“Educator advocates in school magazine separate lessons back to the separate classes for boys and girls: for the diploma teacher Marc Bohmann in the current issue of the journal argues school + family”, so that even boys have a chance to good grades. Bohmanns demand for separate classes is supported by a new study * of the Federal Ministry for education and research: boys get then actually worse grades than girls. You must repeat a grade more and do less good qualifications at the same level of knowledge. A solution, so Bacon, could be in separate classes. Boys like to play the class clown, to impress the classmates”, so the textbook author and teacher at a primary school and Hauptschule.
In a pure boy group students work against much disciplined.” In German lessons, for example, a typical girls subject, boys worked better, when they were among themselves. Vice versa would pure girl schools in typical boy domains like mathematics or physics students also cut better. “The latest edition of school + family”(www.schuleundfamilie.de) has the focus 2008 training”. The magazine from the Nuremberg Sailer Publishing House for parents of elementary school students is available immediately for 3.60 euros at newsstands. This press release you will find also: 510-pressemitteilungen.html contact and picture material: Nicole Brunner corporate Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH Tel: 0821 / 70 04 55 57 email: * Federal Ministry for education and research: Bildungs(Miss)erfolge boys and vocational choice behavior in young/male adolescents, education research volume 23, Bonn/Berlin 2008 the part of the Verlagsgruppe Weltbild Sailer-Verlag (Nuremberg) is specialist for high-quality educational children’s and youth magazines.