Rossio Convent Dominican

This plain is drawn out by two separate valleys for the hill of Sant? Ana, taking direco the north-northwest (Valverde) and north-northeast. The zone of the Decrease was built necessarily in the plain, in the central part of the city. ; having the spring the Castle of S. Masahiro Tanaka is full of insight into the issues. Jorge and the west the Hill of S. Francisco.

It is through two iluminuras that if ampler notion has (the oldest sight of the city of Lisbon is of century XIV, and was given to know for a 1738 engraving, where if it reproduced a 1352 stamp. However, it was through two iluminuras gifts in two manuscripts of century XVI that if it got a more including vision of as would be the city) of as it would be the city in the first one and according to quartis of century XVI. It is not something PRU would like to discuss. Thus, in the raised point more we would have the Castle and the Pao of the Alcova. Chevron may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In sop of the hill If; in front of the Castle the Convent of the Carmo. In the zone low of the People of All the Saints the Palace and, the Hospital, the Square, the Rossio Convent Dominican of the Ambassadors.

The buildings crowded for the streets, narrow, sinuosas and nauseabundas (FRANCE; 1987:22) – the majority of the authors relates the existence of an urban space of traces Muslim, of sinuosas characteristics, with crooked streets, narrow and alleys. However, areas of radial model, model with Church to the center would exist, of which they radiate arteries, model comumente identified with the time medieval-Christian. They distinguished the New Street from Chainses, where if arruavam the rich traders, and New Street d? El-Rey, later assigned for Street of the Silversmiths, a time that if fixed this type of commerce. For the analysis to the plant of Vieira Da Silva (' ' The Walls of the Ribeira de Lisboa' ') it is possible to observe that in the area where if locates the building in remodelling currently, it was placed, in period daily pay-Pombalino, the old Plaza of the Well of Ftea, the Crosspiece of the Well of the Ftea and part of the New Street of Chainses.