New York

These scholars place the emergency of Brazil while independent nation in the context of the ticket of the mercantile capitalism for the industrial capitalism in the Europe, and the consequent occured changes in international the economic system; the British interests in Portugal and Brazil still stand out, which had been wide satisfied, being taken the effect for the opening of the ports of Brazil, in 1808 and with the Treated Anglian-Brazilian in 1810. (A valuable related resource: New York Yankees). Maxwell detaches that the paid price for independence for Portugal and Brazil to the Britain Supreme was of certain form to sacrifice, to open hand of its economic perspectives, yielding to the British commercial pressure, also in the question of the traffic of slaves. Citing Sidney Minz it affirms that the industrial revolution in England and the states northeast of the North America helped to revive the escravismo in Americas, which was financed for traders of Rio De Janeiro and the Bahia, but also for traders of New York, London and Liverpool. The author concludes the second part of the text mentioning the argument of Nathaniel Leff that he indicates that the main reason of the low taxes of economic growth of Brazil during century XIX was the agricultural sector, where the low incomes and the relative demand to the enslaved work, restricted the rhythm of the growth of the remaining portion of the economy, what, according to Maxwell, he was what warned Jose Bonifcio de Andrada and Silva its contemporaries, soon at the beginning of process of the independence of Brazil how much to the negative effect of the maintenance of the slavery in the long run. In the third part of the chapter, the author approaches aspects characteristic of the international context where if he uncurled independence, detaching the person of D.

Peter and the controverted opinions of the Portuguese historiografia and the Brazilian historiografia its respect. For the author, when it, in day 7 of September of 1822, to the edges of the Ipiranga, cried out ' ' Independence or morte' ' , it was exaggerating, therefore the question at the time was not certainly ' morte' , but only indirectly ' independncia'. It declares despite the important question regarding Brazil is that it became economic and politically independent between 1808 and 1820, while played the role of center of the Empire Luso-Brazilian. Maxwell locks up the third part of the article citing a stretch of the manifesto of the Port promulgated for rebels of a city of the Europe and not for rebels of some colonial port of America, caused, over all for the dissatisfaction of Portuguese who live in the Metropolis. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: INDEPENDENCE; DESCOLONIZAO; COLONY.