The capitalist relations of production that appeared of a sufficiently long process since the transistion of the feudal system until in fact arriving at the hegemony of the capitalism. In the truth the real objective of the capitalist system of production was really to obtain auges and of this form to expand for the world, when the cities had started to grow and from there then to exist the necessity to produce foods and products in general each time more in great amounts to supply the markets, however the capitalism was enclosing each time more the nations that of certain form opened breaches for its entrance, mainly the European and American countries that are the divulgadores of the capitalism in the world. With the mundializao of the production capital the capitalism was conquering each time plus other markets of new countries. Thus, industry one of the tools for the capitalism, therefore is through it that it obtains the production industrialized with very exceeding destined to the exportation. On these estimated paradigms of the capitalist system and production grew the division of the work with the wide implementation of industries in the sector of production for exportation ends and acquisition of the capital that of certain form will serve to fortify the local economy or not, therefore many times the industries are installed in a country and capital produced in the native country and not where the capital is being produced. Thus it is survived of the exploration of the laborers who receive wages low and very high a horria load. As a good example; Brazil that in 1950 with process fortssimo of industrialization had a ferrenha exploration, where the laborers did not count on no working law defended that them of the chaotic situation queviviam, to have idis they worked 12 hours per day, were men, women and children.