The Princes

GRUPPI, Luciano (Everything started with Maquiavel, p7). Already the politics is ‘ ‘ the art to govern povos’ ‘ , Aristteles.Um instrument of the State to become possible a government that makes reference the order and to the progress in practises. However, amongst all the evidenced concepts, one of that more deserves prominence is the cut of the relations economic politics and of the State and the Church, therefore its repercussion in the present time makes the ideologies of an author of sc XV to continue alive. For Maquiavel the church can be a valuable used instrument if with caution; ‘ ‘ The Princes and the Republics that want to hinder the corruption been it must, over all, keep without alterations the religious rites and the respect that the Inspiram’ ‘ , first book of the Speeches. However, according to it, the extreme participation of this institution in the subjects that say respect to the State, brings corruption of the society, the division politics and the decentralization of the power. ‘ ‘ (…) The religion decayed very. We have the test marcante of this decay in the fact of that the peoples next to the Church Roman, the capital of our region, are exactly less religious. If we examined the spirit primitive of the religion, observing it practises as it current of it if it moves away, we would conclude, without you doubt, that we arrive at the moment of its ruin and its castigo’ ‘ MAQUIAVEL, 2000a, p 62.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ It seems that this way of living became the weak world, leaving delivers it to celerados, that they feel to the will to manipulate it, seeing that the men – to reach the paradise – more are made use to support its blows of what to avenge of them ‘ ‘ (1992 – Discorsi, II, 2:149 – 150) therefore that the philosopher if opposes to the participation in the decisions to be taken for the State 4.Relao author X the present time In this world contemporary not if can cite the Church as independent, and nor on – interlaced directly with the State; in questions politics..