are covered sufficiently balanced nutrition and a protein intake of 70-90 grams a day. People who are exposed through sports or stress, more stress need more l arginine. As well as patients with an impaired urinary cycle or above physical complaints, they can rely on L-arginine supplements. The supplementation with the amino acid should be discussed as well as the medical treatment as a precaution with a physician or a nutritionist. In this way, the optimal dosage and thus the desired result can be achieved.

Circulatory Problems

My JogStyle gives tips on what athletes should pay attention to jogging is a popular sport for young and old. Whether as a hobby runner or Marathon Pro running revitalizes mind and body, keeps you fit and is healthy. Nevertheless it may be to sports injuries or joint pain. The proper running technique, the correct running shoes are crucial here and be did on and off heating program. Some runners complain of also circulatory problems during or after the course unit. Please visit Jonah Bloom if you seek more information. The causes can be quite different. My JogStyle explains the golden rules, which is dizzy and nausea feelings can be avoided. Sport is healthy, but sometimes it feels not quite precisely because of the training.

Dizziness or nausea during or after the course unit suggest that there is something wrong. The causes are usually simple. Who to follow some rules, can avoid such unpleasant consequences. Symptom-free, to be able to complete a run, an adequate hydration must be first of all guarantees. Both before and after the training the athletes must drink a lot. When Langlaufen over 60 minutes should be recycled in also during the training liquid the body.

In addition to drinking, the absorption of nutrients plays an important role. So you should train with full or an empty stomach. Who turns another round in the morning right in front of the work, usually runs without eating something before. If it should come to circulation problems, it is advisable to eat breakfast a little something. Here whole wheat bread, crisp bread or something similar to nutritious are offered. Two hours should lie between a well-balanced meal and exercise also about, in order to avoid complaints. Many endurance athletes often overestimate their own performance. It is not every day to achieve excellence in the able and should pay attention to the personal shape, to Overtrain”to avoid. If it overwhelmed his body or training beyond its borders, can occur also to circulation problems. One sufficient warm-up and cool-down are very important to protect the cardiovascular system. Especially after a long break the body must be reapplied only slowly to the conditional load. Also in sport, patience is a virtue. Who repeatedly suffers from circulatory problems despite these precautions, should undergo a stress test. So can how come the complain and when they occur determine under medical supervision very professionally. There are many more tips and useful information around the topic of running sports, health and co. online on the Laufblog. (Picture: Peggy flower – Company profile: OMRON healthcare was founded in Kyoto in 1933 and is now a leading manufacturer of sensory systems and technologies in the health care market. The German subsidiary OMRON Medizintechnik with continuous innovations has successfully established itself for 35 years. Cutting-edge technologies, interpreted for accurate measuring technology used in simple, intuitive operation, not only make Omron products accessible for professionals, but also for general use. In 2009, the company generated a turnover of 570 billion euro with approximately 4,000 employees worldwide.

Fitness Magazine

Successful weight loss by indoor cycling! The time after Christmas, this is the high season for diets: how come the ever good intention every year: finally permanently taking off! But the truth is: the unwanted pounds, the bacon rolls on belly and the ugly upholstery on the buttocks and thighs have not come overnight. You will not disappear unfortunately even over night. Unless you move them with an effective concept on the fur. A safe and very efficient way, permanently remove the indoor cycling. Why? The body burns fat most effectively, when a moderate, but regular, aerobic endurance training is operated. Few sports are such an aerobic endurance training \”and are thus suitable for effective and safe fat loss. Sports to the targeted fat loss should consume large parts of muscles, be rhythmic, and over a long period of moderate with low-intensity can be exercised. Cycle path towards fitness Indoor cycling claimed the entire lower body, much like jogging, walking or Nordic walking, but protects the joints because the largest part of the body weight on the saddle rests.

About eight years ago spilled over the indoor-cycling-wave from the United States to us and has now become an insider tip\”for the targeted fat burning developed. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Sam Feldman by clicking through. Properly engineered indoor cycling is a special training on a stationary bike, which combines the advantages of cycling with the independence of time of day, weather and temperature \”, says Alexander snake by Fitness Magazine fit appeal. \”For women, training on the rigid bike has still a very special, positive side effect: you specifically train the muscles on the problem areas, butt, thighs and calves, resulting in beautiful, aesthetically shapely legs.\” The goal of the indoor cycling is to keep a high cadence for a long time. An optimal training session lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, advanced can even up to 90 minutes or even longer train.

Russian Football Fans Appreciate

For 85% of Russian fans The Internet is the preferred means of obtaining information about the game – on average they spend on the network for 55 minutes a day studying the forecasts and reviews of games. In addition, Russian amateurs Football, as a rule, spend about two hours before the game watching analytical programs about football, listening to the radio case, reading the sports press, or by visiting the websites of football. "As an official Sponsor of UEFA EURO 2008tm, it is important to fully understand the role of football in the lives of millions of fans across Europe and to understand how they perceive each other ", – says Vijay Solanki, Head of the project. "In addition, a survey conducted by Castrol, gives another reason to ponder: Russia now ranks higher in relation to Britain's position in Group E, and soon these teams will compete in two qualifying matches, which will also attract additional attention to a football analyst. " 84% of Russian fans (and the highest figure for the whole of Europe!) Appreciate analytical reviews and opinions expressed on the Internet after the match, which once again proves their interest in obtaining more information about the game. The survey also found that over a quarter of Russian fans believe that "the ability to competently, knowledgeably talk about football," helps them become more respected in his circle. Given the growing interest in soccer statistics, company Castrol, the official sponsor of UEFA EURO 2008tm, is working to create the most complete database of football statistics Castrol Performance Index, which will allow fans to analyze the effectiveness of the field as individual players and teams in general.

Castrol has exclusive rights to use the data obtained with the new system of monitoring UEFA which is a real-time monitors various parameters of movement of players, ball and teams and, in particular, to analyze how the replacement player can influence the effectiveness of teams and games speed of the ball. "When we were immediately immersed in the football theme, we realized that football fans are suffering from lack of objective and interesting information" – Vijay Solanki continues. "The new database will contain information that will enable a thorough understanding of the game and get an idea of the speed and efficiency of players. Similar rates are crucial for the operation of the vehicle, so Castrol specialists for over 100 years of thorough study them in collaboration with leading automakers. " By the final game of UEFA EURO 2008tm new monitoring system Castrol Performance Index will work at full capacity, which will allow fans Football to get more useful information about a favorite game.

Right Muscles

The right arm fully extended and the dumbbell "hangs" on her like a rope. Right shoulder a little left out. ECRI is the source for more interesting facts. Take a deep breath, hold your breath, tense your back muscles and rear of the delta and pull dumbbell straight up. Try to raise the dumbbell as high as possible. Once the elbow is on the shoulder level, connect to the movement of the shoulder – pull it up with his elbow. This will minimize the middle of the back muscles and the upper part of the broadest. Try to keep the dumbbell at the top a few seconds. Exhale and slowly lower the dumbbell.

After working all repetitions per set for the right side, do the same reps for the left side. This will be one set. Tips initial effort should be really powerful. Otherwise, you will not be able to raise the arm above shoulder level, and therefore you will not achieve the maximum reduction in involved muscles. Raising operating leverage, do not immerse the opposite shoulder. Your task – maintaining a fixed back, simply pull the shoulder up. This is a very short movement. Do not try to lengthen, turning all the body around the axis of the spine.

So you only reduce the load on the target muscle. If you can not raise the elbow above the shoulder, grab a lighter dumbbell. Remember: The higher the elbow above the shoulder, the more reduced latissimus dorsi, and the middle part trapezoid and rhomboid muscles. The torso should always be parallel to the floor and back is slightly bend at the waist.

Fitness Club

When a person is not aware of anything, but really wants to get it, then start not only need him costs (instead of the epigraph) Knowledge – force. And who knows, always trying to nai to deceive in order to profit from those who do not know. This law upon which the service industry, aimed at satisfying the desire of superiority of one person over another. So if you want to "rock bitsuhu" – freed from delusions of imitation, turn your wallet dystrophic. To improve, engaging in physical activity, should be respected above all, this "culture", to bring it in yourself. And then not have to buy what you already have. Once you free yourself from dependence from the "merchants of muscles, you will progress in this matter.

Get up in the same time, eat the same useful and healthy food at about the same time, exercise at about the same time For someone who is is "value-ah-ah-ah-ah-AET, procured one question:" Are you doing this regularly for at least a year? ". If the answer is yes, then congratulations – 90% of success you already have. Because the regime was built in the habit – these are the rails on which will go to improve your engine. Already then go to the sellers' coveted myshits. All that we need to buy – this is an opportunity to raise the "iron". By "hardware" in this case include the Olympic rod, heavy dumbbells, racks for squats, bench for bench press and bars.

It is desirable that it was not cool fitness club, decorated with a winter garden and a crowd instructress female and male sex, and dirty basement, in which a pair of apes gorillas pull a huge boom. The next step would be introduction to the "cult of force." If you are hissing and growling, will raise the complication in those movements that involve lifting and great weight, but do not stretch elastic on pants, then progress – to be! One of the differences "Okie" from T-90 is the amount of fuel If you want to become a tank, but will fill up as fuel for "Zaporozets" (by number), then "lock" and will "lock". And no super-mega-nutritional supplements will not help. You can add that the cost of such products as eggs, milk, fish, cereals, in contrast to super-mega-supplements about the same, but here the result is different. Next on the value factor – is the strict adherence to the course. If something is beginning to work (a combination of programs and diet), then go to extremes and experiments – it's just a waste of time, and it will take many to achieve some results. Yuzay what works for you, and do not listen to different gur. All people are different and need only follow the basic principles, the rest of – individually To be continued