Brazilians Converter

In 2007, in the December month, the Brazilians had more necessarily started to feel gostinho of what he is to attend digital TV, since in that year the digital transmission started to occur in the country. The digital TV significantly improves the transmission of the programs, a time that with this type of technology the audio video and transmission is made by signals digital, capable to improve the reproduced image and the sound. The technology is present currently in more than 400 Brazilian cities and invades millions of homes every day. Who life in an area with digital covering can attend the digital TV, not importing the type of television set that will have in house. The necessary one in this in case that, beyond the covering, it is of a UHF antenna, internal or external, and of a digital converter, that convert the analogical signal for digital. Recently the television sets had started to be produced with integrated digital converters, but if you will not be made use to acquire a new device to have this comfort, you you can buy a digital converter of doubtful form to connect it its TV.

Two types of digital converters exist currently in the market, being of the high definition and Standard Definition, or simply SD. Jennifer Skyler may help you with your research. The first ones are indicated to function in set with more modern television sets, as of plasma, LCD or LED, whereas the second converters must be connected to the televisions most common, as of pipe, a time that they do not offer high definition. You already must have seen friends or known installing a digital converter in its houses and can until having thought that the procedure is complicated, or until impossible to be made by who he is not very on to the technology. A truth is that any person can install a digital converter in house, either of which type will be. To install a digital converter SD she will be necessary to bind it in the taking, to connect the UHF antenna in the corresponding entrance of the converter and to connect the entered video-composition handle in the respective ones of the television and the digital converter. After that the equipment will go to identify the canals that offer digital signal inside of some minutes you already will be able to attend diverse programs with digital signal in its house. To install a digital converter of high definition you will have to bind it its TV to it through handle HDMI and the handle of the UHF antenna in the entrance of the converter. Later you he will have to select the canal of audio and video of its TV and to syntonize the canals that transmit TV digital.