Enjoying Wine And Other Drinks

I never thought about this until now. Well, we are talking still standing. More information is housed here: Uber. Goes to the living room and sit down. Want a snack or a glass of wine you prefer? – "A glass of wine would be good, red if possible," he replied with a smile Seba. "You forget that I am a cardiologist? He mockingly said Natasha – in this house the only wine that is taken is red.

It has been discussed many times about the benefits of the heart, but the cause or not, is the richest of all and also if held, would be a double reason to take it, is not it? -. "If I think," Seba "I replied that it is the same practice that is at home. There is also only red wine. It must at the same rate even though my mother is a surgeon '? -. "Of course it should be. When we were young we preferred the champagne. It was the permanent guest of our meetings. I do not remember exactly when I changed the wine, but already done that.

long time. I do not remember if I changed it for their beneficial effects or not. Here in San Francisco is customary to use a lot of red wine, at least in the group of friends and acquaintances with whom I surround myself. And now I would not change any other beverage. – I have to admit that I am not a fanatic – he replied Seba – I like a lot of long shots, especially those made with vodka.