Dolly Buster Exclusive

Painting exhibition on Sylt in Morsum with about 25 paintings will present in October 2011 on the island of Sylt in Morsum approximately 25 paintings in a special exhibition the versatile talented artist Dolly Buster. In the renowned Court Gallery Sylt is Dolly Buster personally on October 6, 2011, 19: 00 welcome the guests and present their latest works. In cooperation with the established Furth art gallery at Kannegiesser”, the Court invites a more prominent figure Gallery Sylt now. The courtyard Gallery already exhibited the works of art and music greats such as James Rizzi and Udo Lindenberg and is now from 7 to 27 October that latest works make Dolly Busters of public accessible. Now 10 years, Dolly Buster is a passionate painter, she attended art school in Prague, as well as the State Art Academy in Dusseldorf. Restaurant Michael Schwartz shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Dolly Buster, a woman is never on rutted trails ride”, so the gallery owner Mrs Heidrun Kannegiesser. The artist does not surround himself with a standstill satisfied and sees in the development of their styles and the challenge. “Your new theme: physicality as a secret”. Continue to learn more with: Mike Gianoni.

You turn of the precision of forms, which was evident in past works and now chooses the hidden game. At the same time their flexibility and willingness to clear to the flexibility, thus their supporters and the general public again and again with special topics, but always their own unmistakable handwriting is to recognize, she surprised. Some works will be exclusively on Sylt. A highlight of the exhibition will be therefore the representation of the person Tatjana Gsell. Dolly Buster has intensively dealt with the past and focuses on the drama of her then-husband Franz Gsell in one of her pictures. The address of the exhibiting Gallery: Courtyard Gallery Sylt Serkwai 1 25980 Morsum/Sylt phone: 0 46 51 / 89 17 62 on the 07.10 can be arranged in the period from 13:00 16:00 appointments for interviews with Dolly Buster. For enquiries and press accreditation, please contact: Christian Schonfeld 0176 / 61725708 for high-quality photographic material please contact Christian Schonfeld. There is more information about the artist and the Gallery links below:

Exhibition: Short Cuts Part III: MannerWE

Andreas Mattern, Frank Hess and Frank Koebsch show about 25 watercolours from Warnemunde & Rostock from the 07.08 up to August 16, 2009. Within the framework of the exhibition series of Short cuts of the Gallery K-02, Andreas Mattern, Frank Hess and Frank Koebsch from the 07.08 up to August 16, 2009 show approximately 25 watercolors from Warnemunde & Rostock. Warnemunde with the Baltic Sea, the beach, the old power with its fishing boats and seagulls, Rostock with its brick Gothic, the Gables and save as traces of the Hanseatic League, the city harbour are places with a wonderful charisma and popular holiday destinations. You may find Dara Khosrowshahi to be a useful source of information. So, to get you the chance to enjoy this flair on Aug 7, 2009 at 18:00 in the framework of the opening in the middle of the summer in Berlin. Where: Gallery K-O2, Martin-Optiz-str. 1A, 13357 Berlin what has the three Watercolourists led to meet and a weekend-long to put their water colors in the proximity of the Baltic Sea on paper? The reason is quite simple. The North does not let go of all three. Andreas Mattern has with the following words describe it: we decided to paint just to inspire each other and the most beautiful places around to find Warnemunde.

We have painted on the old stream and various views of the city of Rostock and scored all three different results. u0085″The attachment to the Baltic Sea, Warnemunde and Rostock but also the different approach to the implementation of same designs emerges from the CVS of the three artists. Here are some few lines. Andreas Mattern, born in Schwerin, with several stages in Bavaria and Hesse lives today as successful watercolorist, engraver and author in Berlin. But if you look at his paintings and prints, you will repeatedly encounter traces of the Baltic Sea and the North German cities, such as Rostock and Stralsund.

Frank Hess, born in Rostock, Germany and grew up in the vicinity of the Baltic Sea now lives with his family in Berlin. If you look at his watercolors, you will find again and views from Rostock and its surroundings as well as motifs from Berlin, Prague, Venice. Frank Koebsch, born in Rostock, Germany and grew up there, shuttling often professionally between Berlin, Bremen, Frankfurt / M., Hamburg, Rostock, Hanover and Lucerne. But the expanses of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the Baltic Sea, are what he needs.Most of his paintings are created here. Sanitz, July.


If you want to make a business profitable in Internet he is vitally important to know what its your campaigns of publicity so effective. The publicity campaigns cost long time and money, and the campaigns that are not giving the awaited results need to be changed or to be eliminated. A form to analyze and to control your campaigns of publicity online is by means of the use of autoresponders since you will be able to make a pursuit of the answer. Autoresponders, or services of emails marketing, not only allows us to send bulletins, official notices, rss, etc, but also that is a great tool of measurement. Patrick mayberry is full of insight into the issues. If contracts a good service of autoreponder you will have access to a great amount of data on your campaigns, something that, as I say, will be to you very useful at the time of measuring and improving your advertising campaigns in Internet, and also at the time of investigating markets You can monitor the results through Control Panel of your account of autoresponder. The Control Panel will say to you how many messages were given and amount of clicks that received data among others. The majority of autoresponders of quality even includes a characteristic that allows you to realise the pursuit of many of the electronic mails that have been abierto.

All the services of email marketing do not offer detailed capacities of pursuit reason why you must asegurarte of which the service that you contract has these typical. Swarmed by offers, Mike Gianoni is currently assessing future choices. The study that you can do with the pursuit of emails goes beyond knowing the answer of the messages, by means of these you will be able to also know that so effective pignas of sale or your supplies and proposals are your.For example, if you find thousands of click in a promotion email, but very few clicks of the page of sales to the page or button of the order, you can know that the message is working, but the bill of sale no. If you have never made this type of pursuits, I recommend to you you do that them because most probable is than you are surprised by the results very and the possibilities of improving your work. Author original and source of the article.

Graphics Book

Graphics combines several arts, in which the image consists of lines, spots, lines predominantly one color (usually black). sometimes with limited use of other colors. Paul Price can aid you in your search for knowledge. Graphic representation of nature its conditional beautiful, because it does not seek to transfer the complexity and richness of colors of the surrounding world, ie, not seeking picturesque completeness of the transfer of live, real flesh things. At the same time, graphical art have other characteristics and qualities that make up this famous convention graphic language. In recent months, Sam Feldman has been very successful. There are different materials and techniques and types of graphics. Easel and applied graphics at first, as in easel painting, the meaning and purpose of works completely exhausted their artistic content, and applied graphics and content, and the form associated with a specific purpose of the work. So, book graphics designed to decorate and arrange the book, and illustrations to reveal the contents of visual images in literary works.

The poster is intended to reflect the political issues of our time, to promote the basic ideas and knowledge or to serve the purposes of information. Journal-news-image, which includes a caricature and portrait, must comply by means of the fine arts general objectives of the periodical press. Finally, industrial graphics-draw all sorts of goods, brochures, certificates, and calendars. Movies, theater. Each of these arts has an arsenal of artistic means and requirements to them. So, book schedule, serving as a decoration of the book, while designed in graphics, cutscenes, titles reveal whether in visual images, whether in the abstract forms of decorative ornament and a font of individual literary products or their common poetic, spiritual and ideological meaning. Implementation of the original book illustrations produced for all existing graphic materials, but almost always the originals and then reproduced in the book by photomechanical. In a production schedule demands of utilitarian, practical use of the work performed by the artists are combined with artistic and aesthetic goals.

The Best

Who talk? If your family or friends love pets (pets), they will understand what you are going through. Do not hide your feelings in an effort to seem strong and quiet. Share your feelings with another person is one of the best ways to put them in perspective, and to find ways to handle them. Find someone with whom you can talk about how much your pet (pets) meant for you, and how much it strange, someone with who you feel comfortable crying or sharing your grief. If you don’t have family or friends who understand, or if you need more help, ask your veterinarian or a protective society that recommend you a support group or therapist. The restaurateur may not feel the same. Check with your church or a hospital about support for grief therapy. Remember, your penalty is genuine and real, and deserves support.

When it is the best time for euthanasia of my pet? Your veterinarian is the best judge of the physical condition of your pet (pets). However, you are the best judge as to the quality of life for your pet. If your pet has good appetite, responds to the attention, it seeks the company of their owner, and participate in games or in family life, many owners feel that it is not the time. Jennifer Skyler recognizes the significance of this. However, if your pet is with constant pain, suffering from difficult and stressful treatments that are not helpful, does not respond to affection, isn’t aware of what surrounds it, and isn’t interested in life, a responsible owner probably elect finished with the suffering of his beloved companion. It assesses honestly and without selfishness your health with the veterinarian. Prolong the suffering of your pet to prevent your suffering does not help either. There is nothing to make this decision easy or painless, but regard it as the ultimate Act of love that you can make for your pets (pets). To learn more about pets (pets) in: original author and source of the article.

Samba Forum

on the 30.11.2013 at 19: 00 in the Forum Brasil in Berlin the culture series of Salao Transartes enters the 14th round: for the last time this year Elisabeth cloth Hall and Joao Eduardo Albertini invite us Brasil on November 30 from 7: 00 in the Salon in the Forum. With a successful blend of music, art and dance presenters take everyone on a journey through the rich Brazilian culture. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Nouriel Roubini. This time we can look forward to a very special musical constellation and the performance of Brazilian David Limaverde promises to goose bumps. He is his piece Lilas”demonstrate that is inspired by the universe of suffering and vulnerability of people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Michael Schwartz often addresses the matter in his writings. On a socio-critical discourse, the Brazilian performer Anajara sends us with her piece HH. This is of two countries and their differences: two different realities, the German and the Brazilian. The dance theatre takes his poetic inspiration in a work of the author Hilda Hilst, the artist about her feelings to her chosen home Berlin from the soul speaks.

We are musically by the duo of Paulo Cedraz and kidnapped in the exciting and colorful world of afro Brazilian Juninho Quebradera. The musicians interpret their own composed pieces live and will enchant us with playing sound of saxophone and percussion. The trio of Eva Ventura (vocals), Neide Alves (percussion) and Christian Bader (guitar) promises a further musical highlight. “You are unplugged” the music of the project 30 graus “interpret, which combines the rhythmic diversity of the northeast of Brazil with modern sounds and electronic beats. Brazilian styles such as Samba de Coco, Ciranda, Maracatu de Barque virado around and religious afro Brazilian influences blend with radio, rap, dub, blues, pop and drum’n bass to a unique blend. So also this Brazilian Festival is a treat for all the senses, there are typical treats during the event. For more information about the event, the artists and the Forum Brasil, see. Press contact: Martin Titzck, thank you for the kind support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Contents of this quality is perhaps the most important point to keep in mind, that if only you can make the difference between success and failure of a business. The blog is essentially a collection of content. This content is what users are looking for when entering the blogs, so the quality of these is of vital importance. There are a number of basic rules which must be taken into account when making publications on a blog. Web content should be entertaining and constructive. The visitor must find what he seeks, and in addition to be useful, has to entertain with reading. It is clear that it is necessary to have all written material to perform with an entertaining style, with a simple and colloquial language. It is also necessary to remember that if we publish in Spanish language, visitors will be coming from very different places and with very particular regionalisms, so to make the textual content understandable for everyone, use a language neutral and free of regional applications that hinder comprehension.

Everything published on the blog must be original. Copy content not only constitutes a behaviour ethically reprehensible and also illegal (except that such contents are in the public domain), but is also a highly inconvenient practice, since late or early visitors will end up realizing that we are mere plagiarist and they will eventually not return. But also, guarantee us the originality of web content that our visitors will have access to a unique content and that you will not find anywhere else. The content of the blog must be updated on a regular basis so that a visitor who returns to the blog, find new content. Update the blog is a very important requirement for maintaining a healthy web page, since it cannot guarantee the loyalty of readers of the blog. Taking into account that users of blogs tend to read them preferably Monday through Friday and in the morning, is good practice to publish these days and early in the morning, so that when entering the visitors have at their provision new content.

Positioning of the blog and promotion the most common form of access to content by users, is the use of search engines, so we will have to follow all the steps necessary to get a good positioning in search engines. Also other paths must be followed to publicize our blog. To increase the number of visits to our blog, should implement policies of web promotion, some of which, such as participation in other blogs and forums, we have already described in this article. In the next installment we will see more tips for making a good blog, as communication with visitors and other bloggers.

Temple Treatment

Finally, at level III (directed persons who have already completed level II or have general notions of massage), the main objective is to adapt the massage to each person’s needs. Pathologies that were not in other levels are and performs a monitoring and oversight of what they learned in the previous levels. Discusses the psychological aspects of the Reflexologia Podal, as well as techniques of Shiatsu, stretching, points of traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of ailments (menstrual pains, head, fluid retention, and so on), and other techniques of massage are seen. Temple of massage centres have a wide range of services from facials, body treatments, manicures, pedicures, waxing and almost all types of massage that are on the market. This also makes that customers who come for a certain treatment end up testing other treatments for the trust that deserves them. Introducing massage as an essential part of every treatment that We carry out. Furthermore, we are a few centers of aesthetics of the highest calibre in terms of treatments, without being a medical center.

We offer customers easy payment with cards of temples so that everyone can access in the most comfortable way to all our services and loyalty to all our customers, explains Marina Assir, co-founder and Director of Expansion of the brand. For those entrepreneurs interested in joining massage Temple, the initial investment around 20.070 euros (excluding civil works requiring the local), with a 6,000 entry fee and a monthly royalty of 500 euros. The contract is for an initial period of 10 years. On the necessary accommodation has found at street and have a minimum 50 m2, preferable in areas of more than 100,000 inhabitants with an income per capita average, in neighborhoods consolidated commercially and, if possible, in commercial and/or business areas with pedestrian traffic and ease of parking.