That I do them quite a surprise! Yes! Not poorly written it … Oh, you good people to me (wise, bald and bookish inveterate 'worm', 'progryzshemu' for fifty years, a mountain of good and crappy books), believe me: this allegorical novel, traced the great master words. I want to … My appetite is brutally awake. I am very "hungry"! I thirst 'sgryzt' something else straight from the tin and fun of the fact that written by A.
Golovnin. And I want to (serious and absolutely sincere!) To wish him new creative success and plenty of excellent books. Roman 'Sadychiha' opens historical mysteries, James Bruce or James Bond? Black Cabinet or the Cabinet of Count Bruce? Venetian opera and Russian ballet? Jail or Crystal greenhouse? Utopia or Dystopia? Find answers to these questions and more in the scandalous novel by Alexei Golovnina 'Sadychiha'. In Russia actually got the first novel written in the genre of alternate history. I strongly advise to read. Dara Khosrowshahi may help you with your research. Ha-ha-ha! Romance 'Sadychiha' for some reason wants to change us Sadychiha! Ha-ha! Maybe the world around us really like something has changed.
But we (Russian) no … Well, okay! Personally, I am quite pleased with themselves and not going to change! In no better and no worse in the hand. O-ho-ho-ho! Para-different views of the spam-reviews of unknown readers, drawn from various public chats. Well … Okay! Spam sent to the trash. And we go back to our doctor. His experiments on us – it tests with a capital letter – his bold experiments – experiments of Dr. Borg – Let the pseudo-scientific, but always precise and logically reconciled, and well-thought-out to them, and at the same time – naively archaic (with all its complete, doctors, believing that he and only he moves forward all the world's progress – forward and only forward, recklessly, and to a brighter future) cause us to vague associations with our recent harsh past. And we are worried and ask: Where is all of us going? And to move all of mankind? And where does the current broad road of scientific and political, stimpankovskogo progress? Yes .. It is – difficult questions … Stimpankovsky novel "Sadychiha" stebetsya on our own, and now bleeding, history, but he and comforts us in one – there are still people who are not indifferent to their surroundings … people who do not consume, and think … people who yearn for change. And it gives us hope. Yes! Our bloody era probably, from a historical view of aftershocks will be recognized as the most stupid and illogical for the entire period of human development. And we have nothing to say anything in his defense. We have lived and survived in this era … We broke from all sides, but we tried to preserve their human dignity. In the end, we are not ashamed of our past life. We have much to say for yourself. Let that go for us children to make their lives better than ours. Let them seek answers to their zhivotrepetnye issues in the new Russian novel "Sadychiha." Seek and ye shall find it!