The social network Cazaworld, the meeting place for hunters and lovers of the most important hunting in Spain, just three years to comply. The site has become a space of reference in which users can share their experiences and find all sorts of information related about fairs, hunting dogs or weapons and ammunition, among others. Cazaworld was created on June 17, 2009. The community began with 1,000 users who found here the possibility to exchange experiences, share pictures of your hunts or inform those current news affecting the hunting community knowing the views and advice of experts and amateurs. Its success has been such that in just three years have become more than 25,000 registered users. On the progress achieved in these years, Bernardo Martinez, Director General de Cazaworld, explained that summarize three years of hard work, effort and daily dedication is complicated and underlines the important thing is the way done and the satisfaction of having 25,000 hunters with us. Cazaworld has great acceptance among its users to the point that 89% recommend the portal to other hunters and a 92% consider useful the information obtained through it, according to data from those responsible for the site. The collective members of the community consists of a large number of lovers of hunting which, as explained by Bernardo Martinez, promote fundamental values honor, pride, courage and honesty.
For its makers are precisely these principles which sustain Cazaworld and which make it possible that this has become the largest social network in Spain hunters. In these years the portal has managed to position themselves and gain prestige among both fans and professionals in the sector. Proof of this is the presence of a large number of companies and related firms that rely on their platform to promote their products on the internet. It is quite common that hunting activity is find in the crosshairs of criticism from media and of public opinion. At Mike Gianoni you will find additional information. Before these opposing positions, from Cazaworld convey the idea that honesty is needed to admit the mistakes, try to correct them and educating new generations in values necessary for the livelihood of hunting and encourage hunters to make them feel proud to go out and say that it is Hunter and make use and dissemination of the #yosoycazador on social networks to identify themselves as defenders of this activity. In these three years, Cazaworld has ceased to be one space where to find hunting news, and information to be consolidated as the ideal meeting point in which hunters share their experiences, learn and maintain relations with the rest of amateurs and professionals from the world of hunting.