In the days that run, the use of the new Technologies of Information and Communication are half indispensable for a company who ambiciona to be in the aircraft marshalling area. The development of the computers had a crucial paper in the creation of new companies and impensveis businesses have 50 years behind. The communication in net allows to a bigger interaco between the companies and the diverse dispersed collaborators for the world. The rapidity in the transmission of the information through the Internet and the telemveis, the gradual increase of the capacity of storage of data is certifications of that we enter in a new age of discoveries, but now through the computers, of the social nets etc., we sail in a virtual world with information and real data. The interactividade becomes more easy, the available information is each bigger time and is importantssimo that our companies know to collect, to organize and to store with security all this information that if finds available.
A company whom she intends to be competitive productive it will have that to possess, telephones and faxes, scanners, telemveis and computers with linking to the Internet of broad band. The computers will have to be on in net in order to be able to facilitate the storage and consult of data between the diverse departments. The presence in the Internet is basic, therefore with some euros if it can create a site and registar a domain of form to guarantee its presence on-line and the recognition the national level and in the best one of the hypotheses international. The investment in Marketing is essential for the spreading of its products or services. For example, the lease of a space advertising executive in a periodical, magazine or website. E-mails and Newsletters allow to keep its informed customers of a continuous and gratuitous form. The used videoconferncias also are each time more, therefore if for example one of the collaborators if to find in China and another one in Portugal, will be able to communicate through audio video and in real time. The filmings and the photos facilitate immense to the communication and demonstration. garages mainly more the conservatives, bet in these half innovators, as well as in the continuous formation of all its collaborators in way to reach the success and never to forget that each time more we communicate and we negotiate to a global scale.