Agricultural Tourism

Zimmermann can be called as (1996) as carried through tourist activity in the agricultural way, compromised with the agricultural production and the local development, where its demand is sufficiently specific, therefore it is composed in people who search the contact with the field, as diverse sensations of those of the great cities, being therefore a new modality of to be developed Tourism. The agricultural terminology, therefore, engloba aspects sociocultural, economic, demographic and physical, understanding for the places moved away from the urban nuclei and industrial centers agricultural, characterized by low demographic density and that they keep alive the cultural traditions. It is noticed, then, that the Agricultural Tourism allows the diversification of the activities of the field, transforming them, however, in attractive tourist, in which the daily one, culinrios customs, plates, the natural environment and the rustic constructions, among others agricultural elements. Such motivate the Tourist to look the agricultural way, in the desire to rescue its culture and origin, or to move away it, it tumult and of the pollution of the environment of the great cities. The potentialities of the Agricultural Tourism for agriculturists the transformations in the society, the rhythm of work, urbanization, has made with that some proprietors of agricultural areas perceive the enormous potential of demand for the field, having searched to adjust its properties to receive visitors. Another factor beyond the yield of this activity, that takes its implantation, is the question of the difficulties of farming agriculture and the national ones. The Agricultural Tourism if becomes a form of diversification of activities, dividing proper activities of the work of the field, the agricultural production, as on activities to the leisure, education, tourism and the rendering of services in general in some States of Brazil, as in other countries (GIMENES, 2003). On the basis of given gotten in the site of the ABIH? Brazilian association of Industries of Hotels (2006), according to statisticians of the south of the country, each tourist who arrives the country property to pass the day leaves, on average, 15,00 R$ e, in case that it remains for 24 hours (it spends the night and three meals), this value goes up for R$ 50,00.