Carlos Jimenez Borrajo

The key of the new model is the application development interface, API, open system that allows any developer to both integrate with other programs and standard solutions e-conomic as develop new ad hoc modules to add new features. This facility has encouraged the development of a barrage of small apps that are radically transforming the accounting program and the experience of users, in the image and likeness of what happened with the iOS of Apple and Google Android. In this sense, e-conomic users have been the first to be able to manage their accounting programs using a mobile phone or a tablet. This open philosophy has allowed the integration of e-conomic with vertical solutions for shops, billing and Web management, reports management, customer management as a Sales Force, CaseWare, MedDBase, ScanPOS @, E-Gate, SmatWeb Shop, SameSystem, ChannelCRM, WebCRM or Impexvision. There are also dozens of modules developed by third parties, free or pay, that provide functionality of subscription, Department stores, of scanning, etc. Automation apps connect various accounting programs e-conomic for data exchange. They are programs, systems or applications that allow data exchange between e-conomic and other applications, which aims to help automate administrative tasks between systems that work with a company.

This integration – explains Carlos Jimenez Borrajo, CEO of e-conomic for Spain – allows administrators spend less time on manual tasks in your company and focus on the key aspects of your business. Example of course is the integration with an online store: when a new order is received in the store, this information reaches e-conomic automatically. Subsequently, the company creates an invoice in e-conomic and this information reaches the system of online store that sent the invoice to the client. Once the customer pays and sends the information to the online store, it shares information with e-conomic that records the collection automatically.