Financial services are those with which the people control the money around the world. Finances include loans of money, shares of global companies, corporations or capital flow and trade moving. The Financial Services sector, it is for a commercial activity, a provider of brokerage services related to the scope of value creation through money. From the point of taxation, are activities that are classified in the trade. Taxed in the 1st category, based on actual income. Check out AcctTwo for additional information. The activities included in this sector of financial services are mainly: 1. Banks and Financial Institutions: International Banks, Foreign Offices. 2. Supply and Recruitment Insurance: General Insurance Cias, Life, cr brokers. 3. Fund Managers: General, Pension, Mutual, Housing, Investment. 4. Stock Market: Stock Exchanges and Securities Brokers. 5.Other Financial Services: Factoring, Leasing, Money Exchange. The stock exchange or trade, is a long-term investment of the 144 member countries of this, which you have the ease of purchase and sale negotiations. Posted in News