The study it concluded that the knowledge of the administration is of the interest of the majority of the pupils, and, in accordance with the consulted bibliography, is of extreme importance for the conduction of any organization. Therefore, a curricular change that intensified on subjects to the administration would significantly improve the quality of the course Technician in Farming of this institution. Words key: Knowledge of the administration. Course Technician in Farming. Future profissional.INTRODUODe general form knows that the agricultural enterprises do not use of no formality in the management of the businesses and that is still more eminent in the lesser properties characterized by familiar agriculture. The complexity of the agronegcio demands much capacity of its managers in all the chain, still more of the familiar agriculturist who beyond taking care of of the businesses, still have the aspirations and desires of the familiar ones, style of life and divergences of ideas of the components of the familiar group.
that if it waits of familiar agriculture is that it is prepared to face external challenges, it has vision to use to advantage chances, it has conditions to generate profits enough to keep the family adequately, and the enterprise to take care of to the expectation of the future generations that will continue to the front of the businesses. The Brazilian education as for education technician in farming cousin for the content technician, to the formation of professionals directed toward ' ' fazer' ' , characterizing for an limited professional the functions techniques, serving generally of hand of qualified workmanship for the market of formal work in companies of the agronegcio, the urban way. The pupil who after formed being of family of agriculturists and that after a period of study decides to go for the city, still more consolidates the idea of that the agricultural way does not have future and it is not income-producing, serving of desincentivo also for the excessively integrant ones of the family who in a first chance tends to leave the agricultural way also.