Many of the messages included in the network are presented as offerings of private individuals. However, responsible of Chinese hospitals and human rights groups have warned that organisations and mafias engaged in trafficking of organs in China hide behind alleged private listings. The price of a kidney in Chinese Internet portals varies between six and 10 million pesetas. Responsible for the Chinese Server Netease, one of those who have been accused of allowing trade in organs on the information superhighway, have defended claiming they can do nothing to avoid the economic transactions of individuals in its pages. Session auctions Netease Announces hundreds of electronics, appliances or cars. More discreetly, through its search engine, it also offers the possibility of acquiring corneas, lungs, kidneys and livers in a trading system discovered by the Yangcheng newspaper.
Other Chinese portals are offering through its pages all medically trasplantables organs from one person to another. The main suspicion is that some of these bodies are vital and can only be extracted from a clinically dead person. The offer of body parts whose disposition is impossible make forecasts – hospitals can not know when will come a donor – has reinforced the conviction that in reality being used the organs of convicts sentenced to death. The news of the use of Internet by the Chinese mafia coincides with the proximity of the Chinese lunar year, when the Government launched its annual campaign against crime and increases the numbers of executions across the country. The auction or sale of organs is illegal in China, but hospitals in the country have been accused on numerous occasions of trafficking in organs of prisoners sentenced to the death penalty. THE world already denounced gangs organized in China among officials of prisons, doctors and health authorities in the traffic of organs of prisoners, whose organs are extracted even before his execution last month of May.