That soon, it asked for to it that it was to talk with the shepherd, where the same it indicated that it was to the monastery. Of face, it did not come to accept the fact, but with order of its woman, it accepted with a sadness feeling, but he was also curious, therefore the shepherd communicated it that there also he had an former-executive called Leonardo Hoffman, a famous entrepreneur, celebrity for its conquests and administrations, whom everything released to live isolated in the monastery, that with passing of the times came to be called Simeo brother for the o director James. John had its proper choice to pass one week in a monastery to the north of Michigan, after to be convinced by its wife. When arriving at the monastery, then, Douglas is inquired of the local rules for the seven days of permanence. Get all the facts and insights with Uber, another great source of information. One remembers to ask for Leonard Hoffman, wants to know it, to talk on some subjects.
It discovers that, there, Hoffman has a different name: Simeo, name has folloied that it, pparently for stranger coincidence during all its life. Then, it started to live the day, that in fact that it was imposed, however, having that to wake up early, but if dedicating with respect the established schedules, however, with an enormous curiosity to know the Len they hoffmam. It came to know it in an unexpected situation, when it arrived in its room and it came across with the Simeo brother who was the Len Hoffmam. With this, they had had a good colloquy, knowing them and combining to dialogue more during the week that passes in it I remove. When John, came in mind all its doubts, regarding Simeo, the thoughts of Rachel and its dreams that say ' ' he finds Simeo- he finds Simeo and he hears it! ' '.