Brazilian External Politics

The importation is guaranteed by the agreement of free commerce of the MERCOSUL, and its impediment was provoking two important consequences: the loss of credibility of the Brazilian external politics and the comprometimento of the consolidation of the MERCOSUL what if it discloses seriously harmful for the national economy. The determination of then the president of the STJ was after taken analysis of order of suspension of security directed for the General Law of Unio (AGU). When moving away the effect from the position adopted for the TRF (hosted in Porto Alegre), the minister Pablo Coast Milk understood that the threshold gotten for the agricultural producers of the Rio Grande Do Sul finished if constituting in a bigger risk for the country because the suspension of the importation it could cause the internal desabastecimento of rice beyond causing damages in the relations with the MERCOSUL, harming the internal consumers of rice, since Brazil, not being self-sufficient in the production, matters of some countries. Brazil signatory of is treated international whose norms and lines of direction cannot be disrespected; – commitments assumed for Brazil in treated international do not allow the application of minimum prices of importation; – the decision can cause the rupture of the autonomy and the separation Being able between them, because the definition of the politics of importation and national exportation is typically administrative act and charges only the Executive, not fitting to the Judiciary one to enter in this seara; – the suspension of the importation serious cause injury to the public order and economy, therefore wounds Treat to Installation, confronting the norms of the World-wide Organization of Comrcio.3.1 REGIONAL PREPARATION OF the RICE IS DISAPPEARING IN the NORDESTEGeovanice Galvo, living pernambucana of Guarulhos, So Paulo, counts a way to prepare rice that is disappearing of the daily one in Recife, the cooked and washed rice, that receives a way from similar preparation to the pasta.