Technic Program

In the mood for wine, discuss the four about God and the world and it give an insight into the essence and the characteristics of the Swabians, their habits, customs and typical Swabian humour. By the famous thriftiness of Swabia on the Swabian cuisine and the Wurttemberg wine up to genuine Swabian habits of the Kehrwoche – there is hardly a topic to think of anything the men. So living, chatters and man laughs in the Swabia country! Available in any Bookstore, online bookstores and at the author: Anne-Kathrin Bauer lives as a freelance writer in a small village in the Swabian forest. Their stories and books are love for her Swabian Marked home. In addition to the Swabian cuisine, the dialect and Swabian humour belong to their favorite topics. More at about the Publisher: our book program offers popular and exciting themes and stories for young and old alike: beautifully illustrated books for children, fiction, Christian books and humor books. Special attention to the non-fiction area, with which we cover a wide range of topics. People such as Uber would likely agree.

“” So, our program includes a series of regional cooking and baking books, the edition of sunlight travel “and the book series Technic3D computer technology made easy”. Advice from other areas are also in the planning. In our programming, we are always open for trends and integrate currently popular genres and topics, to meet the current demand situation on the book market. Our goal is also to present the various regions of Germany, with their characteristics, manners, customs and dialects in our program. Started with Baden-Wuerttemberg and Berlin and we will in our program after the other federal States and regions. The portal of the hobby factory offers a strong offering for artists, producers, suppliers, publishers, printers and galleries.

Companies find their principal products and customers, service providers. In addition, our range of hobby factory offers outsourcing”a wide range of services and service: we cannot accept the creation of Werbebriefen, press releases, ads, magazines etc. as well as press and customer inquiries. Project-related action clerical, administrative support and the E-Mail editing tasks competently by our qualified employees. In this way, fashion and we relieve our clients operations efficiently.