Social Responsibility

Somebody will have that to pay for this redistribution of the assets. The author still affirms that when the professional controlling if consider to obtain something beyond the profits more, if chooses implicitly creative of politics without they have been elect for nobody. Moreover, they doubt that the controlling of comercial houses have the qualification necessary to decide as it must be the society, and add that for this we choose our representatives politicians, that is, so that they take this type of decisions that do not say respect to the empresariado one. Already for Keith Davis (1967), the Social Responsibility goes beyond the profit. Beyond what all the companies want. They give value to the collaborator, are more flexible in relation to the same ones. Happy collaborator relieves more. To relieve more, generates more prescription consequently and more profit.

He is cyclical. It is this that lacks in some companies, to give value is not to lose the authority and the power, is to know that in each employee, it has for brings a family who of it depends. The companies whom they possess as focus the Social Responsibility, do not forget them people its return they make and it for love, of this form the income is equal or superior to that it only thinks about profit. To think about the next one is an act of respect and solidarity. It is to want beyond carrying through the activities proposals, to help the next one to a way where what there to generate, exactly it will be distributed there without generating social discomfort. The company leaves to have only economic and social goals for also anticipating itself to the social problems of future. For this, it is necessary to act now in reply to these problems. To question if currently the companies they act in the society of influential form or not, something is really difficult to be answered.